I believe that to stop the corruption of CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES (CPS), all Americans must have a full knowledge of their rights as citizens of the United States and assert their rights..


"No man who is in a position of authority over them is above the law. Those who have been victimized have the real ability to seek civil and criminal punishment against those who use the authority of the state to act outside the law with impunity."

Abuse of a child by the CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES (CPS).

Funded with our hard earned dollars, Child Protection Services (CPS) have taken absolute power with no regard to The Constitution of the United States of America.

American's petitions to our elected representatives at the local, state, and federal levels are ignored, never answered, and therefore, are never resolved. .

This problem affects families in every city, and in every state spanning our entire nation. Violations occur in secret and are, (more often than not) upheld in Family Courts.

The unspeakable acts of Child Protection Services often result in American Parents and children paying the ultimate price, their loss of each other.

CPS is able to steal children simply because American's, for the most part do not understand their rights.


Under The Constitution of the United States of America all Americans have the right to be free from threats, duress, coercion, or intimidation in their dealings with the State

Funded with our hard earned dollars, Child Protection Services (CPS) have taken absolute power with no regard to The Constitution of the United States of America.

American's petitions to our elected representatives at the local, state, and federal levels are ignored, never answered, and therefore, are never resolved. .

This problem affects families in every city, and in every state spanning our entire nation. Violations occur in secret and are, (more often than not) upheld in Family Courts.

The unspeakable acts of Child Protection Services often result in American Parents and children paying the ultimate price, their loss of each other.

CPS is able to steal children simply because American's, for the most part do not understand their rights.

Parents are subjected to threats, duress, and coercion by CPS Workers when they are told they will never see their children unless they confess. Children are also told that until they tell what the worker wants to hear, they will not see their parents.

CPS Workers are banging, (not knocking) on parents doors at 6, 7, 8, 9, even as late as 10 PM.

CPS Workers Harass parents with constant phone calls and making empty promises to do things such as, pay the rent, or get them food, or buy their child a computer if they comply.

If the parents or child does not take the CPS worker up on their empty promises the CPS worker then reverts to threats and more consistent harassment.

Threats, duress, and coercion such as these cause the parents to fear losing their children. In many cases the parents are so terrified they forget their fundamental Constitutional right to Due process. When this happens, their children are taken.


Under the Constitution of the United States of America all Americans have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure

This right is violated when CPS workers and police officers take and/or question children without warrants or evidence that a crime has taken place.

American children are their parents property.

CPS Workers go unannounced into schools where they interview the child away from the parent and without the child having an attorney. This is total disregard to the rights of the parents to be with a child when they are being questioned. Likewise, it is total disregard to the child's right to have a parent or an attorney present during questioning.

CPS Workers do this "private interview" kind of questioning in order to put down on paper, things the child never said. Reasons to tell the judge the children should be taken. The judge typically sides with the CPS worker sighting things such as "they are mandated by the state to tell the truth, so they must be telling the truth." Boom - the judge orders the child into foster care where it is virtually impossible for the parent to get their child back into their own home.

The Right to not be a Witness

Under the 5th Amendment of The Constitution of the United States America - All American's have the right to not be compelled to be a witness against him/herself.

Family courts (under CPS suggestion), regularly order the parent to cooperate with CPS and to sign releases of private medical and psychiatric information. they are told if they do not sign they will lose their children.

By being given this direction through the courts a parents rights to not be a witness against him/herself is directly violated.

Parents have the right to cross-examine witnesses and impeach testimony. Unfortunately, parents are being denied their right to submit evidence to the courts that would be in their favor.


Under the Constitution of the United States of America Parents have the right to not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.

The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children,including medical treatment decisions.

However, parental rights are terminated when the CPS agent removes their child from his/her home. The Parents are then denied the right to be present at interviews and examinations and in many cases are not allowed to speak with their children. Visitations (if granted) are supervised places where children and parents are not allowed to talk about CPS.

Parents are being denied their rights to their own children before due process of law has occurred.

Effectively proven guilty before having had the chance to prove themselves innocent.





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