Dear Steemians and my dear @familyprotection community and its angels Mark and Linda!
You know, that I have already informed you about this family tragedy. Then we've come to a conclusion to wait until the situation with raising funds will become clear.
I was following the situation during all this time and contacted the person who is responsible for help to the family.
The fact is that I hoped the page of this mercy organisation would be unlocked, but it didn't happen still..
Now the situation has become urgent. Too little time is left, that's why I've decided to make this post now to describe the situation in details, and let you make a conclusion if Steemit and FP community can and must help these people or not.
Now the family Fedoseevy from Tatarstan, Kazan, suffer from real tragedies. A great double tragedy.
On the 18th of April the mother of 3 kids was killed..
Three boys of 4 years, 13 years and 16 years have the only native person now - their grandmother, the Mom of that woman. It was a great loss and great pain for all of them. An old woman Tamara Fedoseeva could hardly breath, but she understood she had to live for the sake of her boys!
They all were in deep depression after mother's death, but CPS didn't choose the best time to come and inform that their living conditions were too bad, and boys would be taken to the orphanage if the situation didn't change soon.
They gave them just several months to decide all their problems.
The family has 3-room flat in Kazan, but it really had awful conditions. The fact is that it's not easy for 2 women to grow up 3 kids. The grandmother worked as a seller in the market and earned just 9 usd per day..
The first hope of Tamara was to sell the flat but she can't do it now because 3 minors are registered there. So the only way out is to make apartment repair very fast. But where can she take so huge money?
She tried to solve the problem by herself. She asked officials and bussinessmen of her city to support her family in this tragedy and help kids to live at home. They have lost Mom, and it would be unacceptable to tear them with the last native blood they have in this world...
Not all people have mercy hearts. Tamara didn't get any help from influencial people of her city. That's why in despair she had to ask for help in the mercy organisation of Kazan called "The Soul of Kazan" ruled by Yulia Khakimova.
The organisation was found in 2015.
I've checked and googled the information about it. Many resources really prove its existence. For example here we can see the name of the organisation, its founder, describtion of the activity and the real address.
It's the founder Yulia.
The problem is they dont' have their own website, only a page in the social web VKontatke, the most popular one in Russia. It's a fast and free way of having a definite page for any activity, that's why many organisations choose it.
Now this page is blocked because of technical reasons, but contacting of the administration of the social web and supplying all necessary proovements of their honest activity demands very much time.
The family doesn't have it. Actually, after the visit of CPS has passed about 2 months. Now about 2-3 weeks are left to solve the problems otherwise kids will lose their home forever...
Actually, I've googled much information about her and her organisation, and there're really dozens of cases where their support really saved lives.
For example here is the information that she sold the flat to help an old war veteran.
So after my investigation I was convienced that this organisation isn't just a fake for making frauds, there're too many proofs of their good deeds.
Here are screenshots of our private talk where I try to find out why their page is blocked. Yulia explained that the reason can be in claims of haters. The administration blocks all communities and only then spend some months for investigation whether the claims are reliable.
We had a telephone talk with Yulia as well, she told me the same infortmation in details.
Thanks to the help of this organisation, the situation with this family became loud!
TV-channels spread infortmation about it and made several reports for TV-news.
They gave all information about ways of help to the family.
here is the video
Here is Yulia in the video, so it proves her organisation really is involved in raising funds for Tamara and her boys.
Yulia gave me links to the posts about raising funds from the page before its blocking.
There we can see all contacts and the bank card for transferring funds for help.
in Russian - original text
Страшная трагедия пришла в дом трех маленьких детишек, 4-х, 13-ти и 16-ти лет - 18 апреля трагически погибла их мать. Еще не оправившись от похорон, в двадцатых числах, они узнали, что больше не смогут и проживать со своей бабушкой, которая растила их с пеленок. Страшная новость пришла к ним от органов опеки, которые оповестили бабушку, что оставить детей в квартире с плохими условиями проживания не смогут.
