This is probably one of the largest tasks I have taken on so far and what started out as looking up a reference, for a small article about the lies being told in Thursday's IICSA hearing, has now blown up into something that has made me 100% certain that a paedophile ring is in control of the government.
I have no quarms with stating categorically that ROYALTY, POLICE, JUDGES, COUNCIL STAFF, SOCIAL WORKERS, CARE-WORKERS are DIRECTLY involved in the systematic abuse of children all across the world.

UK Prime minister, Teresa May, has a, not so, hidden past that will leave you in no doubt that the current inquiry. No in-fact, any inquiry that is held in today's society is not only destined to fail. But also used against us and to benefit the abusers. Whether that be by Teresa May, when she broke the rules and dished out pay packages worth over £500 PER HOUR! All for her chums who she brought to the trough. This was made even more criminal when you consider that it was done under the government's austerity measures and then it just becomes a sick joke after that. Oh, you mean they didn't tell you that victims of the same inquiry were denied compensation? All due to the panel judging the girls to have been consenting to the rapes they were subjected to on a daily basis. Nothing right and certainly nothing honourable in the conduct of our Prime minister, Teresa May.
But this is the tip of the iceberg, folks. This is not only a look into the dark history of Teresa May's continuous cover ups, in every inquiry her dirty mittens have touched. This is also a look into how it came about that Teresa May was ever appointed to this position in the first place. Considering her Father was a Chaplain at the very same Diocese that is under investigation right this very minute, it seems a strange person to elect. The fact that Teresa May went to great lengths to delete her fathers on-line presence, after she herself "demanded" the initial inquiry into CSE within the church.
This was all to intriguing and I had to dig deeper...
Daddies little girl
Now I must not digress, as there is much to tell you and even though I am going to take you way back in time, you will see how relevant it is to our world today and in particular, how relevant it is to today's inquiry
(The Live stream link at the bottom of the page).
Hitler Air-force decimated the city of Sheffield, in what has been named "The Sheffield Blitz". This was classed as the worst nights of German Luftwaffe bombing in Sheffield, England, during the Second World War and it left many children orphaned and in need of shelter. After the last bomb was dropped and the dust had settled around the city. A total of 660 people were killed, 1,500 injured. Subsequently, this made 40,000 people from the city of Sheffield, homeless and desperate for human kindness.
And this is where the Anglican church stepped in to lend a (misguiding)hand. This is also where Teresa May's God-fearing father, Hubert Braiser, would come into direct contact with one of the UK's most prolific serial killer's, Dr Bodkin Adams.
The Community of the Resurrection & Hubert Brasier
Hubert was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he had no intentions of being bludgeoned by a German commoner. Conveniently, this was the exact same moment that the young Mr Brasier felt the touch of God and decided to become a priest, for the Anglican-Catholic Church. More specifically, for the Community of the Resurrection, in Mirfield, West Yorkshire.
The Church would be later be exposed in the first of many child-abuse scandals, involving the infamous Verona Brothers.
The seminary was owned by the Verona Fathers and was opened in 1960. The pair were devilishly enthusiastic and systematic in their campaign of child abuse. The evil-duo preyed upon the children in the seminary, throughout the 60's & 70's.
More interesting facts about the Ministry are that is was the home the Bronte Sisters and just down the road is the grave of Robin Hood. It is said he was poisoned by his Aunt and just before he died, he fired and arrow into the air and asked to be buried wherever it landed...
More interestingly though, is the fact that it was also home to Tommy Mair. The murderer of Labour MP, Jo Cox, who's husband has been allowed to leave his job at 'Save the Children', before being accused of sexual assault by two separate victims who worked for the charity. (Cough! MKUltra! Cough! Patsy!)
(Maybe this is where Oxfam got the idea from?).
It seems this proved to be a useful apprenticeship for the young Hubert and it would not be the only time he was linked to people with dark intentions. Not by a long shot...
Dr Bodkin & Brother Brasier
And this is where thing get really interesting...
Although many of the victims were abused on the grounds of the "The Community" and would have had no contact with Teresa May's Father, Hubert. He was said to have been very close to someone who many would consider to be the Original Harold Shipman...
