The wilds look good in the forest and children on their mothers' lap
It is horrible to imagine that govt helps systematically to kidnap babies from their mother's lap. I was searching on youtube while you and @markwhittam were presenting the project in mumble hangouts. Youtube suggestions when I wrote "CPS" come with "CPS Corruption" "CPS Harassment" and so on.
When I tell my western friends about street children, They get shocked because it is rare case in most developed countries. Same, I was shocked when I heard kids systematically get kidnapped there. They are doing evil things when parents still exist in the world and want their kids with them. My opinion is to find some other cases too so the agency morally become weak. Their functions should be limited with documents and other legal work for children rights.
May be we can introduce "Family Protection Services" (FPS ) which will have similar strengths as the CPS with resource people and help families to get back their kids.
We can also focus on other causes "Why we are against CPS" .So they can't say we are just a emotional group of people but with evidence and proof that they are illegal. And country law should be changed which facilitate the CPS. I will keep my 100 % support with @familyprotection also will share the cause with my youth networks I am involved in.