It shocks me to my core how they are allowed to get away with these abuses. For a parent there can be nothing worse in this world than having their children so cruelly ripped away. The world has been flipped on it's head and this is a perfect example! Where is the care in the care system, who are they protecting? themselves? their profits?
Thank you for loading this onto the blockchain, where people can see it, where they can understand the full scale of what is happening. One day things will change and they will change through the words and experiences of people like yourself. Mostly I want to say thank you for speaking out and for every word and every emotion that you so eloquently express. Words with such raw emotion that they will touch even the coldest of hearts. Never think your words are in vain or that they won't make a difference, they do and they will continue to do so more than you may imagine at this moment in time. Much love.