First: you need a lawyer ASAP.
Second: this is pretty awful. It's tough enough tearing your hair out about what to do without someone taking your son.
Third: take notes and recordings about everything you can. I f you're in court, turn your phone on to record proceedings.
Fourth: you may want to get and read Deborah Frontiera's book Fighting CPS It might give you some ideas about what's going on and what to do next.
You have a different situation than ones I'm typically aware of, so I don't have advice from experience...but I'm so sorry. And I'm nursing at the keyboard, so this is going to sound a little briefer than usual.
Thank you. I am looking into what i can do about it all. I am definitely trying to find someone who can take this case on not sure about how it all works. I am thankful for this advice and will be looking into the book thank you again for your help. I appreciate it so much.