It’s a well established fact that an ever increasing number of children are being ‘legally’ kidnapped by the state. I’m trying to figure out how big this phenomenon is worldwide and how the Child Protective Services (CPS) or the Social Services (SS) operate in different countries. Is it the same as it is in the UK or does every country has its own set of rules and regulations?
So far, from what I’ve seen, it looks to me that the CPS operates more or less the same in every major country that is a member of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFWS). The IFSW is the global federation of national social work organisations in 90 countries representing over 750,000 social workers. Almost every major nation is a member of this organisation that has strong ties with the United Nations and has even been granted special Special Consultative Status by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The next picture is a screenshot from a brochure that the IFSW published in 2010. It outlines their goals for working towards a global agenda.
Is it because they are working towards a global agenda that we see an increase of children in care worldwide?
I’ve collected some statistics on the number of children in care for different countries. Here are a few numbers that I found.
- Australia: 46500 (2016) source
- Canada: 62428 (2013) source
- France: 134400 (2004) source
- Germany: 167477 (2010) source
- Netherlands: 35435 (2010) source
- New Zealand: 5708 (2017) source
- Sweden: 30000 (2016) source
- UK: 72670 (2017) source
- USA: 437465 (2017) source
Note that not all numbers are up to date and some of these numbers include children in residential care.
What I found is that there is an increase of children in care for each and every country. Usually about 1 to 2 % more children are taken into care each year. Australia had an increase of 16 % in just 5 years time. The number went up from 7,4 / 1000 children in 2011, to 8,6 / 1000 in 2016. Sweden with its relatively small population scores the highest with almost 14 / 1000 children in care.
The laws can change per country but what I noticed that most countries have adopted legislation that focusses on the child instead of the family. This gives more power to the CPS. Everything is done in the best interest of the child. Or is it?
When I tried to find out how the CPS operates in the USA, I came across a very powerful speech by the late Nancy Schaefer. What she describes is exactly the same as it is in the UK. Money and job security seems to be the main drive behind taking children into care.
Nancy Schaefer was a former senator of Georgia (2004 - 2008) and activist. Nancy was actively exposing corruption within the Department of Family & Child Services (DFCS). She died on 26 March 2010 under very suspicious circumstances.
The official story is that her husband murdered her and then shot himself. Nancy Schaefer was found in her bed shot in her back. Suicide notes were found that were written after she was killed, before her husband shot himself through the chest.
What I found most suspicious that there was never a real investigation in this case. It was immediately reported as a murder-suicide and the police investigated it as such. State Senator Don Thomas came out the next day stating that he knew the couple well and that he believed Bruce Schaefer was suffering from cancer.
Making a public statement like that, within 24 hours, is to me very suspicious. Is it done deliberately to avoid any doubt in the mind of the public about this so-called murder-suicide? Case closed, nothing to see here? Autopsy showed later on that her husband Bruce didn’t had a terminal illness at all.
There are many other reasons why we must doubt the official story of Nancy’s murder. At that time she was working on a documentary about the CPS in which she most likely would have named people responsible for the horrors that take place with the children under care. If you want to know more about the murder of Nancy Schaefer, you can read it here:
Nancy’s speech is actually her report that she wrote in November 2007. I would urge you to watch the video or read the report and share it with as many people as possible.
The report can be found here:
According to Nancy’s report the main drive behind this corrupt system is money.
And there you have it: It’s way more lucrative to snatch a child from its parent(s) than trying to help them as a family if necessary.
How does the CPS get away with this?
The CPS or SS always hide behind the secrecy of the family courts and confidentiality. They have their own lines into the police and the Secret family Courts and into the local authorities and government. Even when the elected counsellors investigate what’s going on within the Social Services, they are told that they don’t have a right to know because of the privacy of the child.
Nancy Schaefer was working with film and documentary maker Bill Bowen when she died. Bill Bowen was investigating the atrocities that take place with children under care by the CPS in the US. He released a small documentary call Innocence Destroyed.
Warning: This documentary might be very upsetting. Graphic content.
More than a thousand children die while under care by the CPS, often under horrific circumstances. That’s 600% more than children living with their parent(s) and / or family. Most of the children that die are only toddlers and most of them are battered to death by their foster parent(s). Other causes are homicide, neglect, starvation, shaken baby, restraint, drug overdose, frozen outside, buried……
Hardly any of these children die from natural causes.
Bill Bowen was also working on a Documentary called “In the best Interest of the Children”. But that was never finished because Bill died of an heart attack in August 2010. Exposing the CPS can be very bad for your health.
Once the CPS takes your child chances are that you will never get it back again. Bill and his team investigated this and found out that in one county not one judge ruled against the CPS over permanent guardianship in thirteen years. Not once!
What to do when the CPS knocks on your door?
I came across several websites who offer assistance when dealing with CPS or the SS. And they all give the same advice.
- Don’t talk to them. Never. Just say with a calm and clear voice: “Sorry, but I’m advised not to speak to you.”
- Start recording and let them know that you’re doing so.
- Don’t let them in unless they have a warrant.
- Who are you dealing with. Demand to see some identification.
- Find out what the allegations are. They are required by law to tell you.
- Find out what their authority is in this situation. Do they have a court order, or only a court summons, or are they acting on emergency powers.
- Never let them speak to your children.
A more detailed explanation can be found on the following websites:
These child snatchers are only government agents. You’re never required by law to talk to them. They are the enemy, never do what they ask you to do. They act like the police but they have no authority.
If you start talking to them and you’re not recording they will twist your words. If you let them in they will lie about what they witnessed. If you let them speak privately to your children (they just want to make sure that everything is OK, right?), they will twist your children’s words. These people are evil and earn their living by stealing children. Again, they are the enemy.
- The CPS operates more or less the same in every country.
- The main driver behind their operations is money and jobs.
- They have complete immunity and operate above the law.
- Once your suckered into their web, chances are that you will lose your child(ren).
Thank you for reading and much strength if you’re dealing with the CPS at the moment.
Disclaimer: These are my personal findings and perspectives.
PS. 50% of the earnings from this post will be donated to @familyprotection
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
Thank-you @gardenbsquared for supporting @familyprotection
Yes, there is definitely a global agenda going on alright, and it's plain for all to see if they choose to see it.
Thanks for doing your bit to try and connect the dots @gardenbsquared
RIP Nancy Schaefer.
Thank you @markwhittam. There's a very sinister agenda going on that's more than just money. They are actually using our children to social engineer our society. To destroy our families and to create their brave new world.
Excellent article. Indeed a global agenda orchestrated by the shadow government elites. And the average Joe does not know what the hell is going on. This is breaking news but you will not find it in the papers or on the world news. Yet me Must win this silent war for children and families and the future of our world. It is a war of good and evil of the powers that follow love and those who march to the orders of Satan. Good will always prevail. The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness overcome it not. God please help us.
Thank you @enjoywithroy. It's indeed a battle between good and evil. I'm sure that in the end good will prevail but it will be a bumpy road. We are indeed dealing with satanists.
My 12 year old sister was taken into care and now is officially their property. For me this was shocking, she wasn't abused infact she was a bit spoilt, my mum suffers with depression from time to time but still managed to bring me up no problem, i'm now 30 and healthy and happy. We are still in shocked it happened so fast. Good to see there is support on this platform.
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please join the FOOD REVOLUTION!
check my intro out....
I just joined steemit, follow and I follow back and upvote :)
I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope your mother and you can at least still see her or do they deny that to? It's absolutely horrible what they are doing. I wish you strength in these difficult times.
We are granted contact 6 times a year. To be honest she is with a really lovely family (at least I get that impression) and it is a totally different experience for her, I think a positive one. Still at the same time the psychological part of being separated from your own birth family, your own flesh and blood, is confusing for children. She had art therapy given to her during this process, my mum thinks it was brain washing, she could be right on that one. To be honest I glad we met and I found this stuff on child protection because I didn't know it was such a world wide massive issue! I just couldn't ever imagine this happening!
This is a very well written article about a very complicated subject. When we globalise issues we stop looking at individual cases. We put everything on such a big scale that we cant see the wood for the trees. Globalisation of anything is always about money. They might think its about morality , but it ends up being about money.
Thank you. Yes there's too much self interest going on. People are willing to turn a blind eye when their jobs are at risk. And than there are people who are just plain evil. These people are just looking at children as merchandise.
Just follow the money!!
That's always the best place to start.
Please do not spam my posts!
It's interesting seeing the numbers for children in care. I see the number in care in Australia is, percentage wise, much higher than in the UK. After the research I've just done for my post I'm guessing the largest portion will be indigenous children.
The cycle created is just perpetuating itself. How can families be families, when the children have no one to learn from?
They are destroying our families. That's what 'they' want. The state wants to have complete control over the children. And indeed, when you're not raised by a loving family it becomes very difficult to become a loving parent oneself.
We defenitely protect to our child.
It's beyond me what they hope to achieve by this in the long run.