KPAI is one of the three national institutions of human rights watchdog and supervisor in Indonesia (NHRI / National Human Right Institution) namely KPAI, Komnas HAM, and Komnas Perempuan. [Source]
This Commission is the property and assets of the nation and state, we need to provide support and constructive suggestions and suggestions so that this commission can carry out its duties and obligations as well as possible in providing protection to the children of the nation.
Today, there are still many Indonesian children who cannot yet smile enjoy the pleasures of life. Some of them became beggars on the streets. Should be at their young age, they are still sitting in school to learn to prepare for a bright future.
When I see their life like that, I feel sad, addition they sleep under the bridge in the used cardboard boxes. They eat from garbage trash (rice is taken from a packet of rice that is thrown away).
On the other hand, there are still many Indonesian children who they've daily life as drug dealers. When their condition is like this, who is responsible for protecting them?
KPAI is a state commission that has the task of supervising the implementation of child protection as mandated by Law No. 35 of 2014 on Amendment to Law no. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection. [Source]
In the constitution of the state of Indonesia, the Government has the duty and authority to protect the nation's children. In fact, up today, the Government of Indonesia has not been effective in providing protection to the children of the nation, this can be seen from the violent behavior that befell the children of the Indonesian nation.
One of the violence cases on a child was found a child be tied to the chain, read more here
The government without the support and assistance of other parties and all levels of society will not be able to protect the nation's children. Therefore, let's support government programs in providing protection to the nation's generation.
Saya sangat setuju dengan anda. Kita juga memiliki tugas dan kewajiban melindungi anak dari segala bentuj kekerasan. Laporkan ke KPAI jika ada kasus kekerasan pada anak
thanks @abuz, tidak hanya itu abuz, kita juga harus mendukung program pemerintah dalam memberikan perlindungan kepada anak bangsa kita, mereka juga berhak tersenyum dan menikmati hidup
di Indonesia masih banyak anak bangsa yang belum mendapat hidup yang layak. stop kekerasan dan lindungi mereka.
yoi.... anak adalah generasi penerus bangsa dan pemegang tongkat estafet kepemimpinan di masa yang akan datang, maka oleh karena itu kita harus melindungi mereka agar kelak menjadi pemimpin yang baik untuk bangsa dan negara
anak semestinya mereka bisa tersenyum, perlindungan anak harus ditingkatkan lagi
saya setuju dengan program perlindungan anak yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah di bawah KPAI, namun pemerintah harus meningkatkan lagi perlindungan kepada anak agar tidak ada lagi anak bangsa hidup menderita dan trauma akibat dari kekerasan tersebut
thanks for commenting on my blog
Saya setuju sekali, karena di negara kita cukup banyak kejadian pelecehan sexual terhadap anak anak pada umumnya.
Violence against children takes a disastrous toll on more than 1 billion children around the world. so sad...you done a good job friend
The #familyprotection tag is to be only used for posts that fit the requirements of @familyprotection.
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okay, I has been removed your tag. thanks for information
Children need to be protected against abuse and all government have to embrace this
Ya benar