Family Protection + Steemit Blockchain = Peanut Butter And Jelly!!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

We have been blessed with children, sweet innocent beings. The only problem is they didn't come with an instruction manual. There is no precise way to raise these beings it's all based off of intuition and sorry to say this but the media and what others do play a huge roll in our self taught manuals. So as our children constantly are changing we must constantly change as well. So what really is the "JOB" of a parent?

A Parent's Job

1) To provide Love:

Providing our children with unconditional love is definitely one of the highest items in our parenting manual. They use this love to develop self love, love for others, acceptance and how to show love to others who's parents may not be creating the same manual.

2) Health and Safety

Another important aspect of raising our children is to provide the skills for the health and safety of the children. We must teach them not to put items in their mouths, keep them clean etc. as they grown we teach them to dress warm, look both ways when crossing the street etc. These items are essential in developing our children into adults with skills to keep them safe. Since we have no manual it is our job to research and look into all possible avenues to be able to deliver the best methods possible. As we look into certain aspects of life and how society operates we are constantly hitting hurdles and decisions must be made.

  • The foods we eat are very important to the health and safety of our children. We must look into the damages caused by GMO foods, sugars and other toxic items like processed foods, "Lunchables" for example and many other extremely harmful items the media says are "Good Snacks" for children at school.

  • We must research things like vaccines and not just line up like sheep to inject an unknown substance into our children because everybody else is doing it and the "Media" pushes the benefits to us. Educating ourselves before injecting our children will allow us to make the right decision.

  • Why is fluoride good? Why is it bad? Do you actually know or do you just accept what is told you by the dental office because they must be right? Right? Perhaps but how would you know if you didn't research anything for yourself.

3) Education

Education is very important for our parenting manual. Doesn't all of our education come from schools? Not at all my friends, not at all. We must educate or children in many different ways, in fact school might actually be very harmful to children but we'll save that for another day.

Carrying The Weight Of Our Children

I have been carrying my children "literally" for years now. I have been teaching them everything I know. Including them in everything I do instead of handing them an iphone for a baby sitter well I complete life tasks. Let's take a look at what I mean with a few photos!

It all Started when Kiedis was born!

Kiedis at Halloween

Kiedis's 1 year old birthday party

Then Stryder was born

Do you think this means I only carry one boy lol?

No, no I now carry 2!

Always lol

Including Our Children In Everyday Tasks!

Planting the seeds into the garden!

Assembling an addition on the side of our camping trailer!

Making cards for #OpHumanAngels!

Assembling the our small green house (1)!

Assembling the our small green house (2)!

Building our Chicken Coop!

Learning to trust a rooster with Dad!

Harvesting carrots in late October!

What's the purpose of this blog? Why is it called Family Protection + Steemit Blockchain = Peanut Butter And Jelly!!?

Well I feel that one of the greatest things for protecting our families is Steemit. Which is why they go together like peanut butter and jelly. The perfect combination indeed. You can all see how much I love my boys, they are the most important thing in my life and it's clearly visible for all to see. These blog posts which are now on the blockchain are implanted forever. These could be deciding factors in case something ever happens. Using Steemit to log the love, teachings, and lives of you and your children could become the saving grace for you in the future.

What if you complete research and decided that vaccinating your children is not for you. Injecting poisonous chemicals and mercury are not something you want to do to your children? Should you lose them for that? Does that mean you love them less?

What if you don't want to expose your children to fluoride? You've completed your research and see great danger and don't want to harm your children. Should they be taken away from you?

How about if you think school is not the place for your children. Should someone come and take them away for that?

I think these are choices that we should be free make. We should be allowed to make these choices and use our research we've completed in writing our parenting manuals. Steemit and the blockchain will continue to log our lives in a tamper proof state. What we share cannot be deleted. As we continue to share our stories and spread our love of our families it should continue to help others to do the same and add pages to their manuals. If something happens we can fight for each other and help each other to not lose our children for ridiculous things like refusing to vaccinate, refusing fluoride or home schooling or unschooling. As we can clearly see that families have strong, healthy and loving relationships to strip them apart based on ridiculous laws is unacceptable. We are not causing harm and therefor should not be punished based on our informative decisions on how we write our manual.

