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RE: My First Word of Advice to Homeschooling Parents = Protection!

That's the best advice you could have given. I home schooled my son years ago, but Az was friendly to that back then and I didn't have to register to do it nor use some approved curriculum. Things have changed quite a bit as they have grown much more authoritarian now as they no longer really try to hide they believe they own us.

Being vigilant now is a must for any parents even with their kids in school. Doctors visits, school employees or daycare workers who might disagree with a parent and abuse their authority in some sick, perverse desire for revenge.

I wish your friend success in the homeschooling. Many home schooled children outperform those in the school system and this is probably the one best thing a parent who is intelligent enough can do to prepare their children for success in the world.


I think Indiana is good for homeschooling. We have never had any problems here.

It doesn't make sense why any state would be against homeschooling since it is almost always better than public school.

Thank you for such great feedback! Yes being vigilant parents is definitely a must! We have to be cautious around those professionals you mentioned above.

There is no better teacher than a parent. We know our kids better than anyone and we are well capable of teaching them. There have been many studies to prove your statement true...many homeschool children do outperform those in the school system. I think this is the main reason it’s such a struggle for us to teach at home. They don’t want our children growing up independent and thinking with their own minds. They want to have control over everyone.