Adam Bodkin was a Doctor at Eastbourne Hospital and it was here that he would carry out more than 165 murders in a way that we can now refer to as "Doing a Harold Shipman". Dr Bodkin would prey on the elderly and alter their will before injecting them and later declaring them dead from "natural causes". (Straight after their health takes a sudden plummet, 6ft under...)

The eventual arrest of Adam Bodkin, led to one of the most blatant miscarriages of justice in UK history after what went on at Eastbourne Hospital. One of the reasons for this obvious facade, was the fact that the NHS had only just been established and this kind of scandal could kill the cash cow that suckled the teat of the pharmaceutical drug industry.£$£$£$
In 1961, Bodkins did indeed get away with murder and astonishingly the only punishment he received was to be struck from the NHS register. Oh yes, he also had to confess to Brother Brasier...
Adam Bodkin was later reinstated by the NHS, in 1961.
After this, Hubert Brasier's carreer just seemed to cement itself in the Chichester Diocese, where he continued up until 1990. In the time-frame of Mr Brasier's employment, he would oversee the crimes of the following perpetrators:
- Canon Gordon Rideout - 10-years sentence. 36 offenses. 16 victims. 1962-1973
- Peter Ball - 32 months sentence. 18 victims. 1977-1992(Further charges of indecently assaulting two boys, aged 13 and 15.
- Keith Wilke Denford - 18 months sentence. 2 victims. 1987-1990(Keith was acquitted of abusing a 3rd boy)
- Michael Mytton - 9 month sentence(suspended for 2 years). 2 victims. 3 charges. 1985-1990(Also had previous conviction for assaulting a 12-year-old boy)
- Vickery House - 6.5 year sentence. Multiple victims. 1977-1992.
- Colin Prichard(Now known as Ifor Whittaker) - 16 year sentence. Was an accomplice of Roy Cotton. Previously convicted in 2008 of abusing 2 boys and was jailed for 5 years. Convicted again in 2018 for the sustained abuse carried out on one victim since he was 10-years-old.
- Roy Cotton - Never convicted(Died 2006). Multiple victims. First accused in 1954 and accusations persisted throughout his whole career. It was known to the Bishop(Chichester Diocese), who had also saw fit to appoint his own wife, Janet Hinde, as safeguarding officer for the Diocese. Although various members of the clergy knew that Roy had withheld evidence and also knew about his previous convictions. None of this info was forwarded to the police, while they were trying to investigate complaints against Roy Cotton. The hierarchy within the church even saw fit to give Roy Cotton permission to officiate.(Video below - 44mins40secs), allowing him to conduct his own services. Worse still, the Church that Roy was to be employed at was connected to a school full of children and in the words of RH(Lord) Rev Nicholas Reade, in last Thursday's IICSA hearing
"I don't think he went into the school... We had set restrictions and he wasn't allowed. There were no children in his congregation and we simply didn't see that there was any danger. He was a man of the church and I took him on his word"!%20IICSA%20Diocese%20of%20Chichester%20case%20study%20-%20Public%20Hearing%2015th%20March%202018%20-%20YouTube.png)
This lying piece of shit has been helping to cover this up, since the very beginning.
For absolute proof of this, please go to 1hr41mins.
(Or 1hr55mins for short version. Your welcome 😇)
Now let's get back to the Brasier Family and find out what Teresa managed to learn from her old-man.
Hubert Brasier was made a deacon in 1942 and ordained at Southwark Cathedral in 1943. He was curate of St Andrew’s Catford from 1942, then of St Luke’s Reigate from 1948. In 1953, he became chaplain of All Saints’ Hospital in Eastbourne, where May was born. He became vicar of Enstone (with Heythrop from 1964) in 1959 and finally of St Mary the Virgin, Wheatley, to the east of Oxford, from 1970. As Vicar of Wheatley, May wrote a short guide to the parish church.
Brasier died in 1981 following a car accident on the A40
As we know, Teresa may made herself a career in politics and after being made Home Secretary, she decided to make her mark.
