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RE: Conflict Of Interest: The Politics Of CPS

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

No one that's the idea the family in America has been under attack for years that's why America is in the state it is. No or broken families create the society we have today where no one cares about anyone but themselves along with no one helping anyone but themselves. The sexual harassment scene is only the surface the abuse is far and deep and i hate to say it but this also goes along with teaching our children they can choose a gender. That is wrong and produces depressed borderline psychotic adults. Look at drug use and prescription drug use do you think those numbers have nothing to do with society and what we teach or allow our children to do? They are in our care for a reason they are not mature enough to get a job and support themselves yet society has led them to believe they are old enough to decide what sex they should or shouldn't be or what sex they will be attracted to this is border line pedophilia and no one says a word because they might be persecuted well I don't care and I will not be quiet and let our children be subjected to this evil.


Also I don't advocate violence or hate just my opinion just as all the pedophiles and homosexuals do but anytime you oppose them its hate speech and isn't allowed. Give me a break its just a tool to hide behind so that they cannot be opposed and no one will try to oppose them!

If you knew my story you might advocate violence and pedophiles and homosexuals are one and the same! Not all pedos are homosexual, but all homosexuals are pedophiles!

I think even some homosexuals aren't pedophiles. Bottoms that like bears, for example.

Imma go wash out my mouth with soap, now. I'm grossed out...

Exactly right... when there were still strong families there was no need for government intervention. The black community is a prime example- before LBJ's "Great Society" black families were the most tight knit in America, something to be emulated. Now with no-fault divorce and the whole social welfare system families, black and white alike are going the way of the dinosaur. It's all a part of a much larger plan to force Cultural Marxism on America and with it a global government!

dead on man, and it was all planned to work out like this a long time ago, Im tellin ya, just read , or listen to , the first three or four chapters of "Behold a Pale Horse" by Bill Cooper, If it doesnt open your eyes to the bigger picture of whats being done , by whom and why, I will close my steemit account

Bill is one of the good guys, I've seen a bunch of his stuff on YT. I've been familiar with his work for over 10 years... he was murdered!

if more people really studied history ,not the shit in school books but the real stuff, it would so much easier for them to see how we got to where we are now. the left hijacked education therefore controlling the narrative and covering up all their evil deeds through time.

Agreed people are so complacent and happy to sit in front of the tv or a nfl game or whatever keeps them from noticing the government stealing our lives right in front of the whole world. And they want to protest and cry about there rights the people who died so we all could be free would destroy the America we live in today!