‼️A new onslaught against our children‼️

in #familyprotection3 years ago


Parents! - be warned against killer drug as treatment for your kids if they get Covid-19.

Attorney Thomas Renz in September 2021 released statistics to the public on Remdesivir. He received it from a whistleblower from the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) database. The horrifying statistics showed that 25% of people were dying after taking this drug.


Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the approval of the COVID-19 treatment Veklury (remdesivir) to include pediatric patients 28 days of age and older weighing at least 3 kilograms (about 7 pounds) with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing, who are:
Hospitalized, or
Not hospitalized and have mild-to-moderate COVID-19 and are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death.
This action makes Veklury the first approved COVID-19 treatment for children less than 12 years of age. As a result of today’s approval action, the agency also revoked the emergency use authorization for Veklury that previously covered this pediatric population.
Before now, Veklury was only approved to treat certain adults and pediatric patients (12 years of age and older who weigh at least 40 kilograms, which is about 88 pounds) with COVID-19.

Veklury (Remdesivir) was developed to treat ebola. Because it was so dangerous it was never approved. It's surrounded with a history of deaths and scandals. It was given EUA (emergency use authorization) by the FDA.
Suddenly in October 2020 it was fully approved by the FDA to treat adults with Covid-19.
Existing proven safe drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin was attacked to get this drug approved.

My own conclusion is that lots of people did not die from Covid-19 but because of the treatment that they have received.

Dr. Meryl Nass wrote a blog about this criminal action by the FDA.

Remdesivir is an IV drug. Therefore, for the past 2 years it was almost exclusively used in hospitalized patients, not outpatients.
Royalties go to Gilead, but a portion go the the NIAID, Tony Fauci’s agency and US Army, which assisted with its development. I originally omitted the fact (appreciate the reminder) that Ralph Baric, UNC professor and the US’ premier coronavirus scientist, is not only a creator of ACE-2 humanized mice and chimeric SARS coronaviruses. He is also an inventor of Remdesivir and worked with the Moderna COVID vaccine beginning in December 2019 through NIAID, even before anyone knew there would be a pandemic.
Nearly everyone who is hospitalized in the US with COVID receives Remdesivir, because
a) hospitals get a financial bonus from the government for using it, and
b) it is the top treatment recommended by the NIH Guidelines.
The Guidelines were created by a group that originally had 16 members with current or past financial ties to Gilead. The members of the guidelines group were handpicked by the 3 co-chairs. Clifford Lane, one of the co-chairs, is a Fauci deputy.
Remdesivir received an early EUA (May 1, 2020) and then a very early license (October 22, 2020) despite a paucity of evidence that it actually was helpful in the hospital setting. A variety of problems can arise secondary its use, including liver inflammation, renal insufficiency and renal failure. Here is a list of articles revealing its kidney toxicity:

On 20 November 2020, the World Health Organisation, recommended against the use of Remdesivir and then on 22 April 2022 they recommended the drug for Covid-19 patients with a high risk of a poor outcome.

There are not a lot of countries that use this drug for Covid-19 treatment apart from the US.

A large European trial in adults found no benefit. The investigators felt 3 deaths were due to remdesivir (0.7% of subjects who received it.)

Now it's been approved for your babies.

It was approved based on a study in 53 children, 3 of them died, that is 6% . Out of the 72% of adversed events 21% was serious.
The majority of children have a very low risk to die from Covid-19. It's quite possible that this drug will kill more children, than it saves.

Dr. Nass said: I heard that some nurses refer to the drug as “Run, death is near.”

Based on the paucity of information FDA released with its Remdesivir approval, it appears that FDA knows very little about the drug’s benefit in children.

Once again they want to use your children as guinea pigs. Don't let them do that!

Don't let your children get vaccinated and don't let them be treated with Remdesivir.

Please also support @familyprotection now on Hive by writing under the tag of @familyprotection of which @canadian-coconut & @markwhittam are the founders and the custodians.


Thank you for reading, I would love to hear from you in the comment section.



Sources & picture sources:


https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-recommends-against-the-use-of-remdesivir-in-covid-19-patients https://merylnassmd.com/fda-approved-remdesivir-for-28-day-old/


I still think the covid agenda was and is a one two punch of depopulation. The virus does it's job. Then, the vaccines are used to weaken the immune system to take out more. There are many who are speaking out about remdesiver. That coupled with the ventilators are a death sentence. Yeah, they want to take out our children. Those they cannot kill, sterilize from reproducing or drug, they get CPS to kidnap and traffic... and mind control. I have heard they particularly like children under age 5, because they can control them for life at that age. I believe however, that... in the end... good will triumph. That is why we need to continue to spread truth and fight for families and freedom.

Thank you for commenting dear Troy. Yes, it's a horrible situation. We sure need to spread the truth and hope things will get better. Ultimately, I think things will only really get better when the church of God is raptured. Then all this will end for God's children.