Wow, I am tearing up.
They have caused your daughter trauma. And I know how trauma can cause PTSD/CPTSD. I live with it every day. If you were in the military, I am assuming you have experienced trauma as well. No child should have to live trauma. This is so upsetting to read. They claim to do legal things, but what they did is clearly IMMORAL.
Here we have La DPJ. I forget what the letters stand for, but it's Quebec's equivalent. They have done good when children were being abused, but they have also done corrupt things. My biggest fear is to be accused of being unfit as a (step)mother due to my illness and having a child taken from me.
I hope you will be able to find the healing you need and that your daughter will too.
We're waiting for something similar to happen one day as our 6 year old daughter hasn't been immunized for everything they demand ad hoc as they go. We were stripped of our family tax rebates years ago to the tune of about 7k AUD and have to keep signing special forms because we had an issue with just two of the number of mandatory vaccines at the time. One of them being chicken pox. The other being MMR, which we tried to get done individually with time between, but nobody wanted to help us or make an exception. Huge runaround and a "do it or else!" threat despite sympathetic doctors making the effort to help us and being told to stuff off themselves by our health care system and hospitals.
We expect to get a knock on the door one day or at least a really threatening letter saying we're delinquent parents or worse. Keep your chin up.
Whose business is it to know or not know whether or not a your child has been vaccinated? No one will know these things about my kids when I have them, except for me and my husband. We will make decisions together. I suppose people talk and if someone just doesn't like you, then they complain about you.
I hope it won't happen again, that you get that knock on the door. Hopefully the worst is over.
There's a registry for immunisations in Australia and they've begun to punish families not 100% compliant.
That's terrible. They should not have the power to decide what people must or must not intake, ingest, or inject into their bodies. Your body, your decision. As a parent, your right to choose for your child.
Thank you for caring and supporting binkyprod. I did not put it in the main post but it is in a comment that i do suffer from PTSD that i have from being in combat while fighting for my country. The same country that did this to me and my family. The absolute most infuriating thing to me was when they actually had the audacity to try and use my PTSD against me and say that it made me dangerous and unfit to parent. What they were really doing was laying foundation to refer me to more groups, classes, counseling and any other government funded type of bullshit that could benefit from it and add another bogus statistic to their numbers to try and justify their self serving existence. Thats how they work. Please be proactive binkyprod. Use this time wisely to research and inform yourself of your rights as a person and a parent. I wish i could be more helpful but, I know nothing of Canadian family law or Canadian citizens rights. I would recommend that you find the best local family law attorney and introduce yourself. Consider giving a small retainer in case anything ever happens, then he will be there for you. Dont forget that they use court process against you. The day after they take your child (which is usually done late in the day or at night) you have a court hearing. They do this because they know that it is virtually impossible to get private representation with twelve hours notice and you will be forced to use court appointed representation that will pretty much just go along with whatever the court wants. Avoid this by doing the leg work now.
I thank you for your kind words and i wish you the best also. I will pray for your recovery from mentioned illness. God bless you and yours binkyprod
Thank you! I'll keep all this in mind for when I am ready to have a child. We've already begun other types of preparations. I know that each province has their set of laws that are different from other provinces. I will research as you suggest. I already have a consulted a lawyer about other things, so either he'll be able to advise me to refer me to someone who'll be able to advise me.
And I'll pray for your recovery too :) Blessed be!