CPS isn't the only authority that uses medical justifications for kidnapping people. The elderly are also victims of being taken from their families under the authority of state tyranny.

Source1, Source2
A retired lawyer by the name of Marvin Siegel has been forced to live an isolated and heavily medicated life, against his and his family's will and wishes. He was placed under a court appointed guardianship and conservatorship in August 2011. His daughter, Lisa Siegel Belanger is also a lawyer, and says this is all unlawful and corrupt behavior from the courts.
Attorneys worked together with hospitals in order to medically kidnap and rob Marvin of his estate. After nearly 7 years, almost all of the $9 million estate has been deceptively and fraudulently drained by these criminals in the justice system and those complicit in this corruption.
If you're a rich or poor elderly person, it appears the court system of Essex County in Massachusetts, as well as other counties, thinks you're worth a lot and will use lawyers, courts and service agencies to siphon your money away and prevent your family from getting it. The Boston Broadside "People's Paper" that fights for the people against government tyranny wrote about this story as "ISOLATE, MEDICATE, LIQUIDATE: How to Fleece a Senior"
This began after Martin Siegel needed some help around the house, and arranged for a part-time worker to check-in on him and meet some needs, along with his daughter Lisa and her family to move in. One day when Lisa and her family were out, they came back home to find Mr. Siegel being carted off in an ambulance. The worker had called 911 and said that Siegel was a harm to himself or others. He was then placed into a psychiatric facility for evaluation.
Then Mr. Siegel's financial advisor, Brian Nagle, got involved and had attorneys Edward Tarlow and Catherine Watson revoke the Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) that Lisa and the family had. Lisa had previously been assigned the DPOA in 2003 when her father was fully of sound mind. The crooked lawyers were able to obtain a signature while he was doped up in a psychiatric ward in order to revoke her authority. Nagle has failed and refused to carry out his fiduciary duty and honor Siegel's wishes, as he became the new DPOA.
Martin Siegel's family is still fighting the guardianship and conservatorship that was granted without their approval, and have been in litigation for nearly 7 years. Mr. Siegel created the DPOA in order to safeguard him and prevent the need to enter a probate court or be labeled incapacitated. This was all circumvented because other people wanted to get his money. Siegel has a private attorney, Marsha Kazarosian, but instead of working for her client she has allied herself with the court-appointed conservator, attorney James Feld, and guardian, attorney Brian Cuffe.
Mr. Siegel had never been diagnosed with any psychotic or mood disorder. No second opinion was allowed to be obtained to verify or confirm the diagnosis that allowed for this medical kidnapping and robbery of the estate. The court-appointed guardian and conservator were prompt to remove Siegel's own medical providers and put in their own network to justify their corruption. Both have a conflict of interest because they have their own dealings and ties with the medical providers and hospitals that are being paid in order to keep draining Mr. Siegel's estate.
In addition, these crooked and corrupt lawyers charge one another to talk to each other through emails and then bill the estate. They also spend money on guards that are posted 24/7/365. He is under house arrest, locked away and prevented from communicating with his family.
As Siegel's daughter and attorney puts it, this is about money and dismantling the family unit:
"This is all about the money. What people need to know is, this starts from your local hospitals. These attorneys who are also court-appointed guardians/conservators/GALs [Attorney Guardians ad Litem], they just happen to be attorneys who are private counsel for these very medical facilities. They have a financial interest in wanting elders to be judicially deemed wards of the state. There's a purposeful motivation of wanting to dismantle the family unit."
Siegel's other daughter, Devora, adds:
"Now, the family unit—nothing. Dismantle them, and they have complete control. That's the first piece of the puzzle. It gets very complicated. They take away any control you have. They take away your rights."
They even went into Mr. Siegel's bank vault to drill it open and get his money to pay for their fraudulent services.

Lisa is an attorney, and this "lawlessness" won't get her to stop fighting against the corruption:
"It's been outright lawlessness. I refuse to stop fighting against it. Because, I know what the truth is. And, I know what the law is. And, unfortunately, most people can't endure the viciousness and vile tactics that these attorneys employ. ... Rule of law was thrown out the window—it was purely a kangaroo court."
She has this much trouble fighting for justice as a lawyer herself. Regular people have barely any chance at all. It takes a lot of money, and even then, there is a "completely disregard" for the real instrument of a court and law, as "the court-appointed guardian conservator" ... "get themselves into the family infrastructure and dismantle it".
The Siegel family thinks this is an ongoing crisis that the courts perpetuate onto seniors and their families. And the local media refuses to cover the story. Lisa said:
"The local media, they refuse to report on it. No one wants to go up against them, no one. My sister and I are just trying to somehow ... it's not just for our own personal endeavor, but this is something that will hopefully help other people."
"They make things up. They want to say dementia or whatever–psychotic delusions. At no time have they ever put down any factual information as to what kind of psychotic delusions. They just put down a statement and that's it. That's the problem is that there's no oversight. There's no justice in the court system."
"It doesn't matter the amount of a person's estate, even if a person has virtually nothing to their name. The fact that an elder is receiving some sort of government benefit that automatically brings you into their clutches. People don't realize that it affects basically everyone. I also find, I'm probably kind of a lone attorney in this process, because it's so insidious. Because, a lot people who even hire attorneys, they don't even realize that their attorneys are playing along to get along with the opposing side. So, many people think that their attorneys are supposedly advocating on their behalf, when in reality, they're stabbing them in the back, for lack of a better term."
At 90 years old, Mr. Siegel's health has gotten worse as a result of forced drugging. He can't carry a conversation.
The private attorney, Marsha Kazarosian, that helped screw over the family by allying herself with this corrupt judicial system, has admitted to having close and substantial inner workings with the Massachusetts judiciary, all the way up to the highest court justices. She also has documented big dollar political contributions to high-profile Democrats, such as former Attorney General Martha Coakley, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Joe Kennedy III, Barak Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Tom Daschle, and various Democratic organizations.
