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RE: The Parental Rights Amendment - Will This Really Protect Our Rights As Parents? Or Does It Hand Over Our Rights To The Federal Government?

Parental rights are a God given right. The should not be legislated by government. There is an all out war on against the family and the right to parent. Look in the media. Dads are made fun of, women are glorified and the government is the big step dad who will raise your kid with socialism. At what point will we stand up and say enough is enough. Privacy has been disrespected and the erosion of it continues. It saddens my heart and articles like this help to keep the issue in the open. Thanks for sharing.


I totally agree with you @enjoywithtroy! Our rights are God given and should not be tampered with or taken away by anyone. The family unit is made as a joke these days, the value of it is not honored as it should be. It does seem the roles of man and woman are changing. How many fathers are still the head of their homes? On TV they lie and say the women are in charge.

Thank you for taking the time to read and give your feedback on this. It is very sad the lies and trickery that are before us.

I recall the words of Leonard Henderson when he said

Families ARE the GENERAL INTEREST GROUP all the “special interest groups” want to knock chunks out of

This is what is increasingly dominating our society now. The call to Stand against this interest group is becoming louder, and many need to heed.

"They" look at it like this - you are born with the God given right to parent your children, but then you became a Citizen (synonym to Subject) and gave up those rights. If you do not like your 'fathers' house, then you are welcome to leave. I'm not arguing for or against, I just want people to realize 'why' Parental Rights are civil rights (granted privileges). Once people realize why it is they have the alleged 'legal' authority to whatever it is they want, then people can quit whacking at the limbs of liberty and head for the root.