Always Be Prepared For The Worst - Never Assume Full Safety



So you think you’re safe? Well think again. No one is exempt from being a victim of maltreatment and abuse from the government and their agencies. Do you have children? Do you homeschool? Do you refuse vaccinations? If you answered yes to any of the above questions please keep reading.

When you hear horrific news about what’s going on in different states and countries regarding families and parental rights you may think to yourself “wow I am so glad we don’t have to deal with that, I’m so glad we’re not facing that where we live.” Let me warn you that is not safe thinking. Laws, rules, regulations, policies, guidelines, protocols, agreements, commands, proclamations and practices are changing rapidly everywhere. Countries and states get ideas from one another and seem to be adapting to the same approaches as we speak. Just because a certain law is not yet in your area, doesn’t mean it won’t ever be. We can’t live thinking “we are safe” when in fact the government seems to be cracking down more and more on our rights and freedom to take full control as parents.



It saddens me when people get offended by the truth. I have a good friend that was upset with me for trying to enlighten/awaken people to the fact that you can’t believe everything you see on the local news. The government uses scare tactics to place fear into the hearts and minds of the masses and then uses that to try to get their way. Look at what CPS (child protective services) does to families. They place threats and give warnings to put fear into the parents so that they will let them into their homes and turn their children over to the state. All I did was share the truth that the government is not your friend. All of these programs they offer to assist you is their door into your life, into your business where they can keep tabs on you and track everything you do. So in return for their help, you have less privacy.




Right now the state I live in doesn’t require we register our homeschool but it’s optional. We have never and will never do this because we don’t want the fact that we homeschool on any public records. It is legal to homeschool as long as we are getting the amount of required hours in of education and we keep track of those hours. We don’t live as if this will always be okay. We are already looking into other countries we can flee to if for some reason we are threatened and the safety of our children is at risk. We have in mind “”we will flee country to country as the laws change and keep moving where we are safe and free to teach our children.”

Lately it just seems that with the cracking down on parental rights pretty soon no country will be safe. It’s a scary thought but I believe one day we will see families going underground just to keep their children and protect their rights to make decisions. So plan ahead for plan B because you don’t know how soon the laws will change where you live.




Right now where we live we have the right to refuse vaccinations. However the heat is hot when you go to a doctor’s office or a hospital and tell them you do not vaccinate. They literally look at you like you’re from another planet. We have heard many of stories about children being taken from their parents that do not vaccinate and put into foster care. Parents are accused of neglect, maltreatment and not loving their kids when they don’t let them get vaccinated.

We took all of this information that we learned and put it into action. We left our previous pediatrician when he made a statement to us that he really shouldn’t be seeing us since we don’t vaccinate. But because he liked our family so much he decided to keep accepting us. We took that as a warning to get out because we knew he didn’t support or agree with our decisions. We searched and found a doctor whom not only is a Christian as we are but he doesn’t pressure us to vaccinate. He believes this should be the parents choice not the medical professionals. He also gives us alternative medicine options when we visit him because he knows we love natural remedies. So if you can afford it, transfer to an alternative or homeopathic doctor that practices Natural medicine. Or you can do as we did and find a doctor that will support your decisions not to vaccinate. Take action and protect yourselves. It goes on record when you refuse vaccinations. They know which families vaccinate and which ones don’t. We received a warning friendly reminder from the state that our children are past due for their routine shots. It explained how important it is to stay on top of these shots to keep our children safe from disease. That letter confirmed to us back then “they are watching and keeping track”.



Be Careful of Who you trust and share sensitive information with:

Most of our family and our close friends know of our situation. They know our children are educated at home and not one of them has ever seen nor been touched by a vaccinated needle. However we stay mindful of who we allow to know this information. For instance if we just meet someone, this type of information we don’t share right off. We have to really know and trust that person to be sure our personal choices will remain safe. In a lot of cases when someone makes a call to CPS and information is leaked about a family it was someone they knew or lived close to that were keeping tabs on them. You just always need to be aware of who you’re dealing with and play it safe. With the way things are going now there’s really no such thing as being too precautious or being too safe.