Lisa says:
"It can be of no surprise by the outlandish backroom antics resorted to by Obama appointee U.S. District Court Judge Allison Burroughs and First Circuit Court of Appeals Justices Sandra Lynch (Bill Clinton appointee), when they dismissed the federal civil actions I filed in 2015 and 2017. Kazarosian is high-profile and a big donor. Oh, and Judge Burroughs just happens to be one of the foremost, early-on federal judges to have nixed President Trump's initial travel ban."
It's truly tyrannical. The state is preventing Mr. Siegel's family from having a relationship with him, and has been doing so for the past 7 years. They've done nothing wrong, but when they try to fight the corrupt system, the swarm of corrupt people is so intertwined in a network of evil that nothing moves forward. As Lisa says: "This is so much more than about just the law: it's good over evil."
If you live in the area, or in Massachusetts, maybe you can help. Governor Charlie Baker can be contacted at 617-725-4005 or , or on Facebook or Twitter. Representative James Lyons Jr. at 617-722-2460 or [email protected]. Senator Bruce E. Tarr at 617-722-1600 or [email protected], or Facebook or Twitter. Attorney Lisa Siegel Belanger's website or Twitter.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
- Massachusetts Attorney Exposing Medical Kidnapping Threatened with Being Disbarred
- ISOLATE, MEDICATE, LIQUIDATE: How to Fleece a Senior
- HORRORS OF GUARDIANSHIP: Gov. Baker Turns a Blind Eye
- Massachusetts Senior Citizen and Attorney Medically Kidnapped – Estate Plundered – Represents National Epidemic
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This is exactly why I don't go to doctors! Seniors are under attack in many ways. Fortunately I am very healthy for 69 but most I have seen here in the mainland are on tons of meds and their health just gets worse. Many are subjected to surgery that is either misdiagnosed or in a lot of cases, kills them. I personally think a lot of the illnesses, especially cancer, heart attacks and diabetes are a direct result of eating gmo roundup poisoned foods and not getting enough exercise. The homes the elderly are placed in are even worse. Most are simply medicated so they don't have to deal with them. And yes, taking every penny they can get their hands on. Now more than ever, families should be taking care of their own and community support is essential. Mahalo for taking the time to create this most worthy post!
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
I don't go to doctors either. Most are little more than pharmaceutical pimps leading their patients astray with harmful drugs and operations that cause more harm than any supposed good they claim to do. I can do without all the mercury and antibiotics they pass out like candy, this years wonder drugs that are tomorrows class action lawsuits for all the irreversible damage they cause.
Wise choice!
Yeah roundup is not good, no matter what ppl want to deny. Exercise is definitely important. Elderly homes are places you go to die :/ Thanks for the support ;)
I worked in a school some years ago that admitted only students who had been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder (mostly high school kids). Predictably, one of the most important people in the administration was a clinical social worker. I remember she said casually, at lunch, that she had the power to have anyone put away. Think, not only of her arrogance but of the folly of law. And then I remember reading about Thomas Insel, former director of the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Insel wasn't really a good "fit" for that agency, because he was a scientist, not a bureaucrat. He brought to psychiatry a skepticism about its "soft" science aspect. He was trained as a neurosurgeon and wanted to bring to psychiatry the tools of objective observation and proof. When he moved on from the NIMH, he join an enterprise called "Mindstrong Health" which seeks to use objective data in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Now, I don't know if this is good. I do know it is an attempt to get away from the kind of authoritarian, subjective judgment that resulted in Marvin Siegel's institutionalization.
Sounds like Insel was on the right track to helping ppl rather than controlling them :/
One could confirm
"So, many people think that their attorneys are supposedly advocating on their behalf, when in reality, they're stabbing them in the back, for lack of a better term."
by simply looking up the etymology of Attorney. What you will find is that they twist the law. In all cases in American Jurisprudence such is breaking the law.
Yeah twist and turn it to "win". it's all about winning. The reality/truth is secondary, if that :/
At some point people will have enough and these lawyers and medical unprofessionals will be on the receiving end of being kidnapped and having their possessions taken from them by angry family mobs.
Maybe, if enough ppl get affected by it. But then again, many ppl fear the govt and wouldn't want to end up in cages for enacting causal reciprocal feedback for harm others have done :/
Yeah, would certainly be easier to show ones opposition if the fear of kidnapping, imprisonment or death wasn't always sitting there on the table.
Wow! Great and informational post! Thanks so much for sharing and shining light on the corruption.
I am far too familiar with the tactics the lawyers and institutions play on the elderly. Not long ago I wrote a piece regarding my Aunt who has been a target for at least ten years. I hope there is a way to end this corruption as it runs deep and is not easily dismantled. 🐓🐓
This is where cryptocurrencies can come to the rescue at least when it comes to money. I have read about this type of abuse in the USA. In an article about it, it was said it is mostly a thing in the sunny states in the south where a lot of pensioners move.
This is why it makes all the sense in the world to have a more close-knit family unit that includes the grandparents, too.
Yes, other cultures have more inclusive familial ties. Multi-generational families living together for longer periods of time
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It's a place to keep things so dangerous that no one reaches them
A great article
Information I did not know before
Well done publishing
The story of Marvin Siegel is sad. It is surprising that an unscrupulous person does harm to an old man and drugs him to sign documents.
The most worrisome case is that the government does not do anything about it.
In the South American countries this type of abuse is not seen with the elderly.
I'm very sad story. Yes there's a war on against all ages and it's so wrong that people end up being victims. Seniors deserve much better. It seems like we have thrown respect and privacy out the window. Thanks for sharing. @krnel