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RE: DCF/CPS Kidnaps Kids. Be Aware of Their Dirty tricks....My story

Every time I read a story like yours I have trouble understanding how is it possible to take a child away from his parents based on some bullshit unproven charge. A child, a four-years-old like yours, cannot understand what is happening. How can they do such a thing to a child?

I do hope they won't be coming back because if they start digging they're bound to find out about the youngest being homeschooled, which is not neither legal, nor illegal, but could prove quite a headache to explain.
Hope you'll have a wonderful Christmas with your daughter and get over this nightmare! On the other hand, I've had a personal experience with child protecion showing up at my door, following an 'anonymous' complaint from my downstairs neighbor who has a grudge against us being 'noisy'. Since she hasn't managed to convince the police about that, she came up with this scheme, saying I don't have the means to support my child! Fortunately, child protection here doesn't operate like in the US and I tried my best to explain the situation. I must admit I was so pissed I could hardly contain myself, but anyway I was proud of myself for using a piece of advice I got from a post in @familyprotection - don't let them in. They were not pleased. I refused to submit to an investigation regarding our financial situation saying it was completely unwarranted, which is something I guess you could not do in the US.


I hope that you take this opportunity to research any rights your country provides and find a really good attorney before they decide to come back. Please do not get complacent and just assume that they wont.Thank you @ladyrebecca. I know your time is valuable. The fact that you spent it to read my post and comment means a great deal to me and is deeply and sincerely appreciated. You mentioned that you aren't in the U.S.. It is fine if you dont want to disclose your location but, I am curious as to what country you are in. Here in the U.S. DCF or CPS are not a federal agencies, they are state agencies. What that means is that none are the same and they each have their own set of laws and guidelines that they go by. What is okay in one state is not in another. Here in Florida DCF has a policy of investigating every complaint they get. On the surface this sounds like a noble idea. It is not. They are fully aware that a vast percentage of calls are anonymous. They also know that an overwhelming majority of these anonymous calls are strictly vindictive. Most are either relationship or jealousy related and have nothing to do with a concern for the children. The reason DCF/CPS loves these types of calls is because they use them to justify their bloated existence. They dont distinguish these B.S. calls from real ones in the statistics that they use to lobby the government for a bigger budget. They say they need more money to hire more investigators and case workers because they are inundated with calls and cases. What they dont say is that most of those calls are just retaliatory bullshit that are unfounded and in turn lead to cases that are bullshit and unfounded. so what looks to be a severe need for DCF/CPS to exist and get bigger is just manufactured and they should really be downsized. Things like this are the fundamental differences between liberal democrat government policies and conservative government ideas. The liberals use corrupt agencies like DCF as an excuse to expand government and increase taxes to pay for it. They then give those new jobs to people with no qualifications but are dedicated party hacks creating the obama deep state that we have now. Obama was not the first to do this. He just managed to take it to a whole new level and perfect it. He did it with the CIA, FBI ,DoJ , the courts and all kinds of other alphabet gang agencies. We are now trying to undo eight years of that and the country can finally see how severe the problems caused by this are. I apologize for getting way off track.