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RE: [FamilyProtection] The Irony: Criminals More Constitutionally Protected Than Parents

The system is quite horrifying, and the stories abound of abuses and the nanny state taking over when they disagree with parenting decisions. While it is true that none want children to be abused, it is not just to strike out at parents and families in the name of prevention when no risk factor or abuse is at hand. Or risk factors are created based on some Utopian idea where no incident is allowed. A child forgets its mittens and instead of learning, the bus driver turns in the parents for neglect. A child goes outside and jumps on their bike without a helmet, and some nosy neighbor calls CPS. We've had several homeschooling friends whose children went outside to play for a break from studies only to be turned in to CPS by neighbors who disagree with homeschooling and claimed that the children were not being supervised, even though they were playing in their own yard. The result... many of us hide. We avoid exposure where these useless, hyper reactive good for nothing alarmists can file reports. We find ourselves keeping to the shadows as if we were criminals so that we don't have to face the potential corruption and overreach of a broken system. There has to be a solution.


Thanks for this beautifully written comment. Indeed there has to be a solution, and there is a solution. It is a gradual process and it starts with us confidently standing for our own rights and avoid feeling feeble at the hands of the system. A weak man is easily tormented by this system. So @drwillwho, I would say the solution is unveiling already. Thanks so much.