I support all who lift the masks off these giant misleading items which I feel actually do cause harm to our children.

As I'm sure I just attracted some trolls I hope I reached out to some people who were on the fence and have helped confirm their inner gut feelings that what decisions they're making a most likely correct.

Love you all!!! Let's work together to keep families together!


I love what you guys are doing for your children, my only hope is that people take a good look at what families like us are doing and they recognize the benefits of raising free-range children.

Let's temp some more people off that fence with some of that peanut butter & jelly. :)

Thank you for supporting @familyprotection


Thank you so much for sharing your story about your philosophy on free range children. I wish you a happy New Year and hope that you are not attacked by too many trolls on here.

I worked in the child welfare system for almost 9 years and have had the benefit of working with several different types of families, ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, religions, and backgrounds. I do see what you are reporting, that I was asked to go in and judge every single one of my families based on their practices. And the Judgment was up to what the state felt the answers to the questions should be. I think it is a great idea to also document all the love that you give in life and to your family. There are a lot of children in the system that don't have these memories.

Thank you Mark and I love what @familyprotection is doing and what you're doing. Free-range children really is the only children there should be. It's beautiful dude and a lot more natural.

"I'll fix some sandwiches, Do you want a sandwich?" - Thurman Merman

Your family is amazing Mark :)

Great job on how to raise your children. And you're absolutely right about vaccinations, fluoride and the right to homeschool your children. The SS or CPS have no right none whatsoever but it's big business for the state to go after your children. I've got no children myself but this is a fantastic movement on Steemit.

You're are 100% correct! It's always about "Big Business" that's all they care about. Whatever they make money off they will stand there ground on. It's disgusting that things that are important to mankind are constantly pushed aside for monetary gains by the elite.

What a great family and an interesting idea. A blockchain trail of evidence to prove the safety and well being of children. If you weighed and measure them online it would be further proof they are thriving. I agree you want to be proactive in preventing CPS into the picture at all. That includes no entry without warrant and signing your property NO Trespassing. It is a shame we have to fear our government but that indeed is where we are at.

Thank you for some more great ideas. We will change the way we deal with these people. We will not be in fear forever. :)

This is a great post to document how you love your children. We are all witnesses here on the platform! Kudos to you for what you do. <3

Thank you so much. You don't know how much your support matters :)

I was wowed by this post. You have passionately pointed out so many things that should be in our parental manual. You are a great dad to your kids and I appreciate you 100% for that. I have been single-parenting for 10 years now and my ex-husband has refused to be involved IN the growth and development of his children, financially ,emotionally and physically. So I wonder why some men are wired heartless, but reading your post today brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart that there are fathers who would always be there for their kids. Thank you so much @hendrix22 for showing your kids this much love.

Thank you for your support. My heart is now saddened that these fathers or "Not Fathers" I should say even exist. I could never even see myself being able to ignore the fact that I have children, financially, emotionally or physically. Everyday without them would break my heart. :)

Thank you so much for being a great dad. Your kids are lucky. About the parenting manual, I will start preparing now for when I have kids in the future. Thank you for a very educative post.

Thank you for your support! I think your parenting manual should always be based on how you can be the best parent to your children that you can. Let them be free we'll keeping them fed, safe and warm... :)

This is a great piece Brendan! We are Stronger Together <3 <3 <3 I love you, our family, and our Steem FAMILY!!! xoxooxo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 #WeGotThis #WeCanFixThis xoxoxooxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo

Thanks Lynds!! I love you too and obviously the boys. This Steem family is incredible as well :)

I have been teaching them everything I know. Including them in everything I do instead of handing them an iphone for a baby sitter well I complete life tasks.

That right there is so rare and yet so simple.