Вместе с бабушкой трое мальчишек пытались начать ремонт в квартире, но собственными силами им не справиться. Счет времени идет на дни, органы опеки пошли на встречу и дали три месяца на то, чтобы бабушка привела квартиру в порядок. Месяц из установленного срока уже прошел. Мальчишки готовы помогать во всем, старший даже решил устроиться на работу, но стройматериалов им самим не купить. Между поминками по матери, они всей семьей обращались за помощью в разные организации, но к сожалению так и не нашли сострадания у бизнесменов, после чего вместе с волонтерами движения "Душа России", были вынуждены обратиться за помощью к людям.
Очень просим Вас откликнуться и помочь ребятишкам с ремонтом квартиры, только так они смогут остаться с родной бабушкой в доме, где родились.
Каждый может помочь с покупкой отделочных материалов и мебели, так же на закупку всего этого можно сделать перевод на волонтерскую карту Сбербанка 5469 6200 1833 8424 с пометкой "Квартира" или на PayPal [email protected]
Всю информацию можно получить по телефону +79872963373 или WhatsApp +79196953181
Then Yulia informed about blocking of their page. She wrote that even having such great problems and obstacles to their activity, she couldn't leave this family alone in their pain and despair, and she would help them till the end.
original text
Сегодня в очередной раз была заблокирована наша волонтерская страница В Контакте за объявленный сбор средств для семьи с тремя детьми. Наши силы уже на исходе, если еще опять заблокируют и нашу группу, сил и нервов на ее восстановление уже нет. И ЭТУ СЕМЬЮ, ЕСТЕСТВЕННО, БРОСИТЬ В ТАКОЙ СИТУАЦИИ МЫ НЕ МОЖЕМ.
Here Yulia informed about first raisinf funds and reported about their use. The first repair actions were held in the flat of the grandmother and her 3 boys!
The conditions of the flat BEFORE the repair can be observed in the video above.
Here is the process of work.
And Yulia's report and thanks words to all people who transfeered money.
(text in Russian)
Спасибо Всем, кто помогает!!!!
В квартире Федосеевых начался подготовительный этап к ремонту, завтра будут делать стяжку, но им по прежнему нужна Ваша помощь!!! Как помочь, можно узнать по телефону +79872963373
Страшная трагедия пришла в дом трех маленьких детишек, 4-х, 13-ти и 16-ти лет - 18 апреля трагически погибла их мать. Еще не оправившись от похорон, в двадцатых числах, они узнали, что больше не смогут и проживать со своей бабушкой, которая растила их с пеленок. Страшная новость пришла к ним от органов опеки, которые оповестили бабушку, что оставить детей в квартире с плохими условиями проживания не смогут.
Вместе с бабушкой трое мальчишек пытались начать ремонт в квартире, но собственными силами им не справиться. Счет времени идет на дни, органы опеки пошли на встречу и дали три месяца на то, чтобы бабушка привела квартиру в порядок. Месяц из установленного срока уже прошел. Мальчишки готовы помогать во всем, старший даже решил устроиться на работу, но стройматериалов им самим не купить. Между поминками по матери, они всей семьей обращались за помощью в разные организации, но к сожалению так и не нашли сострадания у бизнесменов, после чего вместе с волонтерами движения "Душа России", были вынуждены обратиться за помощью к людям.
Очень просим Вас откликнуться и помочь ребятишкам с ремонтом квартиры, только так они смогут остаться с родной бабушкой в доме, где родились.
In 4 days a new report about spending funds (29,000 rub = about 500$).
Yulia wrote that apartment repair was being held nonstop!
New floors. new windows, new wallpapers...
Workers were working from morning till late night, for free, just volunteers!
The last report from Yulia was made 06-03-2018.
She wrote that repair was about to be finished, she thanked all people who did it to save kids!
Here are the photos of the flat:
But the family had one more problem -a debt for utilities.
it's about 300,000 rubles = 5,000$
People already have transferred about 70,000 rubles.
So the family has 2 weeks to cover all debts and be free from CPS threats!
Kids can hardly understand what is going on, they just are afraid to lose their home and Granny.
