@richg11, you weren't kidding. Man that's awful. Call me an optimist but I do believe people are inherently good. Maybe I just want to believe it but I do believe people are born good and then are taught to be bad by our sociopathic and psychopathic leaders and the culture built around them. It leads to so many sad byproducts, this being one. Thanks for posting good sir
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I hope you feel the same way when you're my age! Read Machiavelli, he had an incredible understanding of human nature!
I've heard a lot about him through the podcasters I listen too but have not looked into him deeply. What book would you suggest? And I have a feeling I will almost definitely feel the same way. I wrote an article on Sanger and planned parenthood and so on which I see you are privy too. Thought I'd mention that, but oh yea I'll feel the same way just more reinforced wth more knowledge gained through the years. I have made my journey over the last ten years from an anarcho communist (though I now know those two words are antonyms) to an anarcho capitalist. Funny the ideas you can have when you're ignorant to life versus what you have when you start finding truth
The Prince is his best work. Sanger and her ilk were eugenicists- which is still going strong with PP as well as transhumanism. Anarcho communism is anarcho syndicalism the anarchism of Emma Goldman et.al. If you want to expand your base of knowledge on economics read F.A. Hayek... the Road to Serfdom, or, the Fatal Conceit.
This new anarcho-capitalism, as well intentioned as it is, is just more pie in the skt utopianism... it just doesn't work, the world has become too complex for simplistic solutions. I'm 72 and have been studying humanity for a very long time. This is one element of my observations
Some stats for your question @freeman123
1% of the general population are psychopaths
Dr. Robert Hare, Criminal psychology researcher, Creator of the PCL-R
4% of Americans are sociopaths
Dr. Martha Stout, Harvard University psychologist
In the 2005 book, "The Sociopath Next Door" Harvard University psychologist Martha Stout claims one out of every 25 people in America is a sociopath. She defines sociopath as a person with no conscience.
5-15% of Americans are Almost psychopaths
Dr. Ronald Schouten, Associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
Ronald Schouten refers to the "almost psychopaths" in his book "Almost a Psychopath"
I actually read the book The Sociopath Next Door. It was a while back but good info. Thanks for shairing!