im really happy you are taking this idea forward! I think your flyer is great, and it really doesn't need to look overly professional.. its eye catching and really gets the message across.. Its great that all anyone has to do is pop a stamp on and send it.. im SURE if enough people do this that the local powers will realise people care and are demanding action.. Power in numbers should not be underestimated!
The only thing i would add is a place for people to put their full name and maybe address and signature.. so its clear that these are from different people..
id be happy to advise you with the video too.. are you on mac or PC? I have used iMovie on Mac and it is REALLY easy to use..
Very best of luck with this initiative!!
Thanks Alex and I will be buying £20 worth of stamps to put on to them(Wouldn't want 60p to stand in the way) I will add a space for personal details to be added. That is a good suggestion, thanks.
I am on P.C. and it is running windows10 and I'm a goon when it comes to utilizing it's software. I mainly just bash the keys like a chimp and go from there...
Oh wow very cool that u pre stamp it! Perhaps do that And leave a bunch of photocopied (cheap) and unstamped also somewhere relevant.. e.g cheap supermarket notice boards, family planning clinics, etc
What kind of movie r u thinking? Do u have footage? Perhaps i can help u edit if u have some base film?
Haha! We think alike, tram/train/bus-stations are my favourite places to put flyers. Glad I found out how to refill the ink cartridges :)
I'm not sure yet, a narrative usually floats into my head and I build on that. The idea is the easy bit, it is the editing I struggle with. It would be awesome if I could give you a rough copy of something and you can put some magic on it. Still need to have an idea of what software to use, any ideas for windows10 movie editor? I know Pootube has one but I would rather not.
ok, this one is great for beginners
download it here
maybe try it out and see how it goes.. IF you are struggling you can just upload what you have to youtube so i can grab it and help....
This is the one I have on my PC and I really like it. You have to put up with a water-mark until you upgrade. Thinks it's reasonable price for what you get. Just wasn't sure if there was a free movie editor that I had missed. Happy to use this software. I will be in touch, buddy.