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RE: [GBTTW #6--FamilyProtection] Custody Battles: Refrain From Calling CPS With Hopes Of Getting An Upper Hand

Judge Watson White still none the less violated the law quite frequently not respecting speech, due process, jury trial rights, discovery, cross examination. If he wasn't an aged old man, I was tempted to deck the son of a bitch myself. I would have been better off if I did. But as expected, he died a few years later.

In the end, God gets rid of all the bad people...and everyone else too. But these few axxholes mess up the one life we have here on earth often beyond what can be repaired. Revenge would feel a lot better than letting God do his own thing. Hopefully the men of Mankind will rise up and flay every family court judge alive, and make chairs out of their leather for their replacement to sit in a la judgment of cambysis II.