Why They Steal Our Children.
Many are waking up to the idea that our government is on the payroll of some very evil people. People who profit from hooking our families on drugs, sending our family members to prisons and far away lands to kill people, ensuring our children are dumbed down, weakening our health using medicine, food and technology.
One of the sickest practices that they utilize against us, their cattle, is to steal our children from us using whatever methods they need to achieve this goal. You may wonder why they would do such a thing if you are unfamiliar with the evil agency known as CPS. I would counter there are many reasons they do this. The beginning of this money trail begins with the amount of money our government diverts into the foster care system alone. According to FosterFocusMag, the government spends roughly 9 billion dollars annually through the Social Security Act. This does not account for the additional monies spent on medical care, food stamps, cash welfare, and child care payments.
Already we can see a picture forming of the above the table money exchanging hands here. Unfortunately, this is not where it ends. Many are growing aware that many within our government, judicial system and spy/military agencies that there is a vast amount of corruption. Criminal enterprises that account for much of the crimes taking place in our neighborhoods. I think of it as trickle down evil. These practices involving our children would include
Placing them in unfit foster homes where they simply disappear. Some are later found enslaved in the sex industry. Many are never found again.
Those never found again can only be speculated on, but it seems obvious to me the more I go down this rabbit hole that some are being moved across our borders for sex trafficking. Others are being used for sick satanic rituals. And some are being used in the underground organ harvesting enterprise.
Sounds Crazy, Huh?
The demand placed upon those in the CPS organization to reach what is like the traffic ticket quotas police are to fulfill is the aha moment many should be having. The case workers are under pressure to take our children, as evidenced by how many are caught lying against parents to ensure these kids are taken and placed in what statistics show are likely to be a more dangerous environment, the foster care system.
CPS caught lying to take children due to being homeschooled.
Before you try to rationalize this into thinking it was an issue plaguing only Texas, I would submit in my previous writings I pointed out how Arizona had scrapped their CPS and began a new oversite for endangered children. Unfortunately, the same sick people involved are in the new agency and little but the name has changed.
Whistleblower describing exactly what is taking place in the video below. This man spells out many of the evil results of this organization that is stealing our children. He explains the legal theory being practiced that the state owns your children and have authority over you regarding them. In one of the cases he discusses, the father had been accused of sexually touching his child's privates. The child had initially said he was not touched, but then was asked if his father bathed him. His reply was yes, so that was the grounds for the father touching him inappropriately. During the next six months and $200,000.00 later, this child was abused in foster care as the father eventually cleared his name.
I would also point you to this article titled Confessions of a Caseworker. It involves the case workers in Philadelphia, who have one of the highest rates of child removal in the nation. The union for case workers speaks out about the intense pressure placed upon them to take as many kids as they can.
What to do if they target your children.
The first thing you need to be aware of is how your children initially get discovered by them, so that you can be mindful of your conduct. It is a shame that one has to be on guard, but this is the current state of America, despite the false reality your favorite dramas and laugh track shows depict.
Initially you will be discovered by what is called a mandatory reporter. These people are all around you, medical professionals, daycares, school employees, law enforcement. I wrote extensively about them here. The scary part of this is those pulling the strings behind our laws that want your children have woven a vast net to catch you up in them, all hidden behind a false energy of caring. Yet, the many horror stories that anyone can find depict a picture far different than the ones they would have you believe. So when dealing with anyone who qualifies as a mandatory reporter, understand these people will err on the side of your families destruction as the law dictates they must. These people at the top want these children and will not tolerate any on the farm not cooperating. Sadly, they use much misinformation and bullying tactics to coerce people due to the average person’s ignorance and blind trust that the government has the citizen’s best interests as heart.
Make no mistake; the government does believe they own your children. Here is an article from Hawaii this year, about a bill they were trying to ram through against homeschoolers. The argument being that if children were not under public scrutiny of the schools that abuse in the home would be taking place.
