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RE: Protecting Children Requires Knowledge

The police are a corporation these days they don't seem interested in the slightest about people & their needs they are just a profit making organization. Sadly the doctors are the same they make more money out of selling pharmaceuticals than giving decent advice & treating people. You are damn right for not trusting either, I wouldn't trust them to give the right time if i asked them let alone trust any drug based treatment that they prescribe. Anti depressants just don't work in my opinion the last thing anyone with mental health issues needs is an upper or a downer. They need good advice on how to deal with the stress their under. Most parents having twins are going to have a tough time any parent with one child knows they are a bind as much as we love them twins give you twice as much to do. A mum coming back home will obviously have a shock to the system & a disruption of her usual routine. Humans are creatures of habit that thrive on routine having it disrupted is enough to stress anyone. New job new school new child is always going to make people nervous & excitable its just a fact of life. The doctor was rude & lacked empathy & the same for the cop I bet neither of them have had twins to deal with in their life let alone be left in charge of parenting them. Glad it worked out well in the end it certainly is handy to know your rights.


To be fair, the doctor just followed protocol... which is rather inhumane but he did not actually involve the authorities. It was the counselor who called in the attack dogs.