ecoTrain Question Of The Week: Lawful kidnapping by the State (Child Protection, Social Services) is a symptom of a modern day crisis. What are the issues that lay behind the increasing trend of State taking children away from their parents, and .......

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

ecoTrain Question Of The Week: Lawful kidnapping by the State (Child Protection, Social Services) is a symptom of a modern day crisis. What are the issues that lie behind the increasing trend of State taking children away from their parents, and what can be done to prevent abhorrent injustice?

I have to be honest, I don't know much about ecoTrain yet (but will soon 😊). I saw the title and started to write.

OK, I know that some of the readers here might think I completely lost it when I say that the trend we see in regards to Child Protection is something that has been worked on for a long time, consciously and unconsciously. But mostly consciously. The people involved, parents of children in question, people who have the cps finger ready to dial, doctors, nurses, churches, teachers, etc. etc. - in other words: anyone who is in contact with children and their parents each play their own roles in this.
Some do a great job. Others unwillingly or willingly don't - and there are a few that are just horrible at it.
Those few are a few too many.

Child protection during pregnancy

In some countries, like the Netherlands for instance, where abortion is not illegal, things are sometimes taken to the other extreme. Tests are done to see if everything is OK during pregnancy. Usually it is.

But if it's not, like when the outcome shows the possibility of a major disability in the child, it is almost advised to terminate. This puts parents in a position to make an impossible choice: welcome a disabled child or terminate a pregnancy because it could 'possibly be one with a negative outcome.'
When I had my three older children in the Netherlands, I was overwhelmed with the brochures and flyers outlining my options in the case of a negative test outcome. I declined the tests with my two younger children.
The problem here is that some parents could be as overwhelmed by this as I was and more, and make choices that will forever change their lives, while there would be a possibility for them to welcome a child with flaws, but who is at the same time a great gift and would enrich their lives immensely. The doubts are put into their heads by those who otherwise would not hesitate to ring CPS for any other instance.

I mention these examples of child protection before birth because it clearly outlines the power others have over the lives of mother and child, when the power should be with the mother at all times.
Instead of empowering women, nowadays in most developed countries women are broken down to believe that they know nothing about birth, don't know their own bodies and have no say in the matter.
They are turned into birth machines, forced to sit on the side-line of their most important moment in their lives.
Not only does this affect the mother, but also the (un)born child, simply because he or she is connected to the mother until after birth.
These are examples where child protection fails and oversteps boundaries.

Child protection before birth

I think we can all agree that all life is precious, no matter what our stance on abortion is.
It is one of the most controversial and contradicting subjects and I don't believe there is anyone who ever thought that making a choice in this would come easy.
That aside, there are countries where abortion is allowed and others where it's not. And there are places where, in some cases, it is even advised.
In Ireland, it has always been illegal to have an abortion.
Of course, it is not as black and white as that, but in this country, this has cost the lives of mothers.
The too basic rule: "If there's a heartbeat, there is life and therefore it needs protecting" has caused problems that resulted in the death of mothers.

Equally, the decision made by people, other than the mother and her partner, have also resulted in maternal/ infant mortalities.


Savita Halappanavar was a 31 year old woman from India who entered the hospital in Galway, Ireland with complications in her pregnancy at 17 weeks. She never left it alive.

The story: The baby was coming, but at 17 weeks, it was impossible for the child to survive.
Mother begged for a termination because she felt there was something not right.
This was ignored. The pregnancy could not be terminated due to the laws in Ireland at the time: No termination as long as there is a heart-beat. The life of the unborn child, that had no chance of survival, was chosen to be protected even if it would cost the mother's life. And it did.
Turned out, the miscarriage was septic and this was eventually what killed the woman. The woman, who knew her own body better than anyone, knew there was something terribly wrong but was ignored - causing her death.
The doctor in charge is still working, while a man lost his child and wife and has to live with that awful fact.
And not only that, while the mother lost her life, the unborn child has possibly been put through unnecessary suffering by a doctor who knew it better and followed protocol. Where were CPS now?
It's one of those examples where both the medical profession and church/state are involved. When will people see they are all connected?

Child protection during birth

Back in Holland, I used to work with pregnant women. Due to the nature of my business, I developed a lot of close relationships with those women, even if it was only for a few months (I remember every single one and they are all precious). Some women were first time mothers to be, others had older children.
I’ve heard all the stories. Unimaginable stories….
I think it’s time some of their stories are told.