I point this out as it is my opinion that one of the most overlooked ways of fighting this is for us to become aware of the laws they continue to pass that rob us just a little more of our rights as free men and women, with sovereignty over ourselves and the care of our children. They will often mask these evil bills with feel good titles, knowing the average citizen is too tired after their day on the work plantation to understand the vast amount of crap they are chaining on us in the congress/senate.
Here is an awesome handbook that cites case law and your rights if they target your child for kidnapping.
This next website is about how you should conduct yourself for the best outcome after they show up at your door initially with the intent of tricking you into giving up your kids to their evil designs.
Last is a website discussing the dirty tactics many of the CPS workers will employ against you. It is important that you read this thoroughly so you will recognize what is going on as they begin implementing this against you. Knowledge is most of the battle here, as they rely on the average citizens ignorance (which is growing daily by the dumbing down of education) being their main ally in stealing these kids.
For more information on real life stories, some within our own community here on Steemit, please follow @familyprotection. They are dedicated to growing awareness of this abomination, as well as supporting those in our community currently the target of these tactics. Please consider aiding this community with your votes and donations. The love that you will find here, the sheer generosity towards those in need at their darkest hour is proof that the Steem blockchain can create a new way of interacting and helping one another for a better community.
There is currently a raffle taking place by one of the many awesome supporters of @familyprotection that involves Steemmonsters and a 1oz silver round being ran by @article61. He is currently undergoing his own tough times, yet despite this his heart and love for the community continues to be a main focus for him. If you find you have a vote or two to spare, please consider giving his blog a peek. Not only can you possibly win his raffle by donating to familyprotection, but we can help him and his daughter out with the power of our votes.
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Great post. I found the dialogue between the judge and that lawyer for the CPS people quite fascinating - pretending you had no idea perjury was against the law. I wish I could put it down to stupidity, but it's just plain evil at work... these case workers actually believe they can do whatever they want and the sad part is they actually can!
That's exactly it. They are so used to getting their way in everything, be it cops aiding in the illegal kidnapping to judges instantly believing their every accusation they are totally unprepared when they encounter any judge who would dare question their honesty and then censure/punish them. Most of the time they are above the law and it takes a parent of strong resolve and knowledge who is willing to be the squeaky wheel while keeping their wits to thwart these liars and their allies in the in-justice system.
Great post! I agree that people should never have their children taken from them. I don't believe all parents are good to their children, but institutional control over the children is unnatural and unreasonable. We all differ in how we discipline and teach and what we want them to think about life, but parents have more right than institutions to tell the children what to believe.
Followed you, hope you follow back.
Just reading this makes me terrified to send my kids back to school. I still haven't registered them even though it starts on Tuesday.
I can imagine you are extremely wary. The one advantage you and your children have though is experience. There is nothing new they can do now as you have all seen their bag of tricks. I am unsure of how much your younger ones understand of what was going on.
I will say though that they did back off, and know that you have been around the block and know the game now. I believe you were correct when you said they read your blog here and saw you were making it public what they were doing and had vast support by others knowledgeable of their tactics. They will understand that after a certain point it will be evident they are harassing you, and there are so many fresh families unaware of their rights, unaware of their game for them to prey on. I suspect they will leave you be now.
Just make sure to keep an open line of communication with those kids (I really cant see there not being one after all the pics you share, like movie night). They prefer families that are already split, or that are weak that they can split. Your family is strong, your extended family here is strong.
Very informative. Yes they are evil and destroying our children and families. They are destroying our tomorrow...the future of the world. It scares me to think what the world will be like in 20 years from now. We need to educate the world and fight this battle for our civilization. Thanks for your part in this effort. As I am listening to one of these videos It is appalling how evil it is. Again thanks.
Yeah, I think we have but a fraction of that time. I never would have imagined things could disintegrate to this level 20 years ago, and things were bad then. I overestimated my neighbors it seems. I am witnessing some waking up though so it gives me something to latch onto for hope.
The unfortunate part about this whole situation is that it has been going on for many many years! At least now millions of people are beginning to wake up!
Thank your for your most informative and well researched article. Time to drain "the rabbit hole!"
