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RE: The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part III)

in #familyprotection7 years ago

" FACT: ...... The CFCSA has a clause which protects Social Workers.
No matter what they do, no matter how wrong and harmful,
they cannot be held responsible for the damage.
All they have to say is that they believed they were acting in the child's best interest,
and POOF! -- The charges of wrongdoing disappear."

The Nazi soldiers had a similar mindset during and leading up to WWII, that no how horrible the actions they did, they wouldn't be held accountable... The evidence blatantly showed that when people have this dangerous mindset (auto immunity) they tend to do far worse things then that would have otherwise done, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is also true with many CPS employees.