I know what you mean. But it is such a difficult situation. Whether these new parents know it or not, and they probably don't, they are part of a child trafficking ring. They are guilty of at least not asking enough questions and not digging deeper to confirm that child was not stolen.
The problem in this world though, is that most people don't even know that there is a question to ask!
They would never suspect that our governments are involved in such horrors against children.
When you are right in the middle of a situation like this, it would be very, very hard not to blame the new adoptive parents. I posted a story that my good friend, Anna, experienced with her friend, Tammy. Anna was Tammy's midwife and knew the birthmark. Tammy's baby was stolen and then adopted to a new woman. Anna later met the girl and new mother, and had the new mother tell her that the girl's mother, "Doesn't care. Never did!" -- Needless to say, Anna was furious and told that child right then and there the truth about how much her REAL mother loved her more than life itself! She was SO ANGRY that this woman could not only believe that but also say it right in front of the precious child. What a horrible thing to make a child think that her parents never cared!
Read the story here: https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@canadian-coconut/when-kidnapped-children-get-adopted-familyprotection-series-tammy-s-story
That story would wake me up in tears after I posted it. It is so tragic on so many levels. And yes, it is tragic for the adoptive parents too. I admit that I cringed when Anna told me that part as I felt that it might be too harsh on the adoptive mother. Yet I can not deny that it is true. It is true! She is housing a stolen child and believed the kidnappers made up story about where the baby came from. And probably clung to that story for her own personal reasons -- but not because of the best interest of the child.
I truly believe this is more frequently said to a child as anyone will ever believe. What I simply do not understand is why CPS/the government does not show up in real bad cases (force the child to stay) and in normal, loving cases interfere. Also I notice around me frequently this happens to single moms or unmarried couples. I will read the post now. Thanks for sharing it.