I grew up around my dad working at his business and my uncle’s dairy farm. The life lessons learned were easily accepted because I not only heard the message, but I saw it lived.

You are one of the good ones @hendrix22. Keep on growing and many blessings upon your family.

Thank you so much! That's awesome that you were able to get raised like that. Hats off to your father and you uncle for giving you that experience. I want nothing more for my boys then to experience life for what it is.

Documenting your love and care for your family is wonderful. It's a character witness that is permanent on the blockchain. It also encourages other parents to do their due diligence in deciding what is best for their children.

I wish the blockchain record did offer protection from authorities who "disagree" with certain lifestyle choices. The trouble is, as of now in the court of law, vaccines are considered "safe and effective" and fluoride is "medically recommended" and public (or private) schools are recognized as "essential for proper education and socialization". If the authorities do not like or approve of how a person is raising their children, they cannot see the love and care that person is giving their children. In their minds, raising children to be non-conforming to the social agenda of our age, is considered abuse and cannot be tolerated.

It's a clash of philosophies, one philosophy where parents have the final say, another where the "professionals" have the final say. Sadly in our court system, the "professionals" always seem to have the last word, no matter how documented our love and care is for our children.

It's important to support loving families and especially support the parent's right to have the final say concerning the (true) welfare of children. I am happy to see YOUR love and support for your family and thank you for taking the time to research and make informed decisions. Raise those boys well, the world needs good men who can think for themselves.


It's a clash of philosophies, one philosophy where parents have the final say, another where the "professionals" have the final say. Sadly in our court system, the "professionals" always seem to have the last word, no matter how documented our love and care is for our children.

You've said it all... Parents still are parents. And they have a huge right to making decisions on the child's well-being. They should have a say in the methods they chose to grow their children harmlessly. So far all the CPS ever goes after are innocent families.
Family is everything

I understand the dilemma with the way the law works. However we as people must find a way to overcome this. I wonder if we all keep logging our strong family love if we can somehow work together and perhaps be able to beat these laws one day.

As long as those in power are the ones who push the "vaccines, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, and traditional brain washing schooling" I think we'll always have this problem.

Great article and of course all my favorite pictures. I often wondered whether anything I said or did ever made a difference. Alone I felt in a world of you must do this and you must do that. In those days we had no internet and my learning was done in a Library. Countless hours I spent there and Indigo. I was one of very few who in 1981 breast fed and used cloth diapers. Made my own baby food and gave babies cod liver oil. 1997 was the year I finally said no to Fluoride. Then came Nutrition School and my designation RHN/RNCP and my world expanded. Suddenly I found many with the same voice, singing the same song. Could I then teach what I knew fast enough and did my opinion count. Did my knowledge reach the levels that I wanted it to reach? I trust it went somewhere and then beyond. I believe we taught far beyond the classroom. Our parenting style was often frowned upon and a topic of contraversy. Yet I believe it was closer to how it should be. Someone once told me what little time they had spent with their child and that they only taught a few things. I sat and reminisced and said without a doubt that we did so much and yet it seemed to be not enough time. In the blink of an eye everyone was grown. If I were to live another life with the same three, I would choose a simpler life, less complex on the seashore, giving homeschooling a good solid try, at least in the formative years and of course including blockchain in my life.

It's obviously clear that you've made a huge difference in the lives of my children and myself. You have always been wise to the games. Simple life full of love will always be better then a busy life full of things and stuff with no parents around to spend time with the children.

Always true, and you are a wise teacher, passing this on to the next generation.

You have a very beautiful family.Wonderful post @hendrix22. I absolutely love what @familyprotection stand for, fight for and how they help save the families stay together.

Thank you for your support for my family and for @familyprotection It is amazing what they are doing and what they will continue to do in the future. We must support @familyprotection and continue to spread awareness!!

What a BEAUTIFUL and love-filled family! Thank you for putting it out here in front of God and everyone, I think you are making a good self=defensive choice.

Thank you very much for your support!

