The liberal agenda at war with the traditional family

There’s an all-out war raging in my country, Romania, between proponents of the marxist-liberal agenda and the defenders of traditional family. At issue is the referendum scheduled for the end of this week whose objective is to enshrine in the Constitution the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman. However, things have escalated quickly and the heated public debate has focused on the real issue - which is not gay rights, but the liberal agenda promoting all sorts of weirdness as the new normal. And by weird I mean the transgender epidemic, weird as in boy transitioning to girl in 5th grade, weird as in men have periods, too, weird as in I identify as a lesbian woman today, but tomorrow I might be in the mood to be Bob the Builder, weird as in the first man to give birth when it’s obvious that behind the beard and the masculine outfit there’s still a biological woman having a baby.

Eastern Europe is a conservative place, which is understandable after decades of communist isolation. This explains why people are having such strong reactions to a liberal agenda being forced down their throats. The referendum will probably pass, but not because we’re a particularly homophobic nation. The people got used to gay sex no longer being a criminal offence and nobody minds the Gay Pride annual event. No, people are scared of what the liberal propaganda allegedly fighting for gay rights has in mind for the rest of the population. Diversity ideology introduced in school under the guise of health education.
One quick example - Only this year, parents were shocked to discover a text-book for third-graders in which a little girl complaining about her lot in life is told she can always change that - she can start calling herself Matthew, become a boy and grow up to be a Daddy! And then we wonder why so many children in the West have gender issues!


The pictures in this post come from a book I found the other day at the British Council Library here in Bucharest. Because, you know UK is such a progressive country, so they felt the need to educate Romanian children about gay rights. And I do mean children - it is aimed at 1-6 years old! Is this what a three years old should be concerned with? The history of the rainbow flag? At that age, kids still have trouble naming the president of their country and struggle with shoelaces, but they should study in detail the life of gay-rights hero Harvey Milk? I saw the movie, nice man (an excellent Sean Penn!) - but I was an adult when I watched it, because I do think gay rights are important. Once again, sorry, but this is not a normal topic for kindergarten and such a book should not be on the same shelf with ordinary children books. Kids would be better served by books about, I don’t know, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, Newton or perhaps Freddie Mercury, an enormous talent who happened to be gay!


The more I think about this, the stronger I feel that the modern LGBT+++ movement has effectively hijacked the gay rights movement and use it for darker purposes. I have yet to see a referendum ad focused on Steve and Pete, two young men in love who want to have a family of their own and what great parents they could be to their adopted children. I’m sure there are such couples out there and many voters could actually relate, have some sympathy, but the liberal agenda doesn’t give a crap about Steve and Pete. Instead, all that we hear is that the ‘traditional family’ sucks. Social media is awash with messages that the traditional family model is outdated and hypocritical, that men abuse their wives and children, they drink, they watch porn. How many of you are aware the traditional family is a legacy of the Roman patriarchy, where men were tyrants who would sell or kill their children? The article on the horrible Romans and their poisonous legacy almost gave me a heart attack. Just like this video, which alleges that by not supporting the liberal agenda we’re condemning our children to a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ sort of future.

The reference to ‘The Handmaid Tale’s’ series is quite telling, as what was essentially a good book was transformed into a disgusting and outrageous piece of progressive propaganda.

Such messages get shared by quite normal people, young and not so young, from very ordinary traditional families who have never suffered any abuse in their lives. But, it’s cool to say these things, you’re progressive, you’re open minded.

The backlash is understandably strong. Someone compared what’s happening with the immunization process - a dangerous virus the body learns to deal with. In terms of the virus analogy, gay marriages would be but a simple flu one can easily deal with, the people are not afraid of that but of the cancer that is the liberal gender ideology.
Having our society accept gay marriages would have been difficult, but it could have worked had they not been associated with this gender ideology bullshit. Especially having children educated in this foreign ideology from a very young age.


The pro-family campaign is not against Steve and Pete, it’s about children and their future.
Maybe when this madness stops, Steve and Pete might get another chance to have the right to get married - for now, I think they were screwed by the LGBT+++ and their ludicrous agenda. Come to think of it, it might be a good thing if some of the homosexuals out there would take their distance from this organization which doesn’t represent them anymore. The simple fact that they keep adding letters to their title is proof of that - the original gays it was meant to protect are now lost among asexuals, intersexuals, queers - I don’t even know what queer means these days. No wonder Steve and Pete don’t get much sympathy these days, if their image is associated with the eco-sexual copulating with trees and the transwhatever living as a stupid mermaid.

