I wouldn't be surprised at all if this story isn't in the very least being manipulated for the purpose of grabbing the homeschoolers back into the mandatory vaccine trap. Whether the family was abusing their kids or not I certainly can't tell from here, but there is such a mess of outrage and crazy details that I suspect very little of what we are hearing is anything like reality. I just don't trust media reporting at this point and there are so many agendas which can come into play when you mention large homeschooling Christian family...in California!
You're welcome and thanks for reading! I always look forward to your comments and feedback!
It is so crazy that we can't trust the media to report the truth anymore. Crazy and sad. It doesn't line up or make sense...
I know. And what they don't realize is how much we would appreciate if they would act like reporters and just REPORT instead of trying to manipulate all the time. No one likes being manipulated!