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RE: 2000 children separated from their parents and relatives

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Please provide documentation of the following statements:

  1. That children are kept in metal cages.

  2. That children are fed only "water and chips" or "bread and water."

  3. That American authorities are "extorting money from families."

  4. That children will be tortured by my nation if not sent home.

Thank you.


In the previous link you can find an interview with the mother of the child who made the request since they did not allow him to see it, nor does he know his whereabouts, he also talks about the conditions where they are being held and the diet they consume.

In this you can find a report about the whole process and the condition of the shelters
The fact of separating a child from his mother is already a psychological aggression. However, what is limited in the publication belongs to the particular case of Mrs. Beata

Here we have a small interview with an immigrant lawyer where she specifies that they do not ask for documents to verify that it is indeed her father, since they claim that they are separated due to the absence of the same.

the photographs of metal cages are popular domain

I am not defending Donald Trump and did not vote for him, but this link makes no mention of being limited to "bread and water" or anything about children in cages:

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I did find these photos of enormous rooms with security wire. Is this what you consider "wire cages?" Maybe we have a language barrier...?

The link above also shows the children being well fed, and far from having "only bread and water."

If you knew me, you would know I have been very critical of my own government about many things, but I do not see evidence of cruelty in these photos. I also do not feel that people who come (or are brought) here illegally should expect luxury beds and luxury meals. I do not eat as well many days as what I see these children eating.

Peace to you, and I pray your personal conditions will improve soon!