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RE: The @FamilyProtection Community is Growing Strong. Plus An Important Annoncement.

Hello Linda, wish you and the family happy holidays.

Yes good information to know and enact.
The online process of request for Live birth registration is annonoumus/ no radar.

It's hard to wrap one's head around that the birth certificate is your registration/ just like registering your car/boat ect... they/State controls registrations. thats their job.

Yes, I agree they are MONSTERS for breaking up loving families with lies.

Best to do this process before ever having a problem with Social Services, your on radar.

You asked how does this protect children.? well without registration papers to take or conduct any child social services can't do anything without being in possession of that record and can not come after any child.

Again, they/State MONSTERS believe they are acting on your behalf because We give our children to them.... thru the Birth certificate process.
Its a DEED. a contract.
Get it back and claim rightful ownership as Mother or Father.
but first you must get your own DEED/birth certificate back if you have not yet; before you can claim your child.

We/You can and Will beat these Monsters!


thank-you and I wish you a Merry Crypto-Christmas too!

I wonder if they would be able to snatch say the child of a tourist, whose papers they do not have access to, if they thought the child was in danger. Or perhaps they can get those papers from Immigration somehow.

I have also heard horrible stories of how possibly human traffickers are using children who are themselves born of slaves. So these children have no papers and when they are killed, there is nobody to report missing.
If the police were to find some of these children (and I think that they have begun to makes arrests like this in the USA recently), would they not hand those children over to State CPS care? It doesn't seem that they would simply put the children out on the streets because they have no birth certificates.

Also, if someone put in a report of an abused child, locked up in a house, but nobody has any idea who the child is because there is no record of the people living there having any children; are you saying that they would not investigate just because they don't have a name and therefore don't have a birth certificate or registration?

... just trying to wrap my head around how not having a Birth Certificate works.
Thanks for your help.


You have noted the inconsistencies with the claim that CPS needs any paperwork to seize children they can't just make up on the spot.

The courts are tools the wealthy can use against the poor, and institutions like CPS are possessed of vast wealth. Family courts are the most corrupt of all in the system.

If your family is threatened, or has been attacked by the CPS, get the best lawyer - and get references from people you can trust! - to fight.

Don't play paper games with your kids lives. Don't be a paper tiger - be a real tiger mom!

Your kids are worth far more than money.

Just ask them.