Right - we have some core philosophy problems that are causing CPS to have the kind of power it has. Problems as a society, anyway, though not necessarily individually.
I can imagine you have some pushback - have you ever seen the Prager University video talking about evil versus insanity? The basic point is that we have a tendency to look at things in terms of sane and insane instead of good and evil so we think if someone isn't insane they can't be evil and if they do something evil they must be insane. But completely sane people can do very evil things. If we let our mindset be evil, it doesn't make us crazy: it makes us evil.
Now there's a popular viewpoint for you...
right... my favorite example is war, a legalized mass murder... how evil is this? How evil are the pro-war lawmakers? Yet most dont even think of standing up against it.
if you are into metaphysics, look for Jarrod Schneider, he can expound on good vs evil is a way that is astounding.