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RE: Calling CPS is CHILD ABUSE. Let's work to pass a law!...Seriously....

in #familyprotection6 years ago

Well, well, well what do we have here...another one of your misguided slanted views of CPS along with a dose of a higher than thou attitude that dictates to people how you feel they should be living their lives. Outside of happening to have married a mass murderer, your ex mate remarrying or infidelity involved pregnancy every women should get down on their knees and crawl back like the sniveling coward they were to be bitch slapped some more. I am afraid you've outdone yourself this time, outside your voting trail I don't expect many will be rushing to upvote you as the moral authority of how others should decide to live their lives and agree with you that if they had "just grown up" in the first place they wouldn't be divorced.