The hint of the March spring was in the air with the anticipation of Easter break. Parents and children piled in to the amphitheater with anticipation and high hopes. Today was their day. Far too long had their voices been stifled by the system. Too many years had been wasted taking the abuse of the CPS foster care system. Yes today was their moment....their time to be heard. One by one select victims were chosen to share their story to the world in what was a three day long crusade to end the CPS Foster care tyranny. The keynote speaker to wrap up the event was Scott Allen Campbell.
"Three minutes Mr. Campbell."
"Thank you Gabe."
Gently closing a white bloodstained Bible given to him by his best friend Bob(see Scenario #3), he slowly walks still in prayer toward the stage.
"May I introduce to you Mr. Scott Campbell."
Scott moved toward the podium as the applause lasted for several minutes.
"Thank you. We are here today as a voice for the voiceless, as hope for those who feel hopeless and as a living testimony for those who have died in the grip of the CPS Foster care system. Their dreams and their tears live on in us. And through God's help we will overcome this tyranny. Through the wok of @familyprotection and other pro-family organizations, we have moved from discussion at the kitchen and internet to a world-wide crusade being aired globally today But it has not been an easy journey for any of us."
"Hey Bob this is your best friend, Scott on international programming."
" I see. I am so glad he discovered Jesus and took steps to change the direction of his life.
"Getting him out of the casino and into the hardware store and church paid off."
"I am just so proud of him for taking a stand and making something of himself."
The speech continues...
"You see folks I was one of those children. I grew up without a dad. You see my old man ditched us when I was 4. Mom...You may know her as Rebecca God rest her soul. Well she tried what she could giving music lessons and providing. One of the neighbors ratted some untruth and I was taken from mom. I started living with the Anderson's but went from foster care home to foster care home. I was sexually abused and got it trouble with the law. I served time and started hanging out in a casino. I tell you today it is because of my best friend , Bob offering me that job in the local mom and pop hardware store that I am here today. It is also because of Jesus and I thank Him every day."
Taking a pause from the applause.
"You see we need to stand for what is good and right. We need to spread the love of God and overcome the tyranny of evil...the injustice of the CPS and the war on families. Where there is evil we need to bring goodness and righteousness. Where there is injustice we need to bring pure and real justice to all. And where there is war we need to use the armor of God in bringing love. With God's help mountains become molehills and miracles Will happen. We will end the war on families and we WILL end the CPS.
Again applause broke out with a chant "END THE CPS. END THE CPS." Scott starts speaking.
" I believe we.."
A loud confusion overcomes the crowd. "OH my God what happened." As yells and screams bursts in the air. "Is he ok?" "Where did that sound come from?"
Three bullets ripped through the air hitting Scott directly. As he lay motionless in a pool of blood, his white stained Bible was resting not far from him in the crimson.
This is the fifth in a series of possible scenarios of the life of our lead character, Scott Allen Campbell. Scenario 1 showed Scott dead from getting caught up into the CPS system and his father, John Campbell visiting his grave. Scenario 2 offered a Scott in a prison after being tossed around by the CPS. Scott is visited by his mother, Rachel, for the last time and being disowned as a family member upon her death. Scenario 3 has Scott taken by the CPS and sexually abused by the system. He then goes out and sexually abuses others getting on the sex offender registry and facing the crossroads of his life. Scenario #4 we see Scott offered the invitation to join a church based support group especially designed for foster care/CPS victims. Scenario #5 shows Scott taking a job helping children and families and making a difference. I encourage you to read this back stories and blogs as they paint a picture of one person's reality with discussion following each story.
There is a beautiful but unintended progression to this series as shown below. We see a progression. Scott went from death as a victim of the system standing up and dying for victims of the system. There is a natural progression from Scenario 1 to Scenario 6 as shown below. it is a direction from life without meaning to life full of meaning....from meaningless death to death full of purpose and meaning.
Scenario #1 -Dead as a victim of the system
Scenario #2 - Imprisoned as a victim of the system
Scenario #3 - Sexually abused sex offender offered a new beginning
Scenario #4 - Offered a Church based Support group for foster car / CPS victims
Scenario #5 - Interviewed for a job helping children and families and make a difference
Scenario #6 - Dies for the cause of freedom and standing up against the CPS/foster care system
For those who have been faithful readers of the Scott Allen Campbell series, I personally thank you. Feel free to use these stories and catalog them as TOGETHER THEY TELL A LARGER STORY. There may be one or two more stories in this series yet to be written. I do not know.
The story of our lead character, Scott Campbell brings up several key points worth discussion.
First there is a spiritual element here. Scott believed in the freedom of families and children AND the end of the CPS foster care system, that he was willing to take bullets for it. Christ believes in us so much and want to protect us from sin that he took the cross for us. He died for us just like Scott died to save children. His love is that great and so was Scott's passion for standing up for those who are helpless and harmed with injustice.
What about you? What are you willing to do? Would you die so others may live? What kind of bullet would you take so folks can be spared the trauma and tyranny that is so epidemic across the world? There are many jobs and vacancies to fill in this war on the CPS. Feel free to contact @familyprotection, @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam for more info.
What does that mean? Please understand that the foster care CPS problem is a global epidemic and not just a local or national concern. It is part of and a tool of a bigger agenda by the shadow government elites Illuminati. It is one of many steps in their efforts to divide and conquer. They have many other tools in their tool box to use in their efforts of population control and manipulation. They have been at this for many centuries and are in no hurry. However they always succeed in their goals. I would encourage you to check out agenda 21 and agenda 2030 to help educate yourself if you are not aware. Educate yourself about the shadow government and the New World Order.
You know Martin Luther King Jr. was like our lead character, Scott. He helped the cause of the black people. He did not end the problem of inequality and racism. Neither did Scott put an end to the evil and the war on families. Both were gunned down. The fight will always be there because this is a spiritual war, not a legal war. The CPS foster care tool is only one of many tools the shadow government has in their arsenal in the war against the family.
Because this is one of many tools, a war on the CPS is ONLY PUTTING A BAND AID ON THE PROBLEM. The CPS foster care corruption is a symptom to a much bigger problem being the corrupt heart and soul. AS LONG AS THE SOUL IS CORRUPTED with sin, there will be a war on families. Sin in the heart is the root problem. The CPS Foster care corruption is a result of the sin...a symptom to the bigger issue.
People need to realize this is a spiritual war not a legal war. We can buy the best lawyers and fight cases. But with judges bought off by the corrupt CPS and lawyers that may only be in it for the money, what chance is there? Their pockets will always be deeper. We may win a few cases. But those lawyers will be getting rich and where will we be? Better yet what about little Johnny and Susie? Lawyers have no personal vested interest in justice. I have worked with a few in the past and speak from experience. There is a reason why they call lawyers corrupt.
Our biggest tool and defense is in moving and changing the hearts and souls of people. Letting God move in their lives and working HIS powers will be much more effective. Ask God to speak to the hearts of the social workers, judges government employees and the CPS. Let Him to His miraculous and beautiful work. With God in charge rather than us... we stand a better chance.
THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
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Nothing can!, only love and light and this two things accomplishes the impossible. Through God we can do!. Thanks.
Your post can motivated us in familyprotection. I appreciate it so much!
Thank you for the kind words.
Wow Troy, this is absolutely an excellent post! I loved the story, it was very good. Also thank you for proclaiming the word of God. Much Blessings!
Thank you as well @hope777. We are called to do so and with God's help will continue.