Thank you for reporting on this. I have first hand experience with CPS in Arizona. Sign nothing. Consent to nothing. They are all bullshit scare tactics to take your children and do god knows what with them. For the record... I was tossed into the system for showing positive for cannabis in my system. They never succeeded at taking my child. But I did jump through their flaming hoops for 8 months. Meanwhile you have methhead mothers who leave their infant children alone for hours so they can get high. CPS is an absolute embarrassment.
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That sucks that you suffered under their tyranny for the safest plant that can get you high or treat ailments. I'm glad you were able to fend them off and not have to suffer more trauma at their hands :)
Thanks. That was 10 years ago now and it certainly left a mark. But I'm glad to have gone through the experience because of all I've learned by it. We don't have to fear them if we're ahead of them. Be vigilant. Be aware.
"Whatever you think your government is doing, they are doing much worse."
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