Story Ruby:
Ruby was born in the hospital into the arms of her loving parents. It had been a long and hard labor until eventually the midwife suggested the membranes should be broken. They declined.
The parents wanted a birth as natural as possible, but chose the hospital for safety. Something they later regretted. After a few hours of slow movement, but no danger for either the mother nor child, the midwife had enough and insisted on the breaking of the membranes and the excuse was the hour of the day and ‘if anything were to go wrong, there was no anaesthetist on call’ in the case that they needed one, and ‘their baby could die’. Child protection during birth at it's best...

And also after birth:
Blackmailed into submission, they reluctantly agreed.
After this, a shitstorm of events rolled over to the next and what started as a normal, natural birth process, ended in a brutal birth with forceps in which one doctor handled the medieval instrument (because that is what it is) and another nurse or midwife handled the baby but not with care.
A few days later at home, the mother discovered a bump on the shoulder of her newborn baby.
The nurse-help at home didn’t trust it, sent them to the hospital, where they were awaited by CPS. Less than one week old, the nursing baby was ripped from her mother's arms and both parents were investigated for child abuse.
The babies’ shoulder was broken and they were blamed for causing this injury.
Two weeks went by, when one doctor admitted that there was a chance that the child’s shoulder was broken during birth and the child was returned to her mother.

How did CPS work and fail?

They made assumptions before they gathered any facts. As a result, both the parents and child were put through unnecessary heartache and trauma.
The parents were automatically blamed and the response to that was the ultimate horror story for the family, while the doctor is still working under his license.

It doesn’t seem to be an issue if the abuser is a doctor.
Where were the CPS now?

Child Protection right after birth

If new parents follow the guidelines given by mainstream child health practitioners, there will never be an issue.
But as soon as they question these guidelines or even step out of line, there's trouble.
This can range from refusing Vitamin K injections (in countries where this is common), refusing the heel prick to doubting and refusing to vaccinate their children right after birth.
There are too many countries in the world, where a choice like that is used against the parents and puts them at risk of losing their child.
Choices like these should always be informed choices but what we see too much now is that parents have no chance to get informed or even make a choice without consequences.

Child protection based on life choices

When a mother decides that life without the partner after a child is born is the best choice to make for her family, she is at risk of unnecessary meddling regarding child protection.
In a lot of countries, a break up is a 'no-questions-asked' referral to CPS. In some places all they want to know is if the child is protected and safe, but in all instances it causes unnecessary stress.
The issue people often times fail to see is that most mothers only want what's best for their child and would ring alarm if they thought they needed help. The system implies that these women need help, either way. Something that couldn't be less empowering. Single mothers are broken down and conditioned to believe that not they, but the State knows best.

Being a single parent in general (mother or father) oftentimes raises questions with CPS.
The same issues arise: they are led to believe they are somehow inadequate in raising their children, because they don't live in a 'normal' family setting. Again, the state knows best, the single parents know nothing.

Life choices that are 'different':

  1. The choice to homeschool your children can have serious implications.
    In some countries, like Sweden and Germany, it is even illegal to homeschool your
    Children. If you do, they will take your children. In other countries, it can be easier,
    but in most you will be on their watch list.

  2. Living ‘off-grid’: you grow your own food instead of buying toxic waste in the shops.
    This, and especially in combination with homeschooling, can make you a target.
    CPS is oftentimes overstepping their boundaries in cases like this. Why?
    Because you are different.
    They don’t know enough about you and they don’t often see your children since they aren’t in school.
    You must be a horrible parent.
    Enough reason for CPS to make your life a living hell.

All these examples above, ranging from child protection before birth until child protection based on life choices, have one or a few things in common: in all these cases, third parties are choosing to go behind the backs of the ones that should have the most say in the matter.

It is all done on purpose and it is done to break us down and the family bond.

We’re conditioned to believe that:

birth is dangerous
mother knows nothing about her own birth process
doctors are gods, midwives a good second, nurses third, but all above the mother and her partner.

We are not capable of properly caring for our children. We need the watching eye of CPS to protect our children from ourselves.

We are not part of a community, it is everyone for themselves. The community is a danger to their plan, so division as early as possible is the best way of control (think schools where conditioning is at its finest).
If this kind of indoctrination continues, we will lose all that is important: the family bond.
And it is the most important foundation of all - without it, we as a species fail.

What can be done?

Raising awareness and this needs to be repeated over and over again, until most, if not all people are awakened to the fact that what they thought was truth is no longer so. Question everything. All the time.

Building close communities is essential to stand against injustice done by the state and their CPS helpers. This can be here online, on Steemit, but preferably also in real life.
Safety in numbers…

Teach children the values of community spirit and family at an early age. This way, they will
not easily fall for the traps set out before them. And most of all: teach them to think for themselves. To question, question and question again.

