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RE: Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part IV)

Apologizing after causing so much pain and suffering is totally worthless.

We urgently need to change how the social services system works, otherwise this will keep happening over and over again.

The problem with the state, is that it’s easy for it to get bigger, the difficult and challenging thing is to make it smaller.

That’s why our efforts should always be oriented to make government smaller.


There are some many type of atrocities around the world but this one is unforgiveable. reading through this breaks my heart. But then questions keep coming to my mind... how long has this been happening? If this government or the agencies of setan has descided to be heartless. Are their no NGO agencies fighting for this? maybe mass movement...Just wish i could kick some ass............thank you @canadia-coconut for speaking out loud and giving others courage to speak out loud too i know someday some how this would change.