Money and jobs is just a nice bonus for them.I stated in my last @familyprotection post that money and jobs are the main reasons why the CPS or the SS are ‘legally’ kidnapping children and putting them in care. But there’s a more sinister reason why the state is after your children.
The governments of this world, and especially the western world, want to have complete control. That includes control over you! They have tried many scenarios in the past to accomplish that. Fascist states have risen and fallen. Dictators came and went. They tried communism, socialism, capitalism, and so on. But the biggest trick they played is making people believe that they are free. That you have a choice.
Back then, when I still lived in Holland, I was amazed that most people believed they were free. But we only have freedom of choice and even that is getting less by the day.
The moment a child is born it’s vaccinated. In some countries a child will receive more than 20 vaccines in just a couple of years. In more and more countries it’s now mandatory and not vaccinating your child is considered child abuse. Hand over your children to the state.
Most children are registered by their parents at birth in order to get a birth certificate and an identification number. They call it a social security number, sounds nicer, but it’s nothing more than the numbers that were tattooed on the prisoners in the concentration camps during nazi Germany. By registering your child, you voluntarily hand over your child to the state. You can still care for it, if you’re lucky, but the state now owns your child. (In their sick and twisted minds. They don’t of course.)
Then your child must enter the education system (indoctrination system). In some countries homeschooling is allowed but usually under very strict supervision by the state. The age can vary, in some countries it’s at the age of five in others it can be seven. Some idiot politician in Holland suggested to lower that to two. Homeschooling is illegal in Holland.
After the programming of your child is completed, it can then choose a job. Oh, did I say choose? You’re considered lucky enough nowadays to have one. A job that most people hate doing. Longer hours, less pay and increased taxation. People are the only creatures that need to pay in order to survive.
And then finally you can retire. I knew quite a few people who hit the bucket in their first or second year of their retirement. In most western countries the retirement age is around 65-67 but there are always politicians who advocate to increase that age.
To me that doesn’t sound like a free life at all. To me this sounds like live long imprisonment the day that you’re born.
How do they get away with this? How come that so many people go along with it? Why do so many people think that this is normal, that this is how things are?
Social engineering and mind control.
In order for the people to accept this totalitarian society they have to be mind controlled. It’s no use trying to program an adult. It might work to a certain degree but an adults mind is not flexible enough anymore to fully program them. That’s why they are after your children. Children’s minds are more or less open to anything you put in their heads. Especially when they are not capable of critical thinking.
They use the children to obtain control over humanity. Children are under attack by the governments in every aspect of their life. That attack is aimed to control their minds. They use a wide variety of methods to achieve that control. In this post I’ll share my perspective on how ‘they’ try to accomplish that and why.
Every time I use the word ‘they’ in this article I mean the people behind the curtains, the people who are really in power.
Control by vaccinations.
Vaccinating children has multiple effects. None of those are beneficial for the child. Of course there’s Big Pharma and money. Big Pharma lobbies extensively to make sure that their vaccinations become mandatory. But more important, it disturbs the development of your child. It’s proven that (most) vaccines don’t work and are actually harmful. They are full of chemicals like aluminium salts, formaldehyde and mercury (Thimerosal).
If you have any doubt about the effectiveness and risks of vaccinations and what potential harm they can do to your health, I strongly suggest that you read these two reports.
These reports contain lists of all the ‘goodies’ you'll find in vaccines, scientific studies indicating that vaccines are harmful and scientific studies showing that herd immunisation doesn’t work.
Still most governments are pushing for mandatory vaccinations. They know that vaccinations are harmful and ineffective. In my opinion: it’s the damage that these vaccines cause what they are after. It makes children more dependant on the state. Medical experts, psychiatrists, psychologists and doctors are brought in, all looking at the development of your child.
At the same time, while the child’s nervous system is recovering from the onslaught caused by vaccines, your children are gradually brainwashed to become the next generation of obedient tax-paying debt slaves. Smart enough to do their job but not capable of critical thinking. Critical thinking is not in their interest, people might question the status quo.
Control by the mainstream media.
I threw out my TV many years ago, it’s one of the best things that anybody can do. Watching television is a sure way to make you confused, frustrated, angry, afraid and it dumbs you down. Putting your children in front of a TV can seriously damage their psychological development. One should absolutely avoid everything Disney. Disney deliberately sexualises young children. TV can also traumatise young children, this will assure that their mind control is more effective. It creates split personalties that are more easily manipulated.
The mass media also sexualises children and adults. This is done deliberately to keep people trapped in their lower chakras. Especially programs like The Mickey Mouse Club are corrupting the children’s hearts and minds. Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus and Justin Timberlake are all former Mouseketeers. All these celebrities went from being relatively innocent to full blown sex slaves. Personally I think these people are not good role models for children.
Control by smart phones and social media.
Most people will know about the damaging effects of the radiation associated with smartphones, but what are the psychological effects of excessive use of social media on smartphones and tabs?
Studies show that the latest generation of teenagers are developing slower than previous generations. They are less independent, less rebellious, less likely to hang out with fiends, have less contact with their parents, they are feeling more lonely and are less happy than previous generations.
