Recently, I have been engaged in helping parents, low-income and large families in the fight against government agencies, services for minors and guardianship agencies. Often services operate in violation of the laws of the country. Quite often, there are situations when the rights of children and parents are violated not only by government officials, but also by representatives of children’s children and boarding schools. I will disclose such cases and make them publicly displayed. Today we will talk about the situation that has developed with my friend Valentina.
Beginning of the story
The girl got married (the guy was called Igor) and began her family life. After some time they had a child - a boy. He was called Sergei. They lived more than seven years. But, life has made its own negative adjustments. Igor was killed.
The widow remained to live in the house, which was acquired in conjunction with her late husband. A year later, another Valentine met a young guy. He was ready to raise the baby and become a father for him. They began to live in a civil marriage. That is, they were cohabitants. Unfortunately, this young man led an asocial lifestyle. He was a drug addict. And his life was short. Unfortunately, in his short life he brought a lot of grief to Valentina. Eugene was the culprit of the all-consuming fire. The house burned down almost completely. Left alone walls. Repair house was not subject. In order to rent an apartment, they were forced to sell the land on which their house was built. It was during this period that social services paid attention to Valentina and her son. After the death of the addict's husband, she was left alone.
Tragedy and illegal actions of social services
Stephen Valentina went to the service for the rights of the child. There she stated that Valentina has no opportunities to raise and educate Sergey. Officials quickly responded to the signal. They came to check on Valentina's rented apartment.
The fridge was full. There were various food items. The child was fed and clean. He regularly attended school and the teachers had no complaints. It was here that the nature of the officials manifested itself. They needed to at all costs find the reasons for which they could pick up the baby. Although at that time Sergey was already 11 years old. Officials said the child is being raised in inappropriate conditions. How so!? The child has everything you need for a full life!
Officials have been looking for reasons for a long time. In the end, they said that Valentina should be officially employed. At that time, she worked in the market as an ordinary seller. But, unfortunately, in Ukraine official work is rather difficult to find. Especially the one where they normally pay. A few months later, officials said to the school for Sergei and forcibly took him away.
First, he was identified in an orphanage. Social workers began to promptly prepare documents to deprive Valentine of maternal rights. Here, many have a question. Why was it necessary to promptly deprive her mother of her rights? What is behind this? The answer to this question became clear a little later.
During the month, held two court hearings. Oddly enough, Valentina was not notified that her case was being considered in court. She was not given a single document on the removal of her son from the family. The trial was held without her presence. The fact that she was deprived of parental rights, she learned quite by accident. Valentina came to her son's orphanage, and her teachers simply did not let him. That's how she learned that she was deprived of maternal rights.
Two weeks after the trial, Sergey was redirected to the custodial family. Please note that everything was done in just 1.5 months. This is the reason why social workers hurried to deprive Valentine of parental rights.
The final
At the moment, Sergey is studying at the Vocational Technical School. His fate is taken care of foster mom. True, Valentine regularly communicates with her child. It is she who helps her son learn. She tries to give him clothes and food. The adoptive mother practically does not participate in the life and upbringing of the child. It turns out that the adoptive mother took the child for the money. Here you have the answer to all questions. It is money that is the real reason for depriving Valentina of parental rights.
Attention! Try to protect the rights of the child and your personal!
Author: @jurgan
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