I wanted to make this post as a heads up to always be prepared for the worse and NEVER assume that disaster will not hit your hometown. My husband and I have close friends right now that are so clueless to what is really going on. They think we are extreme and over reacting when it comes to sensitive issues as these. It makes me worry about them because if/when disaster really hits our area what will they do? What plans will they be able to come up with at the last minute? How will they be able to protect their children under pressure? When I say disaster I am referring to when families like ours that homeschool and are non-vaccinated are really targeted and hit hard when the laws change. We have to be prepared to act fast if we want to keep our families safe and together.

The stories that have been shared under the @familyprotection tag can happen to anyone and anywhere. We always need to be prepared to make tough decisions and fight for the right to govern our homes according to how we feel they should be not how any government feels they should be.

Thank you for reading and I hope you take these things into consideration. Plan ahead now for the worse so you will not find yourself vulnerable and helpless when the laws you live by change dramatically right before your eyes.

Please support @familyprotection because...





Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Thank-you @crosheille for supporting @familyprotection

Thank you @crosheille

You make some very valid points in this post, it's not about being scared, just that we should be aware.

In a lot of cases when someone makes a call to CPS and information is leaked about a family it was someone they knew or lived close to that were keeping tabs on them.

This has to be one of the main reasons cps get called, it's so easy from the outside looking in to make judgments, people convince themselves, they add 1 and 1 and often come up with 0 and we all know what happens next.

Absolutely Mark!! It’s all about being aware and prepared and not to assume the worst could never happen to you. I think we get so comfortable in our homes and going about with our personal lives that we forget we are still apart of a bigger world with rules. Those rules can and will sometimes catch up with us and our little worlds are shattered. We just have to live ready for whatever may hit us.

I truly believe it is one of the main reasons CPS gets called too. We live in a world of assumptions and because of it many families get burned. Thanks so much for your reply @markwhittam!

Great post! Thanks for sharing the truth and spreading awareness! Much appreciated! It is very unfortunate that so many people are offended by the truth. I, too, have some friends and family members that are not open to hearing the truth.

Absolutely! Thank you @sburton! I have come across sooooo many people that just refuse to hear the truth. It’s like they know things don’t add up and something isn’t right but yet they stray away from the truth. It’s very unfortunate for them but I am so glad to be awake and aware

We have some family too that are not open.

we have to start from knowing our rights to leave that security that in many cases is an illusion

Exactly! Thanks for commenting :)

I think that the problem of family protection is everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, the country in which I live, I have very poor health, and I can say that doctors do not want to comment on their decisions. they think that they all know and do not sin ... They just want to protect themselves.

I totally agree with you that the problem with family protection is everywhere in the world. There are just different levels of it from location to location. Some countries are more stricter than others and are cracking down very hard on these families.

I believe a lot of medical professionals are ignorant and are just doing as they are told. However I believe some of them do know the truth and don’t take their own advice or practice what they teach for their own families.

Thanks so much for commenting.

Thank you for resteeming this post @itaka it is most appreciated.

thank you.

You're right about everything. In Russia, many parents do not vaccinate children. I believe, that this is a personal matter for everyone and I do not want to discuss whether it is right or not. However, because of this parents have a problem with doctors (very similar to what you wrote), the child can not take in a kindergarten and as a last resort, the child may take away from the family, because the family does not care about his health. What nonsense is this??? It's outrageous.

Yes it’s very sad @naditinkoff. It is a personal matter and the choice should be in the hands of the parents but unfortunately that is not the case. This is one of the very reasons we children would not be allowed into a public school anyway because we don’t vaccinate. In my opinion a caring parent does their research and makes the best possible decisions to protect their children. Sadly if that decision doesn’t line up with what the government says then you are a child abuser. 🤷🏽‍♀️

It is sure encouraging to see that others are awake and not afraid to speak their truth.
Just keep working on those close friends.....they may need to awakened slowly!

