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RE: Some due diligence on / Common Law Court No. 1 (Dunblane 11.06.17) for familyprotection and informationwar

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

I've done some reading about common law courts and grand juries in the past. What I can't understand and can't get past -- is how do common law courts and grand juries actually affect true change in today's landscape (in the US)?

The arguments for them and how they are to operate are pretty sound. I get it and on a lot of levels, I want to see them flourish. But at the same time, I realize that I've not seen one -- not one -- affect any lasting change. Today's legal system (the one that sits on top of the common law -- the one with thousands upon thousands of codified statutes that operate under the color of law) -- simply ramrod a person or a group into submission. This of course happens through seizures and freezing of assets, bank accounts, through false arrests and imprisonments, etc.

In all the "groups" I've kept my eye on or been a part of in the past, materials I've explored and purchased -- all say the same thing: It needs critical mass and the support of the Sheriff to be effective.


What do we do in the mean time?


"What do we do in the mean time?"

Be part of the critical mass and openly talk about it with family and friends.