CPS was established in 1973 in response to "an epidemic of child abuse." The problem with this legislation is that it is nothing more than a smokescreen. There is, nor has there ever been any epidemic of child abuse in the United States... so let's call a spade a spade. CPS was established to give the government control over families, not to protect children- that historically has been the job of families. The original legislation was pushed by activist lobbying groups such as the Children's Defense Fund and the National Education Association (the teachers union) at the behest of the United Nations- whose goal is hegemony over all the citizens of the world. The philosophy that drives legislation is statism... the belief that the citizen is property of the state, and it goes by many names.
Here's one for yow: Weberism. It was the great sociologist Max Weber that pushed the idea that "rational-legal" methods of control were better than "traditional" or "charismatic." Weber didn't worship bureaucracy - he did note that bureaucracies grow unless they're pruned - but he did leave the impression that such growth was only a problem for the national budget.
As your stories show, there are more serious problems that come with expanding bureaucracies.
Way in the future, historians will puzzle over why we purportedly free people allowed ourselves to be turned into subjects of the State with hardly a fight.
When I was in college I sat and read Essays in Sociology cover to cover. One of my favorite quotes comes from old Max: "Politics naturally engenders a class of people whose sole purpose is the doing of politics."