The youngest boy, who is 4, still doesn't know what has happened with his lovely Mom, and he still waits for her and runs to the door every time he hears somebody's steps...
So, I've shared all information that I have about this case, and let you decide whether we can and we should help these people.
I understand that these people aren't Steemians, and we can't help all people in the world, and I wouldn't tell this story her, if it hadn't been about CPS and a threat of breaking of 4 hearts...
I've decided to transfer all SBD funds from this post (+my own definite sum) to this family because I'll get them telling about their tragedy, so it will be fair in any case.
I'll povide all screenshots and proofs of transferring funds by all means.
So, dear community, I'll accept any of your decision!
Thank you for your responsiveness and interest to this story!
The @familyprotection account has donated 113 SBD and 25 Steem to this family to help them keep CPS away and keep the children with family.
Thank-you to all the wonderful people who donated to @familyprotection this week which made it possible!
Thank-you @taliakerch for organizing this and for caring so much.
Thank you so much, dear community! The contribution is really huge!!
I've got some donations from users as well, and I add the funds from my post and some more money.
I'll sell tokens asap, transfer to the family and make a post-report.
thank you so much!
@markwhittam and I have decided that we will transfer you some funds from the @familyprotection account. We'll let you know the amount just before this post pays out, and you can add it to the funds from this post that you are going to deposit to the bank account for this family in need.
That is wonderful, I am so grateful on behalf of this family! Let's pray that it will be enough to save this family. God bless!
thank you and Mark so much!!
Hi Talia. Let me know the "definite sum" you send, and I'll match it.
thank you for attention to the problem!
I'm going to add about the same as this post has gathered, so about 20sbd
when the payouts for the post will come to me (tomorrow), I'll contact the FB community and transfer funds, then I'll make a post-report with all screenshots of my actions
Great! So if I send you 20sbd, you can add it to the transfer for the family? :)
yes, I can)
After speaking with you in the back ground about this case it's obvious that your heart is in the right place and that you really do care and want to help this family.Great post @taliakerch!
Let's hope that your efforts and a little help from @familyprotection will be enough to get this family back on top.
Thank you so much, Mark! For the support and pleasant words, I really appreciate it!
The contribution of the community will have a great meaning, and it's great we will participate in saving of one more family.
Many people think: "I can't give much money now, I don't have such a possibility, don't have extra money for mysef even, so giving little money has no sense", and they just pass by and ignore such stories.
But the truth is that as a rule not 1 or 2 people decide the problem and give much money, but many different people give little money, and together it's the same or even more than rich people can give.
Power is in unity, and these cases prove it. Many people react and give just a little what they can give, and all together it really can solve many problems.
I hope so)
You have a good heart ! I hope this family will be out of trouble by the help you provide and the support of mark and ca-co from fp.. I have a big bill hanging above my head to get my passport in a few weeks .. because of the dropping steem and sbd prices I cant afford to help donate at this moment, but I will remember to check your posts in a few weeks , if its still neccesary to see if I can by then. Bless you sweetheart!
@taliakerch, Fantastic research! It seems they have made so much effort and are so close to success. @markwhittam does this satisfy your reservations?
Talia, here are two simple ways to improve the article.
Andrew, thank you so much!
You advice really is wise!
I thought to put text in Russian, but then decided just to retell the sense, was afraid the post would be too long, and people wouldn't want to spend time for translations.
But ok, if you say so, I'll do it!
You're welcome, Talia.
Your summaries are good. They keep the context clear and make the post read fast. It gave me the feeling I was running with you to save them. It's an amazing effect, really. You are an good writer.
The Russian text looks different so it can easily be skipped and read later. Cheers.
awesome job helping those who are in need.
Salute! You did very good work. You are an example of a good person. @taliakerth Its good to be good. Being not a steemian did'nt change them to be one of ours, as we are all humans, and we need each other to survive. So, please good people of steemit help those people as they really need it. @aasanka #TrebonjJB #CraigRant
I'm glad to see that these children have someone to give him a hand. thank you and multiply the help for them
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.