Thank you so much @brimax! That’s one of the things I love about this plattform is meeting so many different people that are aware and spreading awareness. I am so thankful to be awake and aware.

Yes we definitely will keep working on them and just sharing the knowledge we have gained. It’s so hard when they trust the government so much. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Keep spreading the word!

Will do! Thank you for the encouragement! 😊

Nice hook you had me right at the start with 'are you and on vaccinating homeschooler?...' Check and check. Really important mission right now thanks for sharing truth.

Thank you @mythosacademy! I’m so glad you found and read my post :) This really is an important mission right now.

anyone that goes against the "norm" that the government wants will be meet with the force of the beast. They will threaten you with removal of your children, jail, loss of your job, home, and all of your possessions. Even freeze your bank accounts. And much more. The fight is real and the more people that know it the better chances we stand when going against them.

True and factual statements you have made in this comment! Sadly but true they will go through all of these extremes to get their way. I am so grateful for this knowledgeable community working together to get the truth heard. We are stronger in numbers!! Thanks so much for commenting.

I agree with your post! It is important that you keep the circle of people who know about your dealings small. If members of my family do not agree with our certain decisions, we do not tell them what we are doing in that area. We have very few people (mostly like-minded friends) who actually know most of the information you've listed here - not even family knows because they don't agree with what we do or don't do. Crazy. Come to Panama!! :) We hope that Panama will continue to let us homeschool as expats. It isn't up for question now (in Costa Rica, it is illegal to homeschool). Panama likes to start enforcing laws that it hasn't in the past at random (like border crossings to restart your visitor visa - that recently was stopped and required a 30 day trip home before it could be renewed when before you could just cross over the CR border to get a new stamp). No country is perfect or safe I guess...and going underground may be the future answer. Scary. I know not what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.

Amen! That last statement you made gave me chills!! Seriously when all is at doubt we know who has the final say!!! That is exactly how we handle things. Our family and friends that don’t agree with or understand what we do, we don’t let into our business or keep them posted of our plans. We only have a few like-minded friends in this area as well. Oh trust me Panama is on our getaway list!! 😃 I hope they continue to let you homeschool too! I hope it doesn’t come down to us having to go underground but it’s getting crazy out here. 😕

A great "heads-up" post for families. Thanks....resteemed! No family is above and safe from attack. (except for the extremely wealthy of course) :(

Thank you for reading and for your support @vickiebarker! You are absolutely right! No family is and for that very reason every family should be aware and prepared.

This is excellent information, @crosheille. A lot of people get offended when you aren’t doing things “the normal way”, and they act just like crabs in a barrel. I will definitely be watchful once we have kids because things are SO scary nowadays.

I’m so glad you found this informative. Thank you for reading and commenting. They really are scary these days. You can never be to cautious or too prepared when you have children.

I came from a family that is very trusting of the system. It makes no sense to them when we show caution and concern regarding these things.

There is a philosophy that is diametrically opposed to our family's way of thinking. It's not pleasant to think that my family has enemies (not even people we know or have met) but the reality is, by our way of life and thoughts processes, we are target.

I don't think we are extreme, I think too many people have succumbed to the Zeitgeist that we just look extreme by comparison.


I fully agree with you @ironshield. I don’t think we are extreme either. I don’t understand why some people choose to pretend there are not dangers to be cautious of. It seems they want to stay in the dark and not know about what’s really going on. Thank you for commenting and adding your thoughts!

Thanks for sharing, most things are so simple that they are overlooked. It's unfortunate to see so many misplace their trust, and believe that they will be taken care of.

Thank you for reading. It is very unfortunate the type of trust people have in such a corrupted and twisted system. We have truly been lied to and brain washed.

It feels like we have come to the where we constantly have to be on our guard about who we talk to, rather like the stories you hear coming from the communist dictatorships of Russia and China.

That is exactly it! We really have to be on guard at all times.

family protection first all over...
i love so much my sweet lovely on an only happy family....Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post....
Carry on next
Best of luck..
I will still wait for your next post....

Similar to what I go by...have low expectations.. then you will get what you thought or better :)