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RE: Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part IV)

My heart goes out to Anna .. this has to be one of the most gut-wrenching posts I've ever read. Every letter is filled with pain and torment and I honestly feel as though Anna has left a fragment of her soul in each of these posts. The strength that it must have taken to share her story is incredible and I just wish I could somehow make it better and reunite her family. Alas I can't and so all I can do is continue to offer my support and words in the vain hope that it might make some difference. It won't! how could it? how could my mere words ever capture the gravity of this situation? This is evil in it's purest form and it's a stain upon the whole of humanity! I can only hope that 2018 is the year the collective voices of families destroyed by this agenda become a roar for justice. Thank you @canadiancoconut


Yes! Yes!
It shook me as I saw her weeping, describing even more details than she had time to in this post about the ordeal with the police, and how that was the moment that any faith she had in them being there to "protect" was dashed to pieces.

She also mentioned to me afterwards that one of the officers (not the one who slammed her into the car, etc) had written a report after leaving and examining the toddler, that said that this baby was NOT abused as they had expected him to be -- he had no bruises or marks or evidence of abuse!

So it made me wonder if the female officer who handcuffed Anna, bashed her into the car, kicked out her feet from under her and then yanked her back to her feet by her hands cuffed behind her back (putting her shoulder out) -- I wonder if that Officer had been told by the Social Workers that they were going after a woman who was battering her baby. Maybe she thought that she was dealing with a monster, so instead the officer became a monster herself??? I don't know. It's all a guess.

The Police treated her as guilty even though ZERO evidence had been presented to back that assumption. And that is what we must remember -- that they look at us as guilty right from the start. These cops believe anything that these lying, dastardly Social Workers tell them.

You do have to wonder what could possibly have been said to someone to make them act so violently against another. I remember watching a documentary about the battle of the beanfield and hearing the violence perpetrated by the police that day. I thought surely they must have been told terrible things about these people to even bring themselves to do such things. Pregnant women and women with babes in arms were even beaten with truncheons!

I was wondering if you'd heard of Karl Lentz? He had his down syndrome son taken from him because he refused help from social services and fought for 7 years to get him back. He managed it by using common law and specialises now in helping families get their children back from the state. I don't know if he could possibly be a resource for @familyprotection to reach out to.

It's absolutely disgusting that in the supposed "civilised" world (and I use the term civilised very loosely) that these atrocities are allowed to be carried out! It continues because people refuse to believe that it can happen and therefore they refuse to both acknowledge and look into it! It's an unhoy trinity between the police, the law courts and the social workers .. all feeding off and empowering each other. Can there be any worse pain than having your children torn from your arms? It's not something that I would wish upon my worst enemy!! Thank you again for sharing Anna's story and for having the courage of your convictions, little by little things will change and the unity of movements such as @familyprotection will be a driving force behind said change. Thank you again @canadiancoconut