Theresa May set up the inquiry in 2014 in response to allegations of child sex abuse at institutions ranging from the BBC to children’s homes, but it has been riddled with controversy from the start.
Mrs May was responsible for breaking the rules when as Home Secretary she set the daily rates for panel members at a generous £565 a day. And Mrs Rudd breached them again in August last year when she appointed Professor Alexis Jay on a £220,000 package.
…differentiates between consent ‘in fact’ and consent as stated by the law… In the case of the young person that applied for compensation, [it] was denied because CICA stated that ‘In [the claimant’s] case it appears she willingly entered into a sexual relationship with [the] alleged offender’… We are very worried that CICA’s policy goes against consideration of consent in law…
The evidence in the documents clearly answered the question Butler-Sloss had been forced to duck: had these children been abused ? The papers showed that the children had long histories of involvement with social services and painstakingly documented injuries. In many cases a convicted paedophile was living in their houses, and many had made very convincing disclosures of sexual activity with adults.
Sir Michael Havers was appointed as Attorney General by Margaret Thatcher in 1979, and was made Baron Havers in 1987. He intervened three times between 1981 and 1983 to stop the investigation and exposure of Establishment paedophiles, and to prevent the publication of stories which showed that Establishment figures were members of the Paedophile Information Exchange. It seems at the very least deeply inappropriate to have someone heading a ‘historic’ child abuse inquiry whose own brother played such a major role in the protection of Establishment paedophiles throughout the 1980s.
Lord Carey has now left his last remaining formal role in the church. He was criticised in an independent review of the church’s handling of abuse carried out by Bishop Peter Ball. In 2015, Peter Ball, the former Bishop of Lewes and Gloucester from Somerset, was jailed for 32 months for sexually abusing boys and young men.
According to the report, Ball intimated “on many occasions, to Lord Carey and others, that he enjoys the status of confidant of the Prince of Wales” and “sought to exploit his contact with members of the royal family in order to bolster his position”.
I wonder how much these four know about child abuse in Islington?…what went on in Islington under their watch is the big elephant in the room. Born in London to Jamaican immigrants, Miss Abbott read history at Cambridge University before becoming an administration trainee at the Home Office. She worked as a race relations officer for the national Council for Civil Liberties before moving into the media, joining Thames Television and later TV-am.
Unfortunately for the two secretaries of state though, a disgruntled Fashanu supposedly decided to “blow the lid,” threatening to “bring down the government” by leaking evidence of these affairs to the Daily Express. When MI5 allegedly threatened Fashanu, Tory MP Stephen Milligan, a part-time journalist, is said to have weighed in on the footballer’s behalf on a mission to get to the bottom of it all and “clean up the Tory party.” Within days, however, Milligan was found hanged in his London flat, naked, with an orange in his mouth in an apparent suicide, made to look like he was a sexual deviant. Fashanu was swiftly sacked by his football club and got on the first flight to the United States. Several years later Fashanu was also tragically found hanged, this time in a garage in Shoreditch, London.
And I think we have all had quite enough now. I will leave you all to peruse through the links that raise an eyebrow. Thank you very much for those who bothered to read all of this. It is a bit of a beast but how could I leave any of it out!
Thank you all and please give an up-vote and a re-steem if you enjoyed the content of this post. It really is appreciated and a comment or two would be awesome too. It's always good to know if the message has been presented in a way that is digestible for the reader, so feel free to leave any critique you want to.
For now I will say PTYAY as always and I will be seeing you around. Please come say hi on discord. I'm on there under the name "Rebel-Dan".
winning the #minnowmondays competition she had organised. That means a heck of a lot and it seems good times are ahead(Just as long as my eyeballs can stay focused 😵)
Big thanks to @soundwavesphoton for designing this cool new @article61 poster. I blooming love it!
Also big thanks to @amariespeaks for offering to sponsor me for the @steembasicincome project, after
Thanks go out to @minnowsupport for all their help too. Been a great move getting involved as the community behind it are wonderful and have the best intentions.
All views and comments in this article are my own. I take full responsibility for the content within.
