Hello my dear friends! I have never asked you to upvote my posts but today I am asking to do this and now I will explain to you why. Not so long ago I found out about @familyprotection, it is a community of wonderful people who help families all over the world. I think all of you know how many families were ruined because of child protective services. Not all parents are so terrible people, most of them love their children and take care of them but it does not matter for the representatives of CPS. Children is a business for them, they make money on innocent kids stealing them from families and ruining their lives and the lives of their parents this way. @familyprotection is a group of kind people who help families to unite. We can help @familyprotection ( and accordingly affected families and their children) by spreading out the information about horrible deeds the CPS commit and also with some money, and that is why I am asking to upvote this post. In 7 days I hope to get the rewards for it and I am going to give away all of them to @familyprotection. I ask my followers and other Steemians not to be indifferent and to support this wonderful community. Nothing can be more valuable in this life than children. Children is the main sense of our life, they are our future, they are born for love but not to suffer. I have already written in one of my posts that there are no other people`s children and the evil commited by child protective services is Our problem - Mine and Yours. It is impossible to mantain a happy and harmonious society without happy families. So let`s help parents to return their children because it is in our power to do it.
Today I would like to tell you a story that is a vivid example of how the representatives of child protective services ruin happy families.
A vacation in the Crimea turned into a drama for the Dost family from a Russian city Yekaterinburg. Father Oleg, mother Mary and little Belyana came to the peninsula in April 2015. The family stayed there for a long time as planned- they were sunbathing, swimming, walking. The parents decided that the sea air is better for a child than the Siberian frosts. But one day, the baby had food poisoning, she and her mother got to the hospital. A few days later, the representatives of child protective services broke into the hospital ward. The parents were kicked out of the hospital, and the one and a half-year-old child was left there.
(The Dost family)
The father of the family is telling: "My wife and I moved to the Crimea in spring. I have a small business in Yekaterinburg, so we can afford such lengthy travels.
Until July everything went well. We rented a two-room apartment in Simeiz, raised our child, walked, bathed, ate southern fruits. Everything was as usual.
- At first the spouse fell ill. She threw up for several days and had a fever. Later we found out that this happened because of the cherries, we bought at the market the day before. But at that moment we did not know this and gave the berries also to Belyana, and she fell ill soon too. Three days the baby was unwell, but we had no desire to get to the infectious disease hospital, we gave the child water to prevent dehydration and controlled the condition with test strips, now they can be bought at any pharmacy. It is always difficult for little children to cope with illness, and Belyana lost 1.5 kg of weight. Moreover, the heat was wild - 45 degrees in the shade. But on the third day my daughter was better. We even went for a walk to the beach in the evening. But we regret it because after that walk, she felt bad again."
After that the parents decided to go to the hospital. Mary and Belyana spent 7 days in a children`s hospital in Simferepol. The child felt good and there were no symptoms of stomach flu anymore but for some reason the doctors did not discharge the baby from hospital so the mother and the child stayed there.
On the 8-th day of staying in this clinic, the woman called to her husband, she was very alarmed. She told that the representatives of the guardianship authorities came to her ward. The man rushed to the hospital and saw a certain Zinovyev from the Juvenile Affairs Department of Yalta City Administration. That monster had already finished reading the decree on the seizure of the child. The girl was taken away allegedly on the basis of the fact that her weight was too low. The official accused the parents of not feeding the child. That day Oleg remembers with horror. His wife was crying, the baby was literally snatched from her hands and the parents were kicked out of the hospital by the police officers. Mary and Oleg ran to the prosecutor's office and police, wrote a statement. They began "to attack"the guardianship authorities and the hospital, where their daughter remained. They did not receive an answer to any of their questions.
The father is telling: "We did not understand at all where Belyana is and why we, her parents, do not have the right to even see her. The representatives of guardianship answered: "Do not worry, she is in one of the medical institutions." But how it was possible not to worry?!
Belyana was born prematurely, at 8 months old. However, this did not affect her development. Yes, she was small (Belyana`s weight was only 8 kilograms), fragile, but according to WHO the girl was absolutely healthy and developed within normal limits.
At the same time the couple found out that a criminal case had been opened against Mary, according to Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Failure to fulfill responsibilities for the upbringing of a minor".
Oleg is telling: "I and my wife were summoned for interrogations. We were asked: "What did you feed your daughter? Did you feed her regularly? But it is a nonsense. I am 49 years old and my wife is 38, we are adult serious people. Belyana is our first long-awaited child so we treated her like a princess. At the same time neither the representatives of child protective services nor the police gave us any documents stating that the child was taken away."
Only after the intervention of experienced lawyers the situation was moved off the dead centre. The lawyers found out where Belyana was all that time. It turned out that she spent the whole month in that Simferopol hospital in the ward for abandoned children. Thanks to the experienced lawyer the parents got the permission to see their daughter. At first they were allowed to come into the ward only at the time of visits, but later the woman was allowed to stay in hospital with her daughter.
The parents told that they found their baby in a terrible condition. She was very backward in development, she stopped talking at all, but immediately recognized Mom and Dad. It was such a stress for the baby. She was alone all days in her crib. Nobody walked with abandoned children. Moreover, Belyana was fed through a probe. It turned out to be a standard procedure for feeding the abandoned children there.
In addition, it turned out that the child was christened during that month. The nurse gave her parents a christening certificate, dated for some reason on May 1, 2015. That nurse was indicated in the certificate as the girl`s godmother.
Only after several court sessions in 4 months the parents could return their daughter home. In the court the representatives of child protective services could not present any evidence to charge the parents. The parents proved that their daughter is thin by nature. They showed photos on which it is evident that they were the same in childhood. It is great that the family had an opportunity to hire a good lawyer. But can you imagine what stress they experienced in those 4 months? The woman could neither eat, drink, nor sleep. And what stress it was for the baby - there is no loving mother nearby and only rude strangers around! I hope the number of such sad stories will decrease with time but only we can influence it.
And as always, I would like to thank @familyprotection, @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam who help mothers and their kids all over the world. I also want to say thank you to all kind Steemians who resteem my posts and this way spread the information contained in them throughout many countries.
Beautiful piece....well written...It seems like a case of genetics... Hopefully the child can grow strong and healthy and the family can get the support that they need
Thank you for your comment, I hope for this too.
We would keep saying it until we are, thanks so much to @familyprotection, who have become a voice to the voiceless
At the end Words can't Describe Feelings!
OMG - how terrible. Sounds as if the hospital had been infiltrated.....notifying Social Services if there was a "nice baby" to make some money from!