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
Now it seems a race to see if enough waking up can stop them as they appear to be in the final stages of their control grid on us. It appears they are still doing a great job of splitting the country against one another to ensure the majority will be against each other and not them.
Well, Trump is still "draining the swamp" and lots of investigations going on. Put obamas and clintons and Soros behind bars where they belong and the rest will go into hiding. The truth is what will set us free! Just keep the faith.
wonderful article, very detailed, thanks for all the good links and references. This is a huge issue.
Thanks for your interest. It is frightening just how much information is available on this, spanning many years. And yet here we are, still in the same place as they continue on stealing kids with lies. They just keep lying and lying, and getting caught.
Quite disturbing to realize you are right. it is seen as a business and the government does feel like they own children
Yes they do, they feel they own all of us.
Great info, great links and shocking testimony. Nieve(CPS 2nd video) is exactly what is wrong with the system. The woman is obviously blinkered to any form of morality or common sense, she couldn't even understand that the CPS do not have an automatic right to be acknowledged. And what can you say about the lady arguing on behalf of the CPS about having the right to lie... With people like her it is much the same as the Nieve, they have read the lies so many times they themselves are completely convinced they are doing the right thing. This stuff really does show thing how they truly are. Wonderful post and great info from yourself along the way.
From a link inside the article it appears that the majority of foster kids are reunited with their families, of the families that are not reunited over 52 thousand were adoptable, since the study doesn't mention the age of these children it wouldn't be out of the whelm of possibilities that the one's who weren't adoptable is because of the detrimental affects of abuse on the child/children from their own parents before interference on behalf of CPS deemed it to late to rehabilitate these kids. As such it wouldn't be a surprise at all to find that, which also closely correlates to the figures released, that it is these un-adoptable children who go on to age out of the system and/or end up in prison and/or dependent on welfare. Meaning for the most part there is a segment of children within the system and more than likely will always be that removal came to late and the damage was done at the hands of the parents and not the system.
That equates to quite a lot of mistakes. But then according to all the other links and videos posted about them knowingly lying, can we really call them mistakes. But in your pro CPS stance that you have made well known here as you intermittently troll some of the families that have been under actual attack here on Steemit, none of that matters in your world if the majority of cases should never have been cases if it saves a few children.
Your world is one myself, and anyone who loves freedom and family would fear. Why should innocent families be targeted be an acceptable price any sane citizen would make for the families who may be destructive to their children? You excuse all bad behavior on the corrupt organization, but then there is much hate in your heart as evidenced by the way you interact with others here, your racist dim views on Native Americans you so proudly spewed forth several times. Did you see the quote I did from the whistle blower video about the father who was lied against saying he touched his childs privates because he had the audacity to prefer his child be bathed. In your world that is a success story, despite the slander to his name, the abuse his child underwent in the foster care system and the 200,000 he had to spend over 6 months righting this lie. But in your world this is a good thing, he got his child returned.
Normally I won't feed the trolls, but you helped me further frame this so people can wake up. I will be ignoring you now, so you can go troll others (like you do the artist whose work you were criticizing, or maybe there is another family in trouble you can harass on here). Really surprised you even commented here since you were telling everyone i am a sock puppet account for @canadian-coconut a few months back as you whined on everyone's posts there was some vast conspiracy against you. My apologies if you find this hard to read due to me using what is called paragraph breaks. I am not the respected blogger you are posting others work here to send them a portion of.
Of course you want to ignore me know because you know I will come back at you with the real truth. The real truth is is that there has been articles posted on FP that were true and verifiable. In any system your are going to find mistakes, abuse and corruption but you will also find many successes. The successes in the CPS system far outweigh the failures but they both make up what the title family protection is all about. You and those on here lambasting the system without recognition of the many successes shows your bias. Yes I came from a foster home environment, it served myself well as a guidance later in life but that does not mean everything was perfect nor does it mean that my siblings and others within the family who experienced foster care went even half way as well. I once gave an example of my sister being a foster parent whose husband had a sexual relationship with their foster daughter after taking in kids who came from a family with a history of sexual abuse. I also have nieces who went into the foster care system, one was adopted and leads a very successful life, the other two ended up homeless drug addicts, one was killed in Arizona a couple of years ago, if the system had listened and taken them sooner it may not have been to late for them...but they were Mulatto, in my opinion they didn't get the same recognition or concern that would have come to a all white counterpart. I would love to share those life stories but I won't because the only one's that will end up being worth my effort are the failures, it's a lifetime's worth of trials and tribulations that go together whether good or bad, I refuse to offer up just the bad side when that wouldn't really be the whole truth it would just serve to tarnish the truth to my life but it would tarnish the truth on the system as a whole.
