
And maybe we could help supplement the costs of good people who are Guardian Ad Litems in Provinces/States that do it that way, so that they can afford to give their time to this cause.In BC, Canada children DO get their own lawyer. Although the small article I read seemed to indicate that not all children get one becaude of lack of funding. In Anna's experience, the assigned lawyer worked WITH the Social Services/CPS system. If the parents can choose their own lawyer, and if the lawyer acting as a Guardian ad Litem really has a lot of pull with the Judge, than maybe @familyprotection funds would be better served in helping parents hire a lawyer for their child, moreso than a lawyer for themselves.

... anyways, you have got my brain juices flowing. Thanks!

that is an awesome idea. I can say that my attorney once he became my G.A.L. things between us changed. I was very lucky to have him on my side, as many children are not so lucky.