Other Pictures Sourced from:
Teresa May Inquiry failure
Teresa May with Mum and Dad
Sheffield City bombed to shit
Community of the resurrection
Mugshot Clergy
Just the fact that pedophilia in the governing class is rampant and a recurring theme for decades worldwide it makes one wonder if there is actually more going on than mere psychopathy. The evidence suggests something much darker than we could even believe in our worst nightmares.
I daren't look that deep as I think I know what you mean. I have to share your concerns too. It seems to be a necessity for them to abuse children. They are certainly powerful enough to do this to adults but their gratification seems to need a paedophile element. Very concerning and the Police should hang their heads in shame at letting it get this bad. Thanks for the support
Well, I'm afraid that the police can't do much about it. They get silenced, loose their jobs or their lives if they stick their nose too deep into the shit. Not even Ted Gunderson could get very far. They are sitting on the very top...
It can only be that. They threaten and hold us all to ransom but could you look yourself in the eye knowing you're not doing the job you're supposed to? I know of a few coppers who are starting to make waves but who knows. Like you say, they hold all the aces...
You also have to consider that they have an entrance exam for cops. Which ones qualify? The free thinkers? Or the hard-nosed do-gooders who love to follow orders, no matter if they make sense or not?
i wish i could upvote this 1000x. This disgusting truth is too hard for many to swallow. I've fallen into this rabbit hole in the US and of course you end up seeing its a global operation.. and growing.
I had to comment before I finished because this subject is dire..I'm surprised there arent more comments lol but I don't know a lot on the UK side so this is great! Going back to read it now
Hi chuck. Yes, you're not wrong, this world is run by the worst of the worst by the looks of things. I think the size of the article tends to scare most off from reading but I am incapable of doing short articles on this subject. The US isn't doing to well either, you're right. Dirty Uncle Joe Biden makes me want to buy a large mallet and a spade... Maybe another Guy Faulkes will come along and reduce their numbers a little...
lol this is definitely not a short-post topic. At least we are doing our part by trying to raise awareness to this crap.
Runs so deep and has for so long. These are the evilest of evils. That is what the world is up against. Keep shining that light!
Burning bright and sticking it in their faces Vickie :)
It's really disgusting what is going on. This is not something new, but something that has been buried for a long time and is finally coming to light. It's like lifting a clump of leaves and the stench of rot underneath is almost overwhelming. @ironshield
So true...
We are seeing exactly what they have been getting away with forever. We are just evolving and we have grown out of this oppressive system. Too intelligent to be caged now and it will probably lead to trouble if we don't tread carefully. They just like to divide us and stop us joining together. Sad how people don't see how we are played against one another. Cheers for the comment, bud. Appreciated.
I have zero doubt that there Peadophile rings in all establishments in the UK.
The sad thing is so intergerted and deep in the workings of the UK that I feel it will never come to ahead.
I don't oftem have pallatable words for May myself but I do think she would try and stop such vile behaviour by the Church even if her fathers.
I truely fear the Telford Rapists doesn't even touch tbe sides of whats been hidden.
Interesting article!
I just get the feeling that they have all been compromised in one way or another. Psychopaths have an advantage in our society and they have been allowed to get into high places. I think it is these people who are turning the screw. 4% of the population are clinically classified as Psychopaths (although no diagnosed) So it kind of fits the mould of the pyramid society we have. A world in their image, kind of thing. The Telford scandal does look bad indeed. Another in the long line... Not sure how the police can hold there heads up after this. Just keep chipping away and try to live life in the mean-time. Thanks for the comment and glad you enjoyed the article. I had never heard of Adam Bodkin until 2 night ago. What a bell-end that bloke was. And they reinstated him! Mad mad world...
at your request.This post have been Resteem by @freeservice
Great work exposing the pedophile rings in the UK!
I just wrote an article on how we take down the globalist pedocracy on my blog: @c-change. This topic is not going away until the pedocracy falls.
Thanks bud. You're damn right it ain't! Gonna take something just as big to stop this shit-train... Thanks for the support buddy
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