I just found this article. I wish I would have seen it earlier. This is very good information. I am a teacher and there are times when CPS becomes involved with the children in our class. There can be such a fine line between perception and reality when it comes to what is happening with children at home. I feel as though you need to be very careful when it comes to allegations and statements about the treatment of a child. I have heard cases where a teacher heard something from a student and based on that information immediately got CPS involved. It turned out that the claims were exaggerated and ultimately unfounded but the horror that those parents must have gone through dealing with this must have been excruciating.
The safety of our children has to be first and foremost but at the same time, there needs to be some validation of what is happening before accusations are thrown out there. Once they have been made then no matter what there will always be the perception by some people that will never change. Also, once you are on CPS's radar then you could have continued issues in the future.
Like I said, it is a very fine line.