Humor dos help to digest the pill but it does not take away the problem for which you nailed. Yes it is all about money. Children are pawns. Lawyers and judges are the big chess movers. We see the same in the medical field and big pharma and insurance companies. Pharma lines the pockets of the doctors. They all work together to lift high their god of greed. In the meantime the child is helpless and forgotten in the wake of socialism and money. The whole system needs to be reformed and I am afraid if and when that happens it will just move closer to an impersonal socialistic system. That is what our youth are being taught. In the meantime we chissle out a few wins and hope an pray and pray more that a miracle with happen. The children need our help. The system is on life support and will require being changed at some point. We need to protect our children and set the example for them as they are our future. Thanks for sharing the humor and post.