It is difficult to prove whether this new technology and the accompanying social media has been developed deliberately in order to achieve that. But it does play in their hands. The state wants obedient workers that will not rebel and who are willing to spent most of their free time on social media rather than actually informing themselves and having discussions with friends.
Control by destroying families and terrifying parents.
The state wants to undermine and eradicate families. They will lie to you and say that the family is the corner stone of society but they want the government to be the foundation of society. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World citizens are engineered through artificial wombs and childhood indoctrination programs into predetermined castes. These citizens are kept under control by taking a soothing drug called Soma (coma), superficial entertainment and sex. (Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?)
The state doesn’t have artificial wombs yet. So they still need us to produce children. But they don’t want strong and mentally healthy families that teaches children the values of life. That teaches them independence and critical thinking.
An interesting side-note is that Aldous Huxley’s wife Laura Huxley is the founder of Children: Our ultimate Investment. A non-profit organisation dedicated to the nurturing of the possible human that promotes touching, kissing and caressing between children and adults. (Sweet, isn’t? I especially like that they chose the word possible, I thought that I was human the day I was born.)
Another reason why the state steals your children is because that puts fear in the hearts of the parents. If you look at forums like you’ll find a lot of terrified parents who are worried that the SS will take their child away. Frightened people conform more easily to society than people who are fearless.
Control by nutrition.
Food is very important to raise a child but nowadays it can also be an instrument to take away your children. Not enough fruit? Child abuse! Too much fat? Child abuse! The child doesn’t get what it wants? Child abuse! You give your child too much? Child abuse! Hand over your children to the state.
A lot of parents don’t pay enough attention to what their children are eating and drinking. We might pack their lunch but whether that’s eaten remains to be seen. Processed foods, candy, soft drinks, energy drinks are extremely dangerous for the development of children and easily available. The food industry targets children with their commercials to buy their products. These products are full of chemicals that are very harmful. If the state is so concerned about the children, why is it not restricting the number of chemicals that are allowed to be used in the food industry? The answer is that they don’t give a shit about your children.
You are a slave. A free roaming slave that is allowed to choose a job and you must pay in order to survive. We get entrapped by debt, mortgages and addictions. We enslave ourselves with our material desires and superficial entertainment. We are being mind controlled from day one and they keep controlling our minds by programming us throughout our adult live. (MSM, movies, music, newspapers)
There’s a war going on for our children. Through the children they social engineer our society and turning it into their “Brave New World”. A world of obedient workers not capable of critical thinking. A world where everybody has to pay increasing amounts of tax to line the pockets of the Banksters and parasitic Elite. A world where war, death, suffering, abuse and hunger is turned into financial gain.
I know that all of this sounds a bit doom and gloom, so let me end this post with my favourite stand-up comedian George Carlin. May he rest in peace.
Much love,

Ps. 50% of the earnings of this post goes to @familyprotection
Ha, fantastic last second message in the George Carlin video, "The American Dream, you have to be asleep to believe it"
Well, the topic is dark, the facts are depressing, i - as well as you :-) - just left this system seeing no way to turn it over. But! And i keep on saying that, i truly believe in the new power blockchain is bringing us, it is the 1st time i believe in a true revolution, in changing all this darkness by bringing uncontrollable power back to the individual.
Just wanna give a bit of a positive view here, your comedian was not really doing that :-)
Wether you do birds or dark stuff, your posts are very nicely worked out @gardenbsquared, much love
Thank you @bubke. George Carlin is not known for his positive view of society, but he always makes me laugh. This stuff is indeed very dark but these are dark times. I hope your right about blockchain. I also firmly believe that it will change society as we know it. But not all blockchain technology is positive. Companies like scare me with their chipping and tracking of everything you can think of. It's still up to us, the people.
Ok, i should have said true decentralised blockchains, there are at least 20 coins that are centralised. VeChain controls their own ecosystem, nodes and who they partner with - all strong aspects of centralisation, scary indeed!
I still have a lot to learn. (for starters: checking my replies more frequently) I thought that all blockchain is decentralised. I will just hodl for now and learn more. ;)
This is a fantastic post, it's so true that what is being fed to children, put into or forced into their system is creating this culture of obedience and control.
I stopped watching T.V years ago, my children are not vaccinated and will never go to school, well I say never but when they are old enough they will be able to decide. I hope they say no.
I donot have sugar or processed food in my home, I donot give it to my children.
Social media is hard to get away from even in the mountains, I hear them singing songs that are not appropriate, ones they heard from older kids.
But I'm hoping to raise them in as natural a way as possible and hope that they will know right from wrong.
Do love George Carlin, always telling it like it is.
This is what I love about steemit, we can educate one another, be informed, be empowered. Thanks @gardenbsquared resteemed
Thank you @trucklife-family. I'm glad to hear your children are as free as can be. It's fantastic to see so many people here that are aware of what's going on. Thank you for the resteem!