I have researched any articles on here that I have criticized, unlike people set out to make twenty bucks propagandizing half a truth deserves to be criticized. Like I've said I've read stories that ended up being true, some to which I stated as such. The realities, as much as you don't like it, is that more children die at the hands of their own parents then the system. I just went over this with someone else and gave the statistics. We won't find you listing that among my posted comments because it comes with data to back it up. We all know you've looked through my comments otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to criticized me for comments made that were never made on FP post. I don't need to accuse anyone of a conspiracy because I know first hand you all did. It wasn't me who felt threatened or compelled to look at your stuff to see what you have been posting, once I leave a article here I am done with it except for replies and if I don't like those replies I don't go digging into someone's history to make trouble for them, nor would I ever consider trying to get them banned or accuse them of plagiarizing someone else's content though I had that person's permission. For you to bring it up again proves my point, I guess it just bothers you all to pieces that I was closely interlinked and had been for quite some time on another blog site with those who granted me that permission, I did not take lightly seeking approval before publishing, I've been a high reputation blogger for four years now, all sites have their rules and I follow them, I had no problem getting and verifying the proof to steemcleaners, your accusations against me was unfounded, but that comes as no surprise consider some of the post here.
Last I would like to address your racist comment. After my sisters death I took my nieces from their abusive father as much as I could. They were Mulatto like I mentioned above. If I was a racist don't you think I'd just closed the door on them? Why would I spend hours driving to get them, keep them most the summer, during holiday breaks from school if I was such a racist? Their father was a pip who beat and abused my sister, who had no problems having a sexual relationship with his own sister and sexually abused my nieces? Many, many times he took off with them and I wouldn't hear from them again until someone would call CPS on him in another state, he managed to get his sister to take them and when they weren't looking he'd take off with them again. It wasn't until I was in counseling telling her about it that she intervened and finally got them taken for good...but it was to late, the damage was already done. What kind of racist fights like that? What kind of racist gives two hoots about a couple small mixed girls?
Now onto your triad about Indians. My kids are part Indian, their dad is half Indian. My son has three children by a woman who is half Indian, her father is full blooded Indian. You can take a look for yourself here in a post I did on them.https://steemit.com/animals/@sunlit7/when-not-to-go-to-the-zoo. I probably know way more about Indians then you can ever confess to be. I had dealt extensively with my kids father and his alcoholism. Back when he went to treatment centers for help it was thought that Indians had a genetic predisposition to alcohol, what they are discovering more so, and that would be inclusive of many races, is that the predisposition may be closely mirrored to how people metabolize alcohol and the related genes or lack there of. The studies have not been completed but there are various factors they are looking at, one being one's ethnic makeup in comparison to other ethnic groups and also the influence of socioeconomic factors. This study wouldn't be compelled to look at ethnicity if in some groups alcoholism wasn't more prevalent, like the fact that Indians are five times more likely to die of alcohol related illness then any other group. If they can rule out a medical cause they can start focusing on socioeconomic causes or visa versa. In the mean time that doesn't mean what happened in the past isn't relevant, it doesn't mean that what happened in the past hasn't been met with judicial reforms, nor does it takes away myths or bias towards Indians, what it does mean is until they find some conclusive answers and given the high rate of alcoholism and drug abuse among Indians they will tend to have a higher rate then the normal populace involved in the CPS system. With that said you can call me a bi*ch, a plagiarist or whatever else you want to find to call me but one thing you can't call me is a racist.