Beautiful words and thoughts and fam and kids, and pics, beauty all around! That last pic especially is tooooo sweet for words :) you guys are doing a great job.

Thanks Amy. We love you guys :)

Love you guys too!

This is some great information buddy. You have a lot of good advice and have set a great example.

Thank you so much @michaelevans so what's the next concert you're taking your daughter too? :)

Not sure buddy. She took me to Iron Maiden cause she knows how much I like them. I suppose I should go to one she likes next

We raised our kids without immunizations and also homeschooled all of the way through. They are both grown with families of their own that they intend to homeschool. They are both firemen and awesome individuals who can do just about anything. It is a great way to raise kids! I will follow your journey

Of course they are @stillwatersart You mean they're not dying of sicknesses and have no jobs lol. Thank you for raising those boys with informed decisions. Natural wasn't it?

It did seem natural to me. I so enjoyed being with my children and we still have great relationships.

I work in Childcare and I must admit, this is probably the best parenting advice I've ever read. You seem to be quite the incredible father and I am so happy that you've chosen to share this bit of insight. Sometimes I feel we women can overcomplicate wording when explaining these things to others and you have done a beautiful job wording this simply and to the point. I love everything about this post! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you so much!!! :) It makes me feel so wonderful to know that I've touched you. I care about all children and not just my own. I want this world to change and change we must. Thank you so much :)

Absolutely! Credit where credit is due! Your incredible Wife is the whole reason I became a part of this community. The amount of love and support I've received from her over our years connected through social media have made me feel like I've known you for years. You guys are definitely doing things right. I look up to you both and aspire to be much like you two. I share gardening tips and chicken stories with my husband regularly and have shared much about #OpHumanAngels and #FoodIsFree (or should be) with anyone who will listen. I look forward to further sharing and communications with you and your family <3 Maybe we will even visit Nova Scotia some day lol

I love the way you are raising them boys... teaching them things that will actually be useful when they become adults... construction skills.. problem solving skills...

Storing all this stuff on the blockchain...? Incredibly smart... you never know when you'll need that to protect them.. or more importantly when THEY need it..

Thanks brother. I couldn't agree more. These boys need these skills in life now and in the future. They are extremely smart and are always offering to help out since we make it fun and always a family thing.

While I totally agree that people should be able to live their own healthy and happy lives, the only danger is the really UNhealthy and abusive people, and I don't know what the solution to that is. Hear me out.
We don't have "community" that would mitigate such abuses - it's far too easy for people to "mind their own business" and let abuse of kids go unchecked. On the other hand, the state for sure abuses and overreaches and comes down on people who weren't hurting anybody while actually abused kids languish. It's a nice thought to say that we can look out for each other, but you can't look out for everybody and not all kids have someone looking out for them. For every healthier-than-societal-norms, bucking-the-system-and-teaching-freedom-and-independence family, there is some cultish quiverfull KKK family who is teaching their kids that sexual abuse is okay because Yhwh, however their twisted logic works. You know? The question is, how do we keep those kids safe without the big hand of the government harming perfectly safe kids.
We can re-train ourselves to not "mind our business" and to get to know our neighbors, not in a pushy judgemental way, but in a helpful way, but I don't think that will be enough, the way the world is set up now, and I don't know what the answer is.

I'm not sure what to do about those individuals either. This is the same situation as every situation really. lol What I mean by that is we fill prisons with people constantly but not everyone is a murderer, rapist or pedophile. We fight wars for money not self defense and the innocent people who don't want war die from this. We have CPS taking children from good families although not all the parents are crack smoking or heroine addicts with unfit living conditions. The world is a mess so somehow we must change it one step at a time.

A beautiful piece, Brendan! And you are absolutely right when you say the love you have for your family is written in the blockchain forever. No one can erase that. An insurance policy if you like. BTW I love the family photo! It's great!

Thanks so much @cecicastor! I can definitely say the one thing our family has is LOVE!

