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RE: [FamilyProtection] The Injustice Of CPS In The Central Registry Of Abuse Can Cost You Your Job and Many More!!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Canada follows similar method. I remember vividly two years ago when I was making some research and I read a parent outcry on this issue, and she stated she was from Canada., I doubt if this has been amended over there, but the US never made any amendment.


oh. This is really important to know then. I wonder if it would even affect things like getting travel visas, or driving across the border into the USA.

None that I have heard of. The only complains I've read of parent is usually on job opportunity "mostly those where kids" are and the teen mothers who had problem with admission. The CAPTA mentioned something about that(employment). And the lady I worked with on upwork.

So it is very unlikely if that would ever happen.