Speak to health and child care professionals and bring up these subjects as often as you can.
Not all are evil, most actually started this kind of job for all the right reasons. Maybe some will have an open mind and
if not right away, then maybe later in a situation that proves your point.
Someone is bound to listen and remember. I spoke to a cps worker once at a conference. She was very open-minded and interested in what I had to say. After speaking to her for half an hour, she told me that she now considered home schooling her child when he came to school age. That's a win! It's possible!

And the most important one of all is this:
Bring power back to us, empower women, men. The man is the life bringer, the woman the life giver.
We have done this for a long time without needing anyone else to tell us how. We are very well capable to do this on our own, and we all need to know and live this. If we do, our children will follow by example and there will be a different world. One with more awareness and no more indoctrination.

Thank you for reading.

Love & Light




There is a solution applied by (the Islamic religion)
It is not to change the nickname of the child after taking it
And criminalizing the act
The child becomes guaranteed of new parents but retains the right to his parents.

interesting. Yes, changing the name is just horrible practice to be honest. And I'm sure it does something to the child's brain.

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @misslasvegas for supporting @familyprotection

Very very nice post @misslasvegas, you can join the ranks of courageous people tackling this question, mooi gedaan hoor.

thank you. That means a lot :) Ik dacht al, Bubke klinkt niet Engels ;)

Ook niet Nederlands maar Vlaams :-)

Dat dacht ik ook al :) Ik woonde in het grensgebied, vlakbij de grens naar Poppel en heb op school gezeten in Belgie, dus die naam klonk al vrij Vlaams in de oren ;)

I can't believe in this day and age we still have to struggle to be trusted as individuals to do the right thing. Stories like this cause me to visualize humanity as glorified cattle. As we evolve, we are afforded fewer and fewer independent choices. Humanity and compassion are being regulated away and instead of becoming enlightened and wise, we are becoming more robotic. It would be one thing if this has proven to be more effective, but it isn't even close. We must be allowed to make mistakes or we have nothing to grow from. I think America's Laws are too restricting, but we have quite a bit more say than what you've described. Thank you for the very informative and detailed information. I prefer learning about other cultures from the people who actually live there, rather than from a textbook.

I don't think in America people have more to say about certain aspects in life. CPS is as bad in the US (and sometimes worse) as a lot of other countries. In certain states the vaccination laws are not what I call having more say. The thing is, is that often times the governments of 'developed' countries offer the illusion of freedom, when nothing could be further from the truth. I'm from Holland, but lived in a few countries. I always heard that Holland was so 'liberal' and started laughing. Liberal yes, in the worst way sometimes, but free? No. Ireland is more free than the Netherlands, but only because here, even the politicians and authority officials are lazy...It's something everywhere. And you're right, it's crazy we have to struggle to be trusted to do the right thing and simply live our lives the way we choose. Division is manipulated. Thank you for reading and the feedback :)

@MissLasVegas... Well written article... AND...

I really like what You just wrote above, in Your reply to @NotConvinced

Have a Good Weekend !!

Cheers !!

Thank you @sacred-agent for the kind words and thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope you're having a great weekend!

You are MOST welcomed...

Keep Up the Great Posts...

Cheers !!

Agreed and no matter where you are on this earth, if you get to experience true freedom, it's always very shortly lived. You are correct that CPS is flawed anywhere a similar program exists.

I forgot to mention my two younger brother's and I were raised by the state for half of our adolescent years. I was 12 when the state assumed custody of me and that relationship would last until I was 24 years old. I was in Juvenile Detention on and off throughout my teenage life. On average it was my residence from 2-6 months periodically while I waited for a new placement in one of their youth programs as they call them. My first was a placement in a foster home. These people were quite messed up. They used the money allotments from the state to be used for me on their kids instead. Psychologically, they treated my awful. I am an Atheist and have been most of my life. They consistently called me a devil, were always screeming at me and even resorted to bringing in a priest to banish the demons I brought into their home, according to their beliefs. It was a psychological nightmare. I was there for 7 months, trying to negotiate with my probation officer a different placement. I was 13 at the time. My grievances were ignored, so after a few more weeks, I ran away. Next I was sent to a Group Home. My brother was also now in state custody, so they placed us together this time. We both ran away that night. My brother went to a different group home and since I was the oldest, as an example to my brother's, I was sent to the Kent County Youth Camp In Kent County, Michigan. This is my place of birth. The Youth Camp was a farming work program. I ran away the first night and lived on the streets for two months. I am now 14 years old. My next placement was of a bit stricter facility. It's called George Junior Republic and was located in Grove City, Pennsylvania. The all boys institution was modelled after Boys Town, Nebraska, which is nationally known. I went on to complete this program after 16 months and was released home. I went on to the adult system next. I turned 18 years old while sitting in jail for a year. I graduated high school 3 months early, by taking the G.E.D. or General Education Test. At the age of 22, I was arrested for possession of Marijuana and was sent to prison for 1 1/2 - 5 years. I was released one year later because of earned good time. I am now about to turn 44 years old and have pretty much kept my nose clean for the last 20 years. I am now getting ready to divest myself about 95% from the system. The rest is summarized well enough in my Steemit Introduction. I would not change a thing I have done. It has made me who I am and I don't have much of a problem with my character. I do however, understand the American "Justice" system well enough. It is brainwashing mixed with negative reinforcement, which many of us know, especially animal trainers, is a failed technique. If we as a species want to grow compassion, corporate style punishment/ judgement systems must become a thing of the past.

