[FamilyProtection] What You Need Know About Summons: Running Helter-Skelter Without Cause

The court and CPS working hand in hand only makes the whole situation a potentially harmful process for families webbed around their deceit. It is of no surprise that many people see the courts as a Milking Factory and others have affirmed, that for child protective service cases, the odds are stacked against parents. All this I totally agree with and this disease have been plaguing the lives of many children and families. It is what it is, it is Milking Factory!, but ignorant or simple minded parents who do not know the scope of these deceitful powers, such parents are remote controlled like robots, and the only algorithm they are programmed for gets parents more milked. 

One of this remote controls and vices used is "impromptu" call to the court by CPS. Let me get this warning to all parents from the start, Don't Fall For This!. I have heard of it happening in so many cases  and a chunk of parents always fall for it. Some parents who I have previously interviewed or that had sent me an email have mentioned that they were called in "impromptu".

It might be that CPS has previously visited them or they had a meeting with CPS previously, perhaps, they were working through some routine with CPS and there have been no court hearing yet. Your phone rings and your caseworker says : "YOU HAVE TO BE IN COURT TOMORROW, you have been summoned"!!. having heard this, parent are thrown off guard, begin to panic and quickly tries to prepare. The next day, they run to court and they become victimized further having had no preparation whatsoever. There have been cases where people are summoned to come to the court the same day of the call!.

This act  is a COMPLETE UNLAWFUL fraudulent act to deprive parents of their constitutional rights. Every parents have a Right to due Process(engraved in the constitution), and due process  right spells out "IN BOLD" that there must be an actual Summon made to parents personally to appear in court. The Right To Notice Of Proceeding is a right that "Must" be acknowledged by the court yet CPS  and their corrupt courts plays a devious role to operate out side the confinement of this fundamental Constitutional right of parents to due process. 

There "MUST" be a served SUMMON and there must also be a NOTICE. A summon is an order to appear before a Judge and this summon comes with a Notice. A document of Notice contains the exact place and date of the hearing. Though the time to respond to a Summon from the court might defer from one state to the other in the United State or every other place in the world, but there is a trend in the constitution upholding preparation before a hearing. A parent has the Right to Preparation and this must be respected by the Court Rules set in place already in every state and counties, every case, CPS cases inclusive.  To honour a summon to court, the Summon and notice document must be served between 14 days to 7 days prior to hearing. Disposition and jurisdiction hearing summon must be served 7 days before hearing. TPR hearing summon should be delivered much more earlier, about 14 days  but Hearing of Shelter is usually served 3 days before the hearing.

This summons and notice are to be served to the Respondent parents in person, and there must be proof that it had been delivered. Whatever it may be, these are the manifestation of the Constitutional Rights of parents and must be respected. But that doesn't mean the court and CPS don't try knocking you off these rights. 

When you receive a call from your caseworker or other officers to appear in court in impromptu without a summon and notice, Do NOT comply. I repeat, Do not comply. Someone might want to ask me "Why shouldn't I comply". A summon is akin to a Warrant!, only it has the constitutional power to make you appear in court. Do people exercise this power they derive from their due process right?, unfortunately, NO.

There have been numerous cases where informal calls have been made by caseworkers, cps officials, or messages are unofficially left(Not a document of summon) by your door to come to court, do not respond to this order, they are not legal orders, in fact, they are criminal in nature. Responding and playing by their deceit somewhat makes you to relinquish your due process constitutional right. 

He who fails to assert his rights has none.
_Legal Maxim

We might want to ask what would happen if you don't go to the law court when you are just informally called by your caseworker that you have a hearing at the court in impromptu. The answer is simple, Nothing Will happen!, you simply asserted your right to be formally informed of a proceeding or hearing against you. The case will not be discussed without you being present, it would simply be adjourned, you cannot be held in contempt either. Yes, people are aware that if they do not go to court when a summon is issued, the court has the power to hold them for Contempt and get arrested. But did you read that right?, that only happens when actual valid summon was issued in accordance to the days of preparation that must be given before the hearing in the first place.  If you decide to honor such an illegal summon to come to court, a legal summon would be drafted, served to you in court showing that you needed to be in court that very day, when in the actual sense they have cheated you off your due process rights and made a fool and penny of respondent parents.

Let us stop being ignorant of our rights, it is surprising that people have fallen for this illegal act of impromptu summon countless of times, and CPS will keep using this against families until we begin to exercise the power we have. there are cases of respondent parents being called and they had to rush down from travel, or take a late night flight just because a caseworker called notifying them that there is a hearing the next day. If you never got an actual summon from the court via Mail or in person, forget it, don't give them the satisfaction!. Stop getting knocked over, stop being played, stop letting the CPS and their corrupt court deprive us of the preparation we need when involved with a dependency case. Never forget the legal Maxim: He who fails to assert his rights has none. Stand up for yourself at every point of your case, don't be a wounded weak lamb! Stop feeding the Beast called CPS and their slaughter house, the Court.

Check The Court Rules And Codes (Statutes) In Your City/State To Know The Days Prior to you Being Served A summon And Appearing In Court(Usually 7days).

This Is Not The Time To Be Ignorant

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

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The biggest lie we are told is things like "you will get your day in court".
"The courts about justice".

These statements can only be made by people who have never been there.

I do not know when it became standard procedure for police officers and other govern-cement officials to lie, but lie they do. IN COURT. (get over the shock now)

And this is the surface stuff. The courts in america, are not even american courts. The truth is far far more evil.

Not saying that you can't win. They are bound by their rules. But, get rid of those ideas about a fair fight.

Oh yeah!, they are there for injustice. And to be honest, the court system has been overcrowded by corrupt money grabbing hypocrites. Whenever I see survivals who beat CPS in court, I pull a hat of respect and their ability to have escaped the web of corruption. Since the System doesn't want to make it easy for us, we won't make it easier for them either, we have limited resources and channels to actually fight the system!, gone are the days when you can brag of American court system and other court systems in general, but Court rooms are just the shell for all forms of injustices, lies and deceitfulness. Thank you @builderofcastles for your sound comment.

Great job! This is absolutely correct... Legally there's no such thing as an "impromptu" hearing. DO NOT go to court without legal representation!!!

Oh my thats awful if they tell you to come the same or next day. I can understand one will panic hearing that message. Good to know this is not legal.. thanks for this post!

Yeah, it is not legal, but some people somehow just panic and end up not thinking things through since they don't know their Due process rights. They get there and they are handed over to be represented at first by fraudulent or overworked court appointed attorneys.

Scary stuff. Not a parent but always a bit paranoid about the state and this kind of stuff.

Using a voip phone number which is hard to find and the address listed on all my documents is actually just a P.O. Box.

I've never had anything delivered to the location where I actually live. I like the peace in knowing it will be somewhat difficult for the state if they ever want to "Summon" me for something I decide to say online.

Hey! Nice meeting you! Really enjoyed reading your post, very informative!

Follow me if you get the chance @jessicalyons

Jessie xoxoxox

That's right, in fact they have the right to be informed of the charges they impose, because it is an imposition, to know their file completely and to be able to decide who their lawyer will be, however we know that this strangely happens

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