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RE: From nightmare to hell - When CPS, judges and doctors team up to destroy lives. Julie’s story part 1

@anouk.nox: Yes, I've been writing about my own experiences here in Ireland, but also about my family in Holland. I've dealt with cps in Holland too, not long before I left (about a year or so) but haven't written anything about that yet. This story is quite personal, because it was one of my best friends and her family and I were very close. They always said that I adopted them :) I was very young and didn't understand how far this system reached. I thought for a long time that they were singled out, but now I know there are so many more...too many. The thing is about Holland, most people will say: But why did you leave Holland, it is such a great country, so liberal. And I always smile about that. Yes, the country seems liberal and it seems like the people are free. But I actually think that it is one of the worst countries. Worse, because people are made to believe they have a lot of freedom, when in reality the opposite is the case. We're all numbers in the big book of control. Just the fact that the headquarters of the Bilderberg group is located in Holland, should say enough. And no, this story does not have a happy ending. It has haunted me for a long time and it still does. But I had it hidden away in a dark corner of my mind, I have barely told anyone about it, only bits and pieces, because I didn't even know where to start. This is the first time I am writing all of it.