For the time being, we hope to remain a normal country, a country where it’s still normal for someone to mistake my boy for a girl, because of his long hair. The boy does not require therapy because someone just assumed his gender, I was not offended, I did not go to the press to demand that person be sacked. A country where you don’t get in trouble for using the wrong pronoun!
Or for saying not-at-all-politcally-correct jokes, like this one:
‘An old man applies for an immigration visa. The clerk is intrigued and asks why this urge to leave at his age. The old man replies:
‘When I was in the army, they shot you for being gay. Later, they’d throw gays in jail. After the revolution, it became legal. I’m getting out before it becomes mandatory’.

I don’t know about being gay becoming mandatory, but if the liberals have their way it will become mandatory to accept there are more than two genders or that biology is a racist construct dreamed up by the eternally evil white male.

I have decided to file this post under #familyprotection as it seems very clear to me there's a global effort to destroy the concept of family and all the ties that are born within. Please read the stories under #familyprotection as they contain information you might need someday! 50% of liquid rewards made from this post will go to @familyprotection, as this account needs to grow to be able to make a difference.

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Wow!!! @ladyrebeca really strong logic and reason. Lots of injection of common sense and sanity into the logical conditions. Proving that old saying about women being here on earth to do those things a man cant do is not all about just having babies.

My hats off to you! Thank you for the beautiful post and that important glimpse into a beautiful mind.

The battle seems won and lost. They stopped/reduced targeting us and focused on our kids/the younger (than myself) generation. World's really going to be very different a century from now

Indeed they have. I was shocked to hear that friends of my daughter actually use the term 'traditional family' in a derisive manner. When I know their families as being nice people and devoted parents... mind-blowing!

re-steemed with pleasure, my ex and I reiterate ex home country is the illness spreading it's bile across the world in the guise of pc (political correctness), the UK needs a big wake up call.

I don't agree with telling children they are trans. My cousin was a serious tomboy when we were kids, if it was today some adult would be telling her shes really a man when it was just a phase. She is married with children now.

If you want to be a tranny when you are an a adult go right ahead but encouraging kids to do it is potentially very damaging

Yes, it is very such ideas in children's minds when they struggle with all the growing up problems and discovering themselves. Instead of fighting to fix their problems, I believe for some this whole transgender idea might appear an easy solution. I've read some disturbing articles about trans teens falling for this idea - maybe my life would be better as a boy/girl. Add some hormones therapy and you end up with very disturbed young people.

children like colours, so what better then to poison young brains with a certain kind of images.
Then everytime these images get rin the news, the young minds go back to the happy place of yought. And the next stages of the brainwash kick in. Then they start to question themselves, confuse their identity. And may accept the suggestions of gayness as fact.

Bending the genders with simple confusion by the use of color imagery starting at the very age when the brain is new to images. And strong colors make big impact at that age.

What a freakin mess!. It's the same agenda in Canada except that there's no debate. Canadians just docilely swallow every shovelful of shit the government throws at them.

I protest.
Please don't address marxists/progressives as liberals.
Their agenda goes against all ideals of liberty.
I understand your cultural bias.
I'm just saying, if marxists, communists, progressives, socialists, whatever, are "liberals", then Pepe the Frog is a racist symbol and Milk is a code for white supremacy. Not because of facts, but because someone said so.
Upvote from me.

They are liberals because they want to liberate themselves from responsibility and morality; edit: you could also argue maybe from biology and nature itself (thus "liberate" from more ancient ways of family structures for example).

I dunno why I took me so long to make this comparison but it's basically not so much different from Satanism. And I'm not a Christian or something.

One more upvote.

They're not liberals, I know, but for some reason they like to call themselves that.

Especially in the central, and eastern Europe, there are laws against public displays of sympathy for authoritarian ideologies, namely Soviet communism, and Nazi fascism.
I think it's just a defense measure, to call yourself something else because your beliefs deemed illegal.
I hold Freedom of Speech as the most important human right, because when you censor Nazi, or Communists, they call themselves something else and you end up voting them in. :D

Keep fighting Marxism,
or they will destroy you and your country.
Believe me I know, I'm British.

Oh, I read British press a lot - I know what you're talking about.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.