WOW! What a story! I'm glad you came out of that as good as you did. Others aren't that lucky and some don't live to tell the tale. The problem with most foster carers is that they are offered an amount of money that would have anyone consider to do the same. I'm not sure what it is in the US, but here in Ireland, foster families get 350 euro per week per child! How many families would be able to improve their way of life with only half that money and would be able to keep their kids because of it. A lot of the children are removed here for financial reasons, now more than ever after numerous families lost everything they had to the banks...And I agree regarding 'brainwashing mixed with negative reinforcement' being a failed technique. I'm glad you mention animal couldn't be a better example. I practice natural horsemanship with our horses and teach the kids the same, I think we could all take an example here when it comes to treating humans in the same respectful manner. And indeed, the system as it is now, needs to be a thing of the past, rather soon...

Great article, great analysis, great suggestions for the solution of all those problems.
And even some involuntary humor sprinkled in:
"the miscarriage was sceptic" 😉

Your Attention to detail and grasp of english spelling and grammar is impressive @likedeeler

Thank you for your kind words and pointing that out to me @likedeeler...I usually read and re-read my posts, but somehow still missed this. I appreciate your feedback.

No worries, we all make mistakes and this one put a smile on my face.
So a good mistake. 😉

Haha, it did look like it was done on purpose for some reason lol. I changed it though, since I don't want this piece to be stuck on the blockchain with a mistake like that.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but it will be stuck on the blockchain forever.
Just that a hightech lowlife like me has now no more access to the original version.
But some tech savvy geek could probably find it if he wanted to.

True @likedeeler, and I don't mind that. Furthermore, it will be in the comments forever anyway ;)

This is a great post @misslasvegas, you have highlighted so much and in doing so brought awareness to the many ways that CPS threatened us and our families. Like you said we need to take our power back so that future generations are more empowered and do not accept any of this CPS deception.

Thank you for your kind words @trucklife-family! And yes, it's time to take the power back and get rid of those in power who have nothing to add to our lives...(probably most of them).

Excellent! Well thought out and written!
I enjoyed reading your take on this situation. Take care!

Thank you @canadian-coconut! That means a lot to me, coming from you. It's a subject close to the heart, so even though it's a tough subject, there is still so much to say about it. Thank you for your ongoing support,
it is very much appreciated.

wow @misslasvegas ! If this post isnt exactly what @canadian-coconut and @markwhittamwere wefe hoping to inspire then I don't know what is.

You have share really valuable information that I know will reach out well past Steemit, and I wholeheartedly agree with your solutions!

We REALLY need to get living in small off-grid communities, pronto!
This image INSPIREs the heck out of me and is my kind of Utopia!

Well thank you @eco-alex! That really means a lot to me. Yes, I agree, small off-grid communities would be ideal. Although I don't believe the big cities will ever disappear, but if you look at some larger cities, they already have smaller communities within them. That's what we need more of too. People really need to come back to forming close communities that act in its best interest. That's why I LOVE the Ubuntu movement. I love the photo above, it would be my kind of place too. I believe it's a design by Vincent Callebaut. His work is truly inspirational and I hope his work will become reality soon. His water lily idea is phenomenal.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you @thethreehugs! That means a lot. 🤗

You are most welcome!

I can't put stock nowadays despite everything we need to battle to be trusted as people to make the best decision. Stories like this reason me to picture humankind as celebrated cattle.....

As we advance, we are managed less and less free decisions. Humankind and sympathy are being directed away and as opposed to getting to be plainly edified and shrewd, we are ending up more automated. It would be a certain something if this has turned out to be more compelling, yet it isn't close by anyone's standards. We should be permitted to commit errors or we don't have anything to develop from.....

I believe America's Laws are excessively limiting, however we have a lot more say than what you've depicted. Much obliged to you for the extremely educational and point by point data. I favor finding out about different societies from the general population who in reality live there, as opposed to from a reading material.

you took the comment by @notconvinced and changed the words a little and then posted it again.
That's not really how you should go about here...

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