Every kid in my family sleeps with their parents. I was the LAST kid, my parents, no kid came along AFTER me to kick me out of my parents bed. In my family that is the way it works, usually the kid sleeps with his/her parents until another kid/ baby comes along & kicks him out. It has been this way not just with my family, but it seems to be the way most of my cousins, nieces, nephews are also raising their kids. In fact I'd say about at least 70% of the CLOSE - life long family friends that not just me, but my extended family has- all raise their kids this way.
After a few years- the MEN USUALLY start ASKING - are the kids Sleeping in their OWN beds tonight?
There is NOTHING WRONG with this sleeping arraignment for normal, healthy well functioning people.
I will say HOWEVER- that recently, in the past few years, I have noticed a few casual acquaintances (NOT FAMILY- NOT FRIENDS) stupid women, mention how they have their NEW boyfriends sleeping in bed with them & their kids. A BIG RED FLAG NO NO NO!
I read numerous times over the years SIDS is yet another effect of Infants Getting VACCINES.
At what AGE a child should be sleeping in their own bed is a valid question. But to suggest that Newborn infants or toddlers still in diapers, should be SEPARATED from the loving human contact of their MOTHER and off in a DIFFERENT room, is promoted by the Government because an Infant & Toddler that lacks motherly love & contact will grow up to be a Mal-Adjusted person - MORE Easy for the Government to CONTROL.
Yup, it's pretty normal for many. Thanks for the feedback.