I wish so much that I had access to not only the information available on the internet, but the connection to people made through it when I was a young momma.
I made so many mistakes with my oldest children who are 23 and 20. Having no family support, it was a constant struggle and I often leaned on false support systems that did far more damage to us as a family unit than if I had followed my gut and did what I thought was right. Even if some authority figures and drs thought it was wrong. It usually isn't. They take away the most basic of rights as parents when it comes to making life changing decisions for our kids. Love your views and love your family ❤

I think there are a lot of people who would do things differently now that they have the knowledge they didn't have before. I think all we can do is try and help inform younger people who are about to become parents or those who have just become parents and try to help them make the right choices.

At least the same mistakes can be avoided. My daughter is doing things so differently and I am so proud. I loved this post so much, it is a great idea. You have a beautiful family <3

Thanks Karen!! We all will do things differently which is why I stress the point of there not being a manual for parenting. We must try and do what's natural and what feels right.

No spam from this Homebirthin', non-vaccinating, Unschooling Grandma :)
Beautiful family and the Love can be seen and felt in your post. Thanks for sharing so honestly and courageously <3 !!!

Awesome!!! Thank you! :) It means a lot coming from such a wise person like yourself. Congrats at "Grandma" status :)

You are blessed to have a wonderful family. Awesome stuff dude.

Thanks brother!!!

great job Brendan, man of work and also Lyndsay , I see how both of you working hard to build a good future for your children, great to see the way you live and grow your children, that was the best way of teaching and education and all the things that someone should do for his/her children, really I wish all the parents would do the same!
peace brother!

Thanks Davoud!! Appreciate the kind words. You know how much these children mean to us :)

You seem like a great father and a great writer as well! Can't wait to follow your blog and see more posts

Awesome dude! Thanks for the nice comment.

Beautiful pics!!

They look like nice kiddos!

Congratulations for being a good dad.

And smart way of leaving the proof of your love for them nicely secured by the blockchain.

Documentation is always a wise step. Thanks for your nice comments buddy!

Great post!

Blessed couple @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes are to have learned one of the most important responsibilities and joys in life is bringing life (lives) full circle!

I put SOBRIETY among the top 'roles' of parenting. Children should be able to see, by example, the power of functioning with a clear mind, and that saying no to toxic things can be way cool. Oftentimes, alcoholics are born with the gene in their DNA; and, others are taught by others, 'their role models' how to chug self into blindness.

I won't make this beautiful post morbid; so, I'll leave it there. Kudos to see how much you've matured, especially now, when it matters the MOST!


Hahahah yes please don't make it morbid! I do agree with you though. I don't think alcoholism and children would be a good mix.


Using Steemit to log the love, teachings, and lives of you and your children could become the saving grace for you in the future.

So much wisdom in this post. Suddenly I do see yet another extreme usefulness of the blockchain! To make indelible marks and impressions on it. A "tamper proof" ledger. Should CPS claim that you don't have love for your kids or you're unfit for parenting, they'd have to go through all of these photos which would always serve as proofs of you being a great dad.

I sure hope that it will be useful for people in the future. A massive ledger of family love! Thank you so much for your support! :)

It sure will.. You're welcome Sir... Been seeing you around a lot...

happy family....😁

You are a father who dreams of all women
And an example for all fathers in the world

I think perhaps you might mean. "You are a father who all women dream about" maybe...??

Yes it is
You are also a very caring father

Thank you!!

You welcome
Come visit my blog there maybe you like it there

Surely you can spend very well with your family members and I wish for long life expectancy for all members of your family and all of the family's photographs are awesome

Thank you very much!

Happy family :)

very interesting

Hi! I am Shahin. in bangladesh. I just upvoted you! if you like what i do...follow me and vote my post also...

Great post there, keep up good work !

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what an inspiring and lovely family !!! I hope more family can be like yours :))

Totally resteemed this... I just love it so much 💓

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by ,@thethreehugs

Wow congratulations, UPVOTED and resteemed