There's a lot of important info in here, so I've shared and resteemed. However, I'd say that most on Steemit are already aware, so it's how to get this out to a wider audience that is key.
On a positive note, I'm definitely seeing more and more parents that are awake to what is going on and doing what they can to create something better for their children. Even if your circumstances are such that you have to send your children to mainstream school, for example, it's not all bad. It just requires that the time you do spend with your children is very supportive and you are there to guide them. Personally, my children don't go to mainstream school. However, I did (and I know it has changed since then), but, I enjoyed many aspects of my time at school.
Also, although the school systems are largely fucked, there is still hope within them, as many teachers - even headmasters are aware of what is going on and do their best to subvert as much as they can in a subtle way.
I know this from two headmasters that I am friends with. This is why, I am positive for our future, in spite of the current increases in authoritarianism in all aspects of life, the bullshit media and control.
Ultimately, within the big mess called the system, there are humans and more and more are becoming aware that something is wrong.
I agree that the smart technologies and their impact on children can be a problem and has to be handled very carefully. So much to say on this subject.
Thanks for a great article.
Thank you @eftnow and thank you for the resteem, much appreciated. Yes, luckily more and more people including parents are waking up to what's going on. It's reassuring to hear that there are teachers out there who are willing to subvert the imposed authoritarian ways of schooling.
Good piece....and so true.
We are originally Dutch too and got rid of our TV when my oldest was 3 when I started noticing this stuff as well. We moved to Australia and there I found the situation is even worse as their society follows closer to the Americans. The big difference is the Australian people who are rougher but kind and awesome. But school style indoctrination is really strong here so we decided to homeschool...and I must say that here homeschooling allows for alot of freedom in Australia as it is very common ( the country is soooo big that alot of people actually can't get their kids to a school because of the distance).
We travel permanently and eat conscious and organic.....
Don't get me wrong I don't have any answers nor do I claim to do everything right....but we are aware of everything that is going on and are trying to raise strong selfthinking girls.
It sounds that you have a great live down under. Great that you have the ability to homeschool and travel at the same time. Your girls must be living a very happy live. Thank you @van-ruben.
This post has been upvoted and resteemed by
Thank you @thethreehugs, that's much appreciated.
You are most welcome!
Thanks dude!
Im an ex vaxxer, right.
I was vaccinated through highschool and a few shots in college.
Along w all the other brainwashing stuff, its challenging to claw myself away from the damaging ways i was attuned to as ok.
I question everything that comes to mind and work towards change.
Having children really motivated me to seek our best options and not accept something just bc it's free or common or widely accepted.
I def would like to get rid of the tv and balance time better online.
Thank you for this.
You're welcome and thank you for your kind reply. Yes, we are definitely challenged to keep sane this day and age. Good luck on your journey to become free! Free from the mind control.
So important that everyone knows this info! If our kids are damaged with vaccines, disney and tablets/smartphones then what hope is there for the future, great article, thank you, resteemed

Your picture says it all. Thank you for the resteem!
I scrolled through this and find you right on point.
We have neighbors that are homeschooling their children. They do not have a television in the house. The one I find a bit extreme is they forbid movies.
However, the children are like so pure, they play outside. Yes, outside not on a computer and are so sweet. They are kids and get into things but they are much brighter and happier.
Oh yes, love George Carlin, a master of logic.
To forbid all movies sounds a bit extreme to me as well. But there's a lot of crap out there that is better avoided. I never missed the TV ones when I threw it out. It really clears your mind. Thanks.
An absolutely great post, so well written and filled with critical information. I am so glad that I was born before the control became so smothering. It is a massive job to break through the programming that has claimed so many people, and all of us to varying degrees. My awakening to this horrible situation began about ten years ago. I will share your blog post on facebook and twitter. Kudos to your great reporting. Sadly, you are absolutely correct according to everything I have learned to be true.
Interesting mine also started around 10 years ago. Since then, my life has changed dramatically (for the better). I feel much more empowered and free. Thank you for sharing my post @shevans.
It is a strange world to be living in having the knowledge and awareness of this vast manipulation that has infested every aspect of our lives. Every day have to balance life events, news, and encounters kind of like a warrior, if you will, when one knows that threats are all around us and even within us. I suppose to some extent it has always been that way, but so much more exaggerated at this time, as the "controllers" have conspired together and infected everything.
Hi gardenbsquared! This post put it nicely the problems that we have today.
My parents had been pushing me to buy a house when I have money, spiralling me into a mortgage which I would be a slave to pay. I would rather rent a house, migrate to a rural country than being an idiot who pay for the debt for the next 10 years.
For now, I am unemployed and no debts. See how it goes. Upvoted!
Having no debts is great. It's really important when you want to be as free as possible. Have you ever thought about building your own tiny house? It's a great alternative for many people to stay debt free and not to have pay rent either. Thanks @afiqsejuk.
Good post, please follow back
carlinism, we have something in common a very low tolerance for stupid bullshit. cheers
family peeps powa!!!
Wow! So much to unpack here, I shall have to sit down and think about some things. But, re-examining some things is the point. Thanks!