Adoption is a chance to become parents and make one or some lonely and lost kids happy.

But not all foster families see adoption in such a way. There're such parents, who just make business on children!

How is it possible?

Now it can be made rather easy in Russia, and moreover - rather profitable. There's good financial support of foster families, and the more kids you take from an orphanage, the more money and benefits you'll get.

It's great and right, BUT this support descriminates native, blood parents very much! The allowance that is got by foster families is much more than is got by native parents with several kids!

For example

foster families who adopt a child with limited abilities get about 2,000$ allowance! Native parents do NOT have such support.

Foster families who adopt 2 kids get about 1,000$ per month!
Native parents do NOT have such support! Their allowance is about 150$ per month!

The foster family gets funds for the purchase of children's furniture.
But CPS can take kids away from native parents if they see lack of necessary furniture or not good living conditions!

The foster family receives a number of other significant benefits: for payment of public utilities, transport, tax deduction, subsidies for the purchase of children's furniture, and the period of life with adoptive kids can even be taken as seniority!!

As for native large families with 3 and more kids, if they do not have the status of the poor, they do not receive state support at all! Moreover, poverty is considered to be a reason for CPS' interference into families, and possible taking away of kids!

Foster families with 3 adoptive kids will get a huge sum of money every month!*

Why don't native parents have such privilege?!

These great sums of money and all these advantages attract not loving parents but hell businessmen! They can leave their jobs, take some kids from an orphanage and have a great life! Of course, kids are left without love and care from a new familiy...

The statistics of one of the regions of Russia:

Out of 13,823 orphans and children left without parental care (or just taken away by CPS!), 12,459 are raised in substitute families!

And if they are happy and well-cared - no problem, but the data show that the most foster families are just business projects, where kids are ill-treated, raped or beaten. And these cases have become loud very rarely, because these foster families ae connected with CPS who don't disturb them any control or checking visits.

"Black market" of adoption now is fully corrupted: for foster families it's easier to pay money for CPS once and then get adoptive kids and receive benefits and allowances for them every month!

Mutual benefit for CPS and foster parents!

As a rule, the cases of ill-treatment become loud only when neighbours start to make claims in order to help and save kids.

I don't mean allowances for foster families should be lower, no, but native parents should have the same or even better support!

And CPS should and must control not only native parents searching for any tiny disadvantages of their current life, but foster families as well! They have taken kids to be a good family for them, and they get enough money from the state for this, so their responsiblity and duty must be extremely serious.

No descrimination for blood parents! Nobody can replace native parents!

And until "the market of children" will not be eliminated, and the native parents will stop be descriminated, adoption for benefits will exist...


Thank-you @taliakerch for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

thank YOU, dear friends!

"And until "the market of children" will not be eliminated, and the native parents will stop be descriminated, adoption for benefits will exist..." thats mostly true propositions👍 thank you..

We should really give importance to family life. One of my friend feels it very seriously because he has problem in his family from his childhood. Nice post.

It just like the system is built to encourage foster homes rather than their real parents . It's suppose to be the other round where the system should encourage parents especially single and young parents to keep their babies rather than dumping them. I just hope this things would be seeing as harm not favour in the near futur

Thanks @taliakech, Child exploitation also occurs in our country. But here, children are used to be beggars and workers with cheap salaries.

successful friends, let's exchange vout by way of mutual visit to our blog each @zuhrafriska

The separation that makes social services to children and their families really is alarming, is something that must stop at least through this social network many people we manifest. But you need more people to report this, we need to join everyone.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.