Parents are afraid, don't know what's going on or who to ask for help or to answer questions.
This is the part that is so sickening. No one believes (when they are doing the best they can) that the government could declare you an enemy, a bad parent, until parents finds themselves accused, often after the child has been kidnapped. There needs to be a push for awareness. I am thankful for the awareness that Steemit gave to me via family protection, but many will never know until to late. I have been brainstorming for months on how to bring a greater awareness to the public about just how easy it is to be in the cross hairs of those to many think are looking out for our best interests. The best thing I have come up with is to create a funnel to family protection here at Steemit from those who don't even knwo of Steemit. Even if they never join, maybe they will read some of the posts and learn things that every parent needs to know.
Yeah, you can share on Twitter